XmlCollector The XmlCollector collects and extracts metrics from XML and JSON documents. Configuration and use Class Name org.opennms.protocols.xml.collector.XmlCollector Package core Supported on Minion Yes (see limitations) Configuration Files $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/xml-datacollection-config.xml $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/xml-datacollection.d/*.xml Limitations on Minion The following handlers are not currently supported on Minion: DefaultJsonCollectionHandler Sftp3gppXmlCollectionHandler Sftp3gppVTDXmlCollectionHandler Configuration and use Table 1. Collector-specific parameters for the XmlCollector Parameter Description Default Required collection The name of the XML Collection to use. n/a Optional handler-class Class that performs the collection. org.opennms.protocols.xml.collector.DefaultXmlCollectionHandler The available handlers include: org.opennms.protocols.xml.collector.DefaultXmlCollectionHandler org.opennms.protocols.xml.collector.Sftp3gppXmlCollectionHandler org.opennms.protocols.xml.vtdxml.DefaultVTDXmlCollectionHandler org.opennms.protocols.xml.vtdxml.Sftp3gppVTDXmlCollectionHandler org.opennms.protocols.json.collector.DefaultJsonCollectionHandler org.opennms.protocols.http.collector.HttpCollectionHandler Caveats The org.opennms.protocols.json.collector.DefaultJsonCollectionHandler requires the fetched document to be a single element of type object to make xpath query work. If the root element is an array, it will be wrapped in an object accessible as /elements. XML collection configuration Understanding resource types helps when editing collector-specific configuration files. XML Collections are defined in etc/xml-datacollection-config.xml and etc/xml-datacollection/. This snippet provides a collection definition named xml-opennms-nodes: <xml-collection name="xml-opennms-nodes"> <rrd step="300"> <rra>RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:1:2016</rra> <rra>RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:12:1488</rra> <rra>RRA:AVERAGE:0.5:288:366</rra> <rra>RRA:MAX:0.5:288:366</rra> <rra>RRA:MIN:0.5:288:366</rra> </rrd> <xml-source url="http://admin:admin@{ipaddr}:8980/opennms/rest/nodes"> <request method="GET"> <parameter name="use-system-proxy" value="true"/> </request> <import-groups>xml-datacollection/opennms-nodes.xml</import-groups> </xml-source> </xml-collection> The request element can have the following optional child elements: Parameter Description Default timeout The connection and socket timeout in milliseconds. n/a retries How often to repeat the request in case of an error. 0 disable-ssl-verification Do not attempt to verify the name on the SSL certificate against the xml-source URL attribute. false use-system-proxy Should the system-wide proxy settings be used? Configure the system proxy settings via system properties. false The referenced opennms-nodes.xml file contains: <xml-groups> <xml-group name="nodes" resource-type="node" resource-xpath="/nodes"> <xml-object name="totalCount" type="GAUGE" xpath="@totalCount"/> </xml-group> </xml-groups> HTTP headers If the endpoint being collected requires additional headers, you can add them as part of the <request> object. <xml-source url="https://{nodelabel}/api/path/to/endpoint"> <request method="GET"> <header name="Authorization" value="Bearer static_token_here" /> <header name="X-Api-Key" value="api-key-here" /> </request> <import-groups>xml-datacollection/file.xml</import-groups> </xml-source> Test XML collection via Karaf With the configuration in place, you can test it using the collect command available in the Karaf Shell: opennms:collect -n 1 org.opennms.protocols.xml.collector.XmlCollector collection=xml-opennms-nodes Mapping values Sometimes data is represented as string values. These values are normally not persisted as time-series data; this means changes are not visible over time. To circumvent this, we allow mappings defined between input values and values to be persisted. Let’s assume we have the following data input: <records> <record> <input>aaa</input> <read>123</read> </record> <record> <input>bbb</input> <read>456</read> </record> <record> <input>ccc</input> <read>789</read> </record> </records> The following group configuration allows you to persist the input values as integer values over time: <xml-group name="xml-mapping" resource-type="input" resource-xpath="/records/record" key-xpath="input"> <xml-object name="input" type="GAUGE" xpath="input"> (1) <xml-mapping from="aaa" to="10" /> (2) <xml-mapping from="bbb" to="20" /> <xml-mapping to="1000" /> (3) </xml-object> <xml-object name="read" type="GAUGE" xpath="read" /> </xml-group> 1 The data-type is altered in the xml-object element from STRING to GAUGE. 2 In this example we associate aaa to 10 and bbb to 20. 3 Define a default value by omitting the from attribute in a xml-mapping definition. In this example ccc will be associated with the default value of 1000. WsManCollector XmpCollector