Interface KeyValueStore<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - the type this store puts/gets
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    BlobStore, JsonStore
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    AbstractAsyncKeyValueStore, AbstractKeyValueStore, AbstractPostgresKeyValueStore, CassandraBlobStore, InMemoryMapBlobStore, NoOpBlobStore, NoOpJsonStore, PostgresBlobStore, PostgresJsonStore

    public interface KeyValueStore<T>
    Abstract representation of a simple key-value store.

    Any synchronous calls to this API that fail exceptionally will throw a RuntimeException wrapping the original exception.

    Asynchronous calls to this API that fail exceptionally will return their future completed exceptionally with the original exception.

    It is up to the client to handle failures (in the form of unchecked exceptions) resulting from calls to this interface. This is particularly important in the case of asynchronous calls as the backing implementation may be overwhelmed depending on the rate in which case the user must implement their own retry logic to handle the futures that have completed exceptionally (in any case where it is not safe to ignore them).

    • Method Detail

      • put

        long put​(String key,
                 T value,
                 String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        the timestamp the value was persisted with
      • put

        long put​(String key,
                 T value,
                 String context,
                 Integer ttlInSeconds)
        Put a value with a suggested time-to-live after which the value should be expired and removed from the store.

        Records are expired on a best effort basis and depending on the implementation it is possible to get an expired record.

        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        ttlInSeconds - the time to live in seconds for this key or no ttl if null
        the timestamp the value was persisted with
      • get

        Optional<T> get​(String key,
                        String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        an optional containing the value if present or empty if the key did not exist
      • getIfStale

        Optional<Optional<T>> getIfStale​(String key,
                                         String context,
                                         long timestamp)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        timestamp - the timestamp of the last known state such that if an record with a more recent timestamp is found the provided timestamp will be considered stale and the new record will be returned
        an optional that will be empty if the key was not found or will contain another optional that will be empty if not stale or contain the value if stale
      • getLastUpdated

        OptionalLong getLastUpdated​(String key,
                                    String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        an optional containing the timestamp the key's value was last updated or empty if the key did not exist
      • enumerateContext

        Map<String,​T> enumerateContext​(String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        a map of all the records matching the given context where the map's key is the record's key and the map's value is the records value
      • delete

        void delete​(String key,
                    String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
      • truncateContext

        void truncateContext​(String context)
        Remove all records for a given context.
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
      • putAsync

        CompletableFuture<Long> putAsync​(String key,
                                         T value,
                                         String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        a future containing the timestamp the value was persisted with
      • putAsync

        CompletableFuture<Long> putAsync​(String key,
                                         T value,
                                         String context,
                                         Integer ttlInSeconds)
        Put a value with a suggested time-to-live after which the value should be expired and removed from the store.

        Records are expired on a best effort basis and depending on the implementation it is possible to get an expired record.

        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        ttlInSeconds - the time to live in seconds for this key or no ttl if null
        a future containing the timestamp the value was persisted with
      • getAsync

        CompletableFuture<Optional<T>> getAsync​(String key,
                                                String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        a future containing an optional of the value if present or empty if the key did not exist
      • getIfStaleAsync

        CompletableFuture<Optional<Optional<T>>> getIfStaleAsync​(String key,
                                                                 String context,
                                                                 long timestamp)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        timestamp - the timestamp of the last known state such that if an record with a more recent timestamp is found the provided timestamp will be considered stale and the new record will be returned
        a future containing an optional that will be empty if the key was not found or will contain another optional that will be empty if not stale or contain the value if stale
      • getLastUpdatedAsync

        CompletableFuture<OptionalLong> getLastUpdatedAsync​(String key,
                                                            String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        a future containing an optional of the the timestamp the key's value was last updated or empty if the key did not exist
      • getName

        String getName()
        the name of the backing implementation
      • enumerateContextAsync

        CompletableFuture<Map<String,​T>> enumerateContextAsync​(String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        a future containing a map of all the records matching the given context where the map's key is the record's key and the map's value is the records value
      • deleteAsync

        CompletableFuture<Void> deleteAsync​(String key,
                                            String context)
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)
        a future that is completed when the delete has finished
      • truncateContextAsync

        CompletableFuture<Void> truncateContextAsync​(String context)
        Remove all records for a given context.
        context - a context used to differentiate between keys with the same name (forms a compound key)