WsManMonitor Use this monitor to issue a WS-Man GET command and validate the results using a SPEL expression. Monitor facts Class Name org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.WsManMonitor Configuration and use Table 1. Monitor-specific parameters for the WsManMonitor Parameter Description Default Required resource-uri Resource URI n/a rule {} SPEL expression applied against the result of the GET. n/a Optional selector. Used to filter the result set. All selectors must prefixed with selector. (None) {} indicates the parameter supports placeholder substitution. This monitor implements the Common Configuration Parameters. Examples The following monitor will issue a GET against the configured resource and verify that the correct service tag is returned: <service name="WsMan-ServiceTag-Check" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on"> <parameter key="resource-uri" value=""/> <parameter key="selector.CreationClassName" value="DCIM_ComputerSystem"/> <parameter key="selector.Name" value="srv:system"/> <parameter key="rule" value="#IdentifyingDescriptions matches '.*ServiceTag' and #OtherIdentifyingInfo matches 'C7BBBP1'"/> </service> <monitor service="WsMan-ServiceTag-Check" class-name="org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.WsManMonitor/> WmiMonitor XmpMonitor