DeviceConfigMonitor This monitor tries to retrieve configuration from the network device and shows the status of that retrieval (success, failed, and so on). Monitor Facts Class Name org.opennms.features.deviceconfig.monitors.DeviceConfigMonitor Configuration and Use Table 1. Monitor-specific parameters for the DeviceConfigMonitor Parameter Description Default value Required script-file Script file to use to retrieve configuration. Place script files in the etc/device-config folder. Find example script files in etc/examples/device-config folder with .dcb extension. Overwrite script file name in metadata as dcb:script-file. Don’t include .dcb extension when specifying the file name in metadata. default.dcb username Username for SSH login. Overwrite in metadata as dcb:username. Note that you can use Secure Credentials Vault (SCV) metadata. admin password Password for SSH login. Overwrite in metadata as dcb:password. Note that you can use Secure Credentials Vault (SCV) metadata. admin Optional config-type If device has multiple configurations, specify the config-type with each service. The config-type and service name suffix should match (kebab-case for service name, camelCase for config-type). Overwrite in metadata as dcb:config-type. default ssh-port SSH port for the target device. Overwrite in meatadata as dcb:ssh-port. 22 ssh-timeout SSH maximum timeout after which SSH session will be closed. Overwrite in metadata as dcb:ssh-timeout. 60000 schedule Schedule to fetch configuration, in the form of cron expression. Defaults to never run; overwrite this in metadata with proper cron expression. Overwrite in metadata as dcb:schedule. never retention-period Maximum retention period after which configs without any updates will be deleted from database. Overwrite in metadata as dcb:retention-period. Specified in ISO-8601 period format PnYnMnD and PnW. Defaults to P1Y (1 Year). Example: P20Y2M25D means 20 years, 2 months, and 25 days. P1Y host-key SSH fingerprint of the remote host key. If this is specified, the provided fingerprint will be used to verify the host key of the remote host. The key must be encoded as HASH:BASE64. One can use ssh-keygen -l -f <(ssh-keyscan $TARGET) to find the fingerprints of a remote system. If this is not specified, the host key of the remote host is not checked. unchecked auth-key SSH Private key used to authenticate. This must be specified in PEM format. If unspecified, key authentication is not used. unused shell If specified, this command is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell. Default login shell Schedule and interval The service uses an interval of 300 seconds and a cron expression for the schedule. The monitor checks every 300 seconds (interval) for the next trigger time in the cron schedule. It retrieves the configuration only when the next trigger time matches the current time (current time must be greater than the trigger time). For example, if the monitor checks at 11:59 p.m., but the trigger time is 12:00 a.m., the monitor will retrieve the configuration at the next check interval at 12:04 a.m. CitrixMonitor DhcpMonitor