Health Rest Service Service that allows health rest calls on all available health check components. Currently implemented on Minion by default. Examples: /rest/health /rest/health/probe /rest/health?tag=local /rest/health/probe?tag=local /rest/health/probe?tag=local&tag=dao GETs (Reading Data) Resource Description /health Health check results for components. Include health check result details for each element. /health/probe Health check probe for components. Only indicate if the health is good or not. The following table shows all supported query string parameters and their default values. Name Description Default t Timeout in milliseconds 5000 maxAgeMs Max age to live milliseconds 90000 tag Use tag to filter health check components. A tag could be: * local * rest * broker * telemetry * dao * minion * elastic * bundle '' Requests without parameters will return all available health check components. Response { "healthy": true, "responses": [ { "description": "Verifying installed bundles", "status": "Success" }, { "description": "Verifying Listener NXOS-Listener (org.opennms.netmgt.telemetry.listeners.UdpListener)", "status": "Success" }, { "description": "Verifying Listener JTI-Listener (org.opennms.netmgt.telemetry.listeners.UdpListener)", "status": "Success" }, ... ] } HTTP Error Codes Error Description 404 Rest health feature is not installed, or is installed and stopped. 200 Rest health feature is installed and running. This reponse is independent of the health status. healthy : true status means all components found are healthy. healthy : false status means at least one component didn’t return a healthy status. Heatmap Monitored Services