Poller configuration OpenNMS backs up device configuration through the Device Config Monitor. You may have to configure the TFTP port before OpenNMS can back up device configurations. Configure TFTP Port By default, the TFTP server uses non-privileged port 6969 on both Minion and Horizon. Connect to Karaf shell on Horizon ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost Connect to Karaf shell on Minion ssh -p 8201 admin@localhost Configure TFTP port (Minion/Horizon) config:edit org.opennms.features.deviceconfig.tftp config:property-set port 10069 config:update Some devices (for example, Juniper) may allow TFTP upload on non-default port. For such devices there is no need to change default port. The OpenNMS Horizon core services run as an unprivileged user and can’t bind on port numbers < 1024 without escalated privileges. For this reason, the default port for the TFTP listener is set to port number 6969/udp instead of the IANA registered port number 69/udp. The following example shows how to configure the local firewall daemon to forward port 69/udp to 6969/udp. CentOS/RHEL 7/8 Debian/Ubuntu Enable Masquerade to allow port forwarding sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-masquerade Forward TFTP UDP port 69 to 6969 sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=69/udp sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-port=6969/udp sudo firewall-cmd --permanent --add-forward-port=port=69:proto=udp:toport=6969 sudo systemctl reload firewalld Enable Masquerade to allow port forwarding sudo vi /etc/ufw/before.rules For TFTP forwarding, add the following lines at the top before the *filter section *nat :PREROUTING ACCEPT [0:0] -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 69 -j REDIRECT --to-port 6969 COMMIT Apply the firewall changes sudo ufw allow in 69/udp sudo ufw allow in 6969/udp sudo ufw reload Configure TFTP IP Address The device configuration backup feature allows the retrieval of network device configurations using TFTP. To achieve this, a TFTP server needs to be started on the OpenNMS instance or on a Minion. Normally the IP address to use is determined by picking the interface address that the operating system will use to reach the destination device. In the case of a Dockerized Minion running not in host networking mode, the IP address cannot be automatically determined. In this case, you need to configure the IP Address as below: Connect to Karaf shell on Horizon ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost Connect to Karaf shell on Minion ssh -p 8201 admin@localhost Configure TFTP port (Minion/Horizon) config:edit org.opennms.features.deviceconfig.sshscripting config:property-set tftpServerIPv4Address config:property-set tftpServerIPv6Address ::1 config:update (optional) Enable push-based configuration upload Devices may also push configuration through TFTP manually whenever their configuration changes. This is not enabled by default; you must enable the sink for device configuration. Configure device config sink feature via Karaf shell on Horizon ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost Configure device config sink feature via Karaf shell on Minion ssh -p 8201 admin@localhost Configure opennms-deviceconfig-sink feature (Horizon/Minion) feature:install opennms-deviceconfig-sink To make the device config sink start automatically on future service starts, add the line opennms-deviceconfig-sink to the file $\{OPENNMS/MINION_HOME}/etc/featuresBoot.d/device-config.boot. (Create the file if it does not exist.) To make the device config sink start now, log in to the Karaf shell and run the following command to load the feature: feature:install opennms-deviceconfig-sink Events associated with device config backup Pollerd can generate the following events in Horizon for device config backup. Event name Description uei.opennms.org/deviceconfig/configBackupStarted Config backup started on a given service during the last poll on a given interface. uei.opennms.org/deviceconfig/configBackupFailed Failed to back up config associated with a given service during the last poll on a given interface. uei.opennms.org/deviceconfig/configBackupSucceeded Config backup succeeded on a given service during the last poll on a given interface. Additional Parameters controlProtocol - The name of the control-plane protocol OpenNMS uses to initiate the backup ("cron", "REST"). dataProtocol - The name of the data-plane protocol by which OpenNMS received the backup contents ("TFTP"). eventReason - If the backup failed, contains a short description of the issue. Back up device configuration on demand You can manually back up devices from the OpenNMS UI under Info>Device Configs. You can also use the REST API to trigger device configuration retrieval outside of a monitor schedule. (See Device Config Rest API.) Poller thread pool adjustments Device configuration backup shares resources with Poller, particularly poller threads. If too many backups are running in parallel that take too long, Poller may not have sufficient threads to schedule other monitors. As a rough estimate, start with the number of devices you expect will ever be simultaneously backed up and multiply by the time (in minutes). Increase the existing thread pool size by the resulting value. For example, with 50 devices and each backup running for 1 minute, you should increase pool size by 50. Changes to the poller thread pool size take effect the next time OpenNMS is restarted. Trigger/retrieve device config from Karaf shell You can also use the Karaf shell to manually trigger and retrieve a device configuration backup for test purposes. ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost Once in the shell, you can print show the commands help as follows: Get Device Config Backup from a specific Interface admin@opennms()> opennms:dcb-get --help DESCRIPTION opennms:dcb-get Get device config from a specific Interface SYNTAX opennms:dcb-get [options] host ARGUMENTS host Hostname or IP Address of the system to poll (required) OPTIONS -l, --location Location (defaults to Default) --help Display this help message -t, --timeout Timeout for device config retrieval in msec (defaults to 60000) -s, --service Device Config Service (defaults to DeviceConfig) -e, --encoding Encoding format (defaults to UTF-8) -p, --persist Whether to persist config or not Trigger device config backup from a specific Interface admin@opennms()> opennms:dcb-trigger --help DESCRIPTION opennms:dcb-trigger Trigger device config backup from a specific Interface SYNTAX opennms:dcb-trigger [options] host ARGUMENTS host Hostname or IP Address of the system to poll (required) OPTIONS -l, --location Location (defaults to Default) --help Display this help message -s, --service Device Config Service (defaults to DeviceConfig) -p, --persist Whether to persist config or not Above karaf commands won’t persist config by default, use -p option to persist config in Horizon Database. Configure Backup Script Create Requisition for Device Configuration Backup