Daemons The Horizon service is composed of several daemon "sub-services" that each perform a specific set of tasks. They can be enabled/disabled via ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/service-configuration.xml. See the system administration section for details on sending daemon reload commands. List of daemons Name Description Ackd Acknowledge daemon is responsible for alarm acknowledgment. Actiond Generates Java actions based on events received. Alarmd Alarm daemon handles the alarm workflows. AsteriskGateway Communicates with an Asterisk server for VOIP notification. Bsmd Business Service Monitoring Collectd Collect daemon is responsible for collecting data from nodes. Correlator Associate multiple, related events. Discovery The Discovery daemon provides network discovery functions to scan once or regularly for nodes that should be added into the OpenNMS database. EnhancedLinkd Enhanced link daemon (Enlinkd) discovers connections between nodes using data generated by various link discovery protocols and accessible via SNMP. EventTranslator The Event Translator (ET) can transform and enhance the data from OpenNMS events that other daemons generate. Eventd Receives and writes event information. JettyServer The Jetty server provides the Horizon web user interface. KarafStartupMonitor Manager Notifd Notification daemon can send notifications to other systems based on event UEIs. PassiveStatusd PerspectivePoller Pollerd Poller daemon is responsible for the service availability monitoring. Provisiond The provision daemon handles the node import and service detection processes. Queued Reportd Report daemon generates reports. Rtcd The Real Time Console daemon handles uptime percentage calculations. Scriptd Scriptd allows the user to configure Bean Shell script to run in response to events. SnmpPoller Checks SNMP interface admin status. Separate from Pollerd’s SnmpMonitor. Statsd Syslogd A syslog daemon that allows retrieval and parsing of syslog messages to generate events. Telemetryd The Telemetry daemon collects sensor data sent from nodes to Horizon. TestLoadLibraries Ticketer The ticketing integration lets Horizon create trouble tickets in external systems. Tl1d Enables reception of TL1 autonomous messages. Trapd Trap daemon provides an SNMP server that accepts SNMP traps that can be converted to events. Vacuumd Vacuum daemon takes care of cleaning processes in the PostgreSQL database. WS-MAN WQL Alarmd