Acknowledgements the default offset is 0, the default limit is 10 results. To get all results, use limit=0 as a parameter on the URL (i.e., GET /acks?limit=0). GETs (Reading Data) Resource Description /acks Get a list of acknowledgements. /acks/count Get the number of acknowledgements. (Returns plaintext, rather than XML or JSON.) /acks/{id} Get the acknowledgement specified by the given ID. POSTs (Setting Data) Resource Description /acks Creates or modifies an acknowledgement for the given alarm ID or notification ID. To affect an alarm, set an alarmId< parameter in the URL-encoded POST body. To affect a notification, set notifyId instead. An action parameter is also required, and may be one of ack, unack, clear, or esc (escalate). Use examples with curl Acknowledge notification #3 curl -u 'admin:admin' -X POST -d notifId=3 -d action=ack http://localhost:8980/opennms/rest/acks Escalate alarm #42 curl -u 'admin:admin' -X POST -d alarmId=42 -d action=esc http://localhost:8980/opennms/rest/acks Currently Implemented Interfaces Alarm Statistics