Secure Credentials Vault

Secure Credentials Vault (SCV) lets you encrypt credentials the Horizon system uses. SCV uses a Java KeyStore (JKS) to store credentials in JKS format. SCV is enabled by default on OpenNMS.

Configuring SCV password

 Use the System property `org.opennms.features.scv.jceks.key` to configure the SCV password.
Keystore file is stored in `${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc` as `scv.jce`.

Storing credentials in SCV

SCV entries are identified by an alias. For each alias, you can store username, password, and a set of key-value pair attributes. To access or add credentials, navigate to UI Preview>Secure Credentials Vault.

Accessing SCV entries

Access SCV entries from metadata with context scv.

For example: ${scv:juniper-vm:username} This metadata expression can access the username from the juniper-vm alias.

For example: ${scv:juniper-vm:password} This metadata expression can access the password from the juniper-vm alias.

For ex: ${scv:juniper-vm:user1} This metadata expression can access the user1 property from the juniper-vm alias.

Karaf commands

You can update and access SCV entries from the Karaf shell.

ssh -p 8101 admin@localhost

Once in the shell, you can set credentials from the scv-set command as follows:

Set SCV entries
admin@opennms()> scv-set --help

	Sets and securely store the credentials for the given alias.

        opennms:scv-set alias username password

                Alias used to retrieve the credentials.
                Username to store.
                Password to store.

You can also access SCV entries from the scv-get command as follows:

Get SCV entries
admin@opennms()> scv-get --help

	Retrieves the username and attributes for the given alias.

        opennms:scv-get alias

                Alias used to retrieve the credentials.