Minion Docker Startup arguments Argument Description -h Display help with available arguments. -c Start Minion and use environment credentials to register Minion on Horizon. -s One-time command to initialize an encrypted keystore file with credentials in /keystore/scv.jce. -f Initialize and start Minion in foreground. Environment variables Table 1. Generic Minion settings Environment variable Description Required Default value MINION_ID Unique Minion identifier optional generated UUID MINION_LOCATION Name of the location associated with the Minion required – Table 2. Settings when using ActiveMQ Environment variable Description Required Default value OPENNMS_HTTP_USER User name for the REST API optional admin OPENNMS_HTTP_PASS Password for the REST API optional admin OPENNMS_BROKER_URL ActiveMQ broker URL required – OPENNMS_BROKER_USER Username for ActiveMQ authentication optional admin OPENNMS_BROKER_PASS Password for ActiveMQ authentication optional admin Settings when using Apache Kafka If you want to use Apache Kafka the environment variable names are converted with a prefix convention: Prefix KAFKA_RPC_ will be written to org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.cfg Prefix KAFKA_SINK_ will be written to org.opennms.core.ipc.sink.kafka.cfg Everything behind will be converted to lower case and _ is replaced with . As an example: environment: - KAFKA_RPC_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=, This creates the file org.opennms.core.ipc.rpc.kafka.cfg with the content: bootstrap.servers=, Directory conventions Mountpoint Description /opt/minion-etc-overlay Lets you overwrite files relative to /opt/minion/etc /keystore Directory with credentials for encrypted keystore file Core Docker Configuring Minion via confd