Pollerd Configuration

Table 1. Configuration and log files related to Pollerd.
File Description


Configuration file for monitors and global daemon configuration


Log file for all monitors and the global Pollerd


RRD graph definitions for service response time measurements


Event definitions for Pollerd, i.e. nodeLostService, interfaceDown or nodeDown

To change the behavior for service monitoring, the poller-configuration.xml can be modified. The configuration file is structured in the following parts:

  • Global daemon config: Define the size of the used Thread Pool to run Service Monitors in parallel. Define and configure the Critical Service for Node Event Correlation.

  • Polling packages: Package to allow grouping of configuration parameters for Service Monitors.

  • Downtime Model: Configure the behavior of Pollerd to run tests in case of an Outage is detected.

  • Monitor service association: Based on the name of the service, the implementation for application or network management protocols are assigned.

Global configuration parameters for Pollerd
<poller-configuration threads="30" (1)
                      pathOutageEnabled="false" (2)
                      serviceUnresponsiveEnabled="false"> (3)
1 Size of the Thread Pool to run Service Monitors in parallel.
2 Enable or Disable Path Outage functionality based on a Critical Node in a network path.
3 In case of unresponsive service services a serviceUnresponsive event is generated and not an outage. This prevents the application of the Downtime Model in retesting the service after 30 seconds to help prevent false alarms.

Configuration changes are applied by restarting OpenNMS and Pollerd. It is also possible to send an Event to Pollerd reloading the configuration. An Event can be sent on the CLI or the Web User Interface.

Send configuration reload event on CLI
cd $\{OPENNMS_HOME}/bin
./send-event.pl uei.opennms.org/internal/reloadDaemonConfig --parm 'daemonName Pollerd'
04 send event WebUI
Figure 1. Send configuration reload event with the Web User Interface

Metadata DSL

The Metadata DSL(domain specific language) lets you use dynamic configuration in parameter values to interpolate metadata into the parameter.

The syntax lets you use patterns in an expression, whereby the metadata is replaced with a corresponding value during the collection process.

During evaluation of an expression, the following scopes are available:

  • Node metadata

  • Interface metadata

  • Service metadata