Develop Documentation

This section provides guidelines for people who wish to contribute to writing documentation for the OpenNMS project. The OpenNMS software is free and open source, contribution of any kind is welcome. We ask that you observe the rules and guidelines outlined here to maintain consistency across the project.

Each (sub)project is represented as a section of the documentation. Each section will produce a HTML output in the file system that is generated in the target/generated sources folder.

The chosen file format for documentation is AsciiDoc (Asciidoc Homepage). Document files use the .adoc file extension.

Note that there are different ways to contribute documentation, each suitable for the different use cases:

  • Tutorials and How To’s should be published in our knowledge base. For example: you want to describe how to use the Net-SNMP agent and the SNMP monitor from OpenNMS to solve a special use case with OpenNMS.

  • The documentation in the source code should be formal technical documentation. The writing style should be accurate and concise. However, ensure that you explain concepts in detail and do not make omissions.

File Structure in opennms-doc

Directory Contents


module with the guide for administrators configuring, optimizing and running OpenNMS


module with the guide for those who want to develop OpenNMS


module with the guide of how to install OpenNMS on different operating systems


module with the changelog and release notes