Housekeeping Tasks There are a number of housekeeping tasks you may want to do regularly to ensure optimum system performance. We also recommend you complete some of these housekeeping tasks before upgrading Horizon. Prior to upgrading Prune unneeded events Use vacuumd or cron to regularly prune unneeded events. This helps to clean up your events table, and reduces the amount of data in your backups. We also recommend doing this before you begin the Horizon upgrade process. For example, run the following to delete events older than six weeks that have no associated outages: --# this deletes any events that are not associated with outages DELETE FROM events WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT svclosteventid FROM outages WHERE svclosteventid = events.eventid UNION SELECT svcregainedeventid FROM outages WHERE svcregainedeventid = events.eventid UNION SELECT eventid FROM notifications WHERE eventid = events.eventid) AND eventtime < now() - interval '6 weeks'; After Upgrading Delete cache folder Run the Fix Karaf script to delete cached items so that your system is cleaned up. We recommend doing this after an upgrade. This script tries to fix Karaf configuration problems by pruning opt/opennms/data and restoring all Karaf-related configuration files to a pristine state. Back up /opt/opennms/etc before running the script. /opt/opennms/bin/ View Log Files Secure Credentials Vault