BgpSessionMonitor This monitor checks if a BGP session to a peering partner (peer-ip) is functional. The monitor uses the RFC1269 SNMP MIB to monitor the BGP-Session, and uses the following OIDs to test the session status: BGP_PEER_STATE_OID = .<peer-ip> BGP_PEER_ADMIN_STATE_OID = .<peer-ip> BGP_PEER_REMOTEAS_OID = .<peer-ip> BGP_PEER_LAST_ERROR_OID = .<peer-ip> BGP_PEER_FSM_EST_TIME_OID = .<peer-ip> The <peer-ip> is the far end IP address of the BGP session end point. An SNMP GET request for BGP_PEER_STATE_OID returns a result between 1 and 6. The service states for Horizon are mapped as follows: Result State description Monitor state in Horizon 1 Idle DOWN 2 Connect DOWN 3 Active DOWN 4 OpenSent DOWN 5 OpenConfirm DOWN 6 Established UP Monitor facts Class Name org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.BgpSessionMonitor See RFC1771 BGP Finite State Machine for more information on how we defined the mapping. Configuration and use Table 1. Required monitor-specific parameter for the BgpSessionMonitor Parameter Description Default bgpPeerIp IP address of the far end BGP peer session n/a bgpBaseOid Default base OID for the table that represents the BGP sessions. . bgpPeerStateOid OID suffix for the table that represents the BGP-peer states. bgpBaseOid.3.1.2 bgpPeerAdminStateOid OID suffix for the table that represents the BGP-peer admin states. bgpBaseOid.3.1.3 bgpPeerRemoteAsOid OID suffix for the table that represents the BGP-peer remote AS number. bgpBaseOid.3.1.9 bgpPeerLastErrorOid OID suffix for the table that represents the BGP-peer last error code. bgpBaseOid.3.1.14 bgpPeerFsmEstTimeOid OID suffix for the table that represents the BGP-peer established time. bgpBaseOid.3.1.16 This monitor implements the Common Configuration Parameters. Examples To monitor the session state Established, add a service to your poller configuration in $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/poller-configuration.xml. For example: <!-- Example configuration poller-configuration.xml --> <service name="BGP-Peer-" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on"> <parameter key="retry" value="2" /> <parameter key="timeout" value="3000" /> <parameter key="port" value="161" /> <parameter key="bgpPeerIp" value="" /> </service> <monitor service="BGP-Peer-" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.BgpSessionMonitor" /> Error code mapping The BGP_PEER_LAST_ERROR_OID gives an error in hex code. The error codes returned are listed in the table below. Error code Error Message 0100 Message Header Error 0101 Message Header Error - Connection Not Synchronized 0102 Message Header Error - Bad Message Length 0103 Message Header Error - Bad Message Type 0200 OPEN Message Error 0201 OPEN Message Error - Unsupported Version Number 0202 OPEN Message Error - Bad Peer AS 0203 OPEN Message Error - Bad BGP Identifier 0204 OPEN Message Error - Unsupported Optional Parameter 0205 OPEN Message Error (deprecated) 0206 OPEN Message Error - Unacceptable Hold Time 0300 UPDATE Message Error 0301 UPDATE Message Error - Malformed Attribute List 0302 UPDATE Message Error - Unrecognized Well-known Attribute 0303 UPDATE Message Error - Missing Well-known Attribute 0304 UPDATE Message Error - Attribute Flags Error 0305 UPDATE Message Error - Attribute Length Error 0306 UPDATE Message Error - Invalid ORIGIN Attribute 0307 UPDATE Message Error (deprecated) 0308 UPDATE Message Error - Invalid NEXT_HOP Attribute 0309 UPDATE Message Error - Optional Attribute Error 030A UPDATE Message Error - Invalid Network Field 030B UPDATE Message Error - Malformed AS_PATH 0400 Hold Timer Expired 0500 Finite State Machine Error 0600 Cease 0601 Cease - Maximum Number of Prefixes Reached 0602 Cease - Administrative Shutdown 0603 Cease - Peer De-configured 0604 Cease - Administrative Reset 0605 Cease - Connection Rejected 0606 Cease - Other Configuration Change 0607 Cease - Connection Collision Resolution 0608 Cease - Out of Resources The error message text will be displayed in the service down log message. The log message also provides the following additional information: BGP-Peer Adminstate BGP-Peer Remote AS BGP-Peer established time in seconds Debugging If you cannot detect or monitor the BGP session, use the following command to check that the device is providing BGP data via SNMP. snmpwalk -v 2c -c <myCommunity> <myRouter2Monitor> . Replace with your BGP-Peer IP. The result should be an integer between 1 and 6. AvailabilityMonitor BSFMonitor