Collectd Administration This section describes reference and administrative information associated with the Collectd service. Table 1. Configuration and log files related to Collectd File Description $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/collectd-configuration.xml Configuration file for global Collectd daemon and collectors configuration. (See Configuring Collectd.) $OPENNMS_HOME/logs/collectd.log Log file for all collectors and the global Collectd daemon. $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/ RRD graph definitions to render performance data measurements in the UI. $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/ Directory with RRD graph definitions for devices and applications to render performance data measurements in the UI. $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/events/ Event definitions for Horizon system events, including Collectd. $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/resource-types.d Directory to store generic resource type definitions. (See Resource Types.) Value Mapping Property Extender Shell Commands