
The WsManCollector collects peformance metrics using the Web Services-Management (WS-Management) protocol.

Web Services-Management (WS-Management) is a DMTF open standard defining a SOAP-based protocol for the management of servers, devices, applications and various Web services. Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the Microsoft implementation of WS-Management Protocol.

Collector Facts

Class Name




Supported on Minion


Collector Parameters

Use these parameters in the collectd-configuration.xml file.

Table 1. Collector-specific parameters for the WsManCollector
Parameter Description Required Default value


The name of the WS-Man Collection to use.


WS-Management Setup

Before setting up Horizon to communicate with a WS-Management agent, you should confirm that it is properly configured and reachable from the Horizon system. If you need help enabling the WS-Management agent, consult the documentation from the manufacturer. Here are some resources that could help:

We suggest using the Openwsman command line client to validate authentication and connectivity. Packages are available for most distributions under wsmancli.

For example:

wsman identify -h localhost -P 5985 -u wsman -p secret

Once validated, add the agent-specific details to the Horizon configuration, defined in the next section.

Troubleshooting and Commands

For troubleshooting there is a set of commands you can use in Powershell verified on Microsoft Windows Server 2012.

Enable WinRM in PowerShell
Set up Firewall for WinRM over HTTP
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM-HTTP" dir=in localport=5985 protocol=TCP action=allow
Set up Firewall for WinRM over HTTPS
netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="WinRM-HTTPS" dir=in localport=5986 protocol=TCP action=allow
Test WinRM on local Windows Server
winrm id
Show WinRM configuration on Windows Server
winrm get winrm/config
Show listener for configuration on Windows Server
winrm e winrm/config/listener
Test connectivity from a Linux system
nc -z -w1 <windows-server-ip-or-host> 5985;echo $?
Use BasicAuthentication just with WinRM over HTTPS with verifiable certificates in production environment.
Enable BasicAuthentication
winrm set winrm/config/client/auth '@{Basic="true"}'
winrm set winrm/config/service/auth '@{Basic="true"}'
winrm set winrm/config/service '@{AllowUnencrypted="true"}'

WS-Management Agent Configuration

Understanding resource types helps when editing collector-specific configuration files.

The agent-specific configuration details are maintained in etc/wsman-config.xml. This file has a similar structure as etc/snmp-config.xml, which the reader may already be familiar with.

This file is consulted when a connection to a WS-Man Agent is made. If the IP address of the agent is matched by the range, specific or ip-match elements of a definition, then the attributes on that definition are used to connect to the agent. Otherwise, the attributes on the outer wsman-config definition are used.

This etc/wsman-config.xml files automatically reload when modified.

Here is an example with several definitions:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsman-config retry="3" timeout="1500" ssl="true" strict-ssl="false" path="/wsman">
    <definition ssl="true" strict-ssl="false" path="/wsman" username="root" password="calvin" product-vendor="Dell" product-version="iDRAC 6">
        <range begin="" end=""/>
    <definition ssl="false" port="5985" path="/wsman" username="Administrator" password="P@ssword">
Table 2. Collector configuration attributes
Attribute Description Default


HTTP Connection and response timeout in milliseconds.

HTTP client default


Number of retries on connection failure.



Username for basic authentication.



Password used for basic authentication.



HTTP/S port

Default for protocol


Maximum number of elements to retrieve in a single request.

no limit


Enable SSL



Enforce SSL certificate verification.



Path in the URL to the WS-Management service.



Used to overwrite the detected product vendor.



Used to overwrite the detected product version.



Enables GSS authentication. When enabled a reverse lookup is performed on the target IP address in order to determine the canonical host name.


If you try to connect against Microsoft Windows Server make sure to set specific ports for WinRM connections. By default Microsoft Windows Server uses port TCP/5985 for plain text and port TCP/5986 for SSL connections.

WS-Management Collection Configuration

Configuration for the WS-Management collector is stored in etc/wsman-datacollection-config.xml and etc/wsman-datacollection.d/*.xml.

The contents of these files are automatically merged and reloaded when changed. The default WS-Management collection looks as follows:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wsman-datacollection-config rrd-repository="${install.share.dir}/rrd/snmp/">
    <collection name="default">
        <rrd step="300">

             Include all of the available system definitions

The magic happens with the <include-all-system-definitions/> element which automatically includes all of the system definitions into the collection group.

If required, you can include a specific system-definition with <include-system-definition>sys-def-name</include-system-definition>.

System definitions and related groups can be defined in the root etc/wsman-datacollection-config.xml file, but it is preferred that be added to a device specific configuration files in etc/wsman-datacollection-config.d/*.xml.

Avoid modifying any of the distribution configuration files and create new ones to store you specific details instead.

Here is an example configuration file for a Dell iDRAC:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <group name="drac-system"
        <attrib name="OtherIdentifyingInfo" index-of="#IdentifyingDescriptions matches '.*ServiceTag'" alias="serviceTag" type="String"/>

    <group name="drac-power-supply"
           filter="select InputVoltage,InstanceID,PrimaryStatus,SerialNumber,TotalOutputPower from DCIM_PowerSupplyView where DetailedState != 'Absent'"
        <attrib name="InputVoltage" alias="inputVoltage" type="Gauge"/>
        <attrib name="InstanceID" alias="instanceId" type="String"/>
        <attrib name="PrimaryStatus" alias="primaryStatus" type="Gauge"/>
        <attrib name="SerialNumber" alias="serialNumber" type="String"/>
        <attrib name="TotalOutputPower" alias="totalOutputPower" type="Gauge"/>

    <system-definition name="Dell iDRAC (All Version)">
        <rule>#productVendor matches '^Dell.*' and #productVersion matches '.*iDRAC.*'</rule>

System Definitions

Rules in the system definition are written using SpEL expressions.

The expression has access to the following variables in its evaluation context:

Name Type









If a particular agent is matched by any of the rules, then the collector will attempt to collect the referenced groups from the agent.

Group Definitions

Groups are retrieved by issuing an Enumerate command against a particular Resource URI and parsing the results. The Enumerate commands can include an optional filter in order to filter the records and attributes that are returned.

When configuring a filter, you must also specify the dialect.

The resource type used by the group must of be of type node or a generic resource type. Interface level resources are not supported.

When using a generic resource type, the IndexStorageStrategy cannot be used since records have no implicit index. Instead, you must use an alternative such as the SiblingColumnStorageStrategy.

If a record includes a multi-valued key, you can collect the value at a specific index with an index-of expression. This is best demonstrated with an example. Let`s assume we wanted to collect the ServiceTag from the following record:


Specifying, the attribute name OtherIdentifyingInfo would not be sufficient, since there are multiple values for that key. Instead, we want to retrieve the value for the OtherIdentifyingInfo key at the same index where IdentifyingDescriptions is set to DCIM:ServiceTag.

This can be achieved using the following attribute definition:

<attrib name="OtherIdentifyingInfo" index-of="#IdentifyingDescriptions matches '.*ServiceTag'" alias="serviceTag" type="String"/>

Special Attributes

A group can contain the placeholder attribute ElementCount that, during collection, will be populated with the total number of results returned for that group. This can be used to threshold on the number results returned by an enumeration.

    <group name="Event-1234"
           filter="select * from Win32_NTLogEvent where LogFile = 'Some-Application-Specific-Logfile/Operational' AND EventCode = '1234'"
        <attrib name="##ElementCount##" alias="elementCount" type="Gauge"/>