Heatmap Use the heatmap either to display unacknowledged alarms or to display ongoing outages of nodes. You can apply each of these visualizations to categories, foreign sources, or node services. The sizing of an entity is calculated by counting the services inside the entity. Thus, a node with fewer services will appear in a smaller box than a node with more services. The feature is by default deactivated and is configured through opennms.properties. Figure 1. Heatmap visualizations of alarms Table 1. Heatmap dashboard configuration properties Name Description Type Default org.opennms.heatmap.defaultMode There are two options for using the heatmap: alarms and outages. This option configures which are displayed per default. String alarms org.opennms.heatmap.defaultHeatmap Defines which heatmap is displayed by default. Valid options are categories, foreignSources, and monitoredServices. String categories org.opennms.heatmap.categoryFilter Filter for categories to be displayed in the heatmap. This option uses the Java regular expression syntax. The default is .* so all categories will be displayed. String .* org.opennms.heatmap.foreignSourceFilter Filter for foreign sources to be displayed in the heatmap. This option uses the Java regular expression syntax. The default is .* so all foreign sources will be displayed. String .* org.opennms.heatmap.serviceFilter Filter for services to be displayed in the heatmap. This option uses the Java regular expression syntax. The default is .* so all services will be displayed. String .* org.opennms.heatmap.onlyUnacknowledged Configures whether only unacknowledged alarms will be taken into account when generating the alarm-based version of the heatmap. Boolean false org.opennms.web.console.centerUrl You can also place the heatmap on the landing page by setting this option to /heatmap/heatmap-box.jsp. String /surveillance-box.jsp You can use negative lookahead expressions for excluding categories you wish not to be displayed in the heatmap, for example, by using an expression like ^(?!XY).* you can filter out entities with names starting with XY. Grafana Dashboard Box Search