Device Config Rest API Use the Device Config Rest API to fetch existing configurations and trigger retrieval of the device configs. If not otherwise specified, the Content-Type of the request and response is application/json. Resource Method Description /device-config GET Retrieves all the configurations, sorted by lastUpdated. This API also supports following query params: limit, offset, orderBy order, deviceName, ipAddress, configType, createdAfter, createdBefore. /device-config/{id} GET Retrieves the configuration for the specific ID (database ID). /device-config/interface/{id} GET Retrieves all the configurations for the specific interface. /device-config/latest GET Retrieves the latest configuration for all the devices. This API supports the following query parameters: limit, offset, orderBy, order, search, status. /device-config/download?id=\{id1, id2} GET Download the configurations with the given ID or IDs. /device-config/backup POST Trigger backup for a given interface and location. Examples: Trigger device configuration backup curl -u admin:admin -d '[{"ipAddress":"","location":"Default","serviceName":"DeviceConfig-default", "blocking": false}]' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8980/opennms/rest/device-config/backup -v Config Management Flow API