Monitored Services

Obtain or modify the status of a set of monitored services based on a given search criteria, based on nodes, IP interfaces, categories, or monitored services itself.


  • /ifservices?node.label=onms-prd-01

  • /ifservices?ipInterface.ipAddress=

  • /ifservices?

  • /ifservices?status=A

GETs (Reading Data)

Resource Description


Get all configured monitored services for the given search criteria.


Get the forced unmanaged services for the nodes that belong to the requisition named "Servers":

curl -u admin:admin "http://localhost:8980/opennms/rest/ifservices?status=F&node.foreignSource=Servers"

PUTs (Modifying Data)

Resource Description


Update all configured monitored services for the given search criteria.


Mark the ICMP and HTTP services to be forced unmanaged for the nodes that belong to the category Production:

curl -u admin:admin -X PUT "status=F&services=ICMP,HTTP" "http://localhost:8980/opennms/rest/ifservices?"