Geographical Maps OpenNMS includes a geographical map which can show nodes with address asset information on a world map, including dynamic alarm status. The geographical map is located in the Maps menu or by going to the page of a node that has an address and/or longitude/latitude defined in its asset fields, and following the View in Geographical Map link. Markers and clusters The geographical map displays each node that has an associated longitude and latitude in the database. If a node does not have coordinates recorded, update the requisition to include address asset fields and verify the geocoder service is configured and enabled. The geographical map automatically clusters nodes into groups if they are close together. A marker with a number in it indicates a cluster and the number of nodes in it. Hover over a cluster to show the contents of the nodes it contains. Click on a marker to show the summary of the nodes it contains. Status A node’s marker displays as the color associated with the most severe alarm for that node. A cluster’s marker displays as the color of the highest severity of the nodes the marker contains. Severity Map Pin Normal Warning Minor Major Critical Flows Troubleshooting Map Search