Advanced Alarm Search Often users wish to query the alarm list with more customizations to narrow down the search. The Horizon alarm list page has a button to filter your searches based on different criteria. Choose from the following search criteria: Alarm Text Contains Performs a substring filter on both the log message and the description. To negate this search, prefix the input text with !. This returns results that do not contain the provided input text. TCP/IP Address Like Performs an IPLIKE on the provided IP Address to filter the results. To negate this search, prefix the input text with !. This returns results that do not satisfy the IPLIKE function. Node Label Contains Performs a substring filter on the node label. To negate this search, prefix the input text with !. This returns results that do not contain the provided input text. Severity Filter the alarms list based on the alarm severity. This is a multi-select checkbox. Select the severities you wish to filter by. By default they are unselected, which returns all alarms. Selecting one or multiple severities restricts your search results to those selected. Service Filter the alarms list based on the alarm service. This is a multi-select checkbox. Select the services you wish to filter by. By default they are unselected, which returns all alarms. Selecting one or multiple services restricts your search results to those selected. Alarm type Select this dropdown to include only alarms, only situations, or both. Category Filter the alarms list based on the nodes category. To negate this search, toggle the Negate Category checkbox. This returns results that do not match the set category. Filter for Alarms After First Event Select the timestamp to show alarms after the time of the alarm’s first event. Filter for Alarms Before First Event Select the timestamp to show the alarms before the time of the alarm’s first event. Filter for Alarms After Last Event Select the timestamp to show the alarms after the time of the alarm’s last event. Filter for Alarms Before Last Event Select the timestamp to show the alarms before the time of the alarm’s last event. Alarm History IFTTT Integration