Business Service Monitoring

Every aspect of the Business Service Monitoring feature can be controlled via a ReST API. The API’s endpoint for managing business services is located at /opennms/api/v2/business-services. It supports XML content to represent the business services. The schema file describing the API model is located in ${OPENNMS_HOME}/share/xsds/business-service-dto.xsd. The responses generated by the REST API do also include location elements that contain references to other entities managed by the API. The Business Service response data model for the ReST API has the following basic structure:

Sample Business Service details response XML representation
  <name>Datacenter North</name>
Sample Business Service creation request XML representation
  <name>Datacenter North</name>

The whole model is defined in jetty-webapps/opennms/WEB-INF/lib/*.jar, which can be used as a dependency for a Java program to query the API.

GETs (Reading Data)

Resource Description


Provides a brief list of all defined Business services.


Returns the business service identified by id included the current operational state.


Returns the edge of the business service identified by edgeId.


Provides a list of supported map function definitions


Returns the definition of the map function identified by name.


Provides a list of supported reduce function definitions.


Returns the definition of the reduce function identified by name.

PUTs (Modifying Data)

Resource Description


Modifies an existing business service identified by id.

POSTs (Adding Data)

Resource Description


Creates a new business service.


Adds an edge of type IP service to the business service identified by id.


Adds an edge of type reduction key to the business service identified by id.


Adds an edge of type business service to the business service identified by id.


Reload the configuration of the business service daemon.

DELETEs (Removing Data)

Resource Description


Deletes the business service identified by id.


Removes an edge with the identifier edgeId from the business service identified by id.