Interface GraphContainer

    • Method Detail

      • setMetaTopologyId

        void setMetaTopologyId​(java.lang.String metaTopologyId)
      • getMetaTopologyId

        java.lang.String getMetaTopologyId()
      • addCriteria

        void addCriteria​(Criteria criteria)
      • removeCriteria

        void removeCriteria​(Criteria criteria)
      • clearCriteria

        void clearCriteria()
      • selectTopologyProvider

        void selectTopologyProvider​(GraphProvider graphProvider,
                                    GraphContainer.Callback... callbacks)
        Selects the specified GraphProvider.
        graphProvider - the provider to select.
        callbacks - callbacks to invoke after the provider has been selected (e.g. apply semantic zoom level, etc)
      • setSelectionManager

        void setSelectionManager​(SelectionManager selectionManager)
      • getGraph

        Graph getGraph()
      • hasAutoRefreshSupport

        boolean hasAutoRefreshSupport()
      • getVertexRefForest

        java.util.Collection<VertexRef> getVertexRefForest​(java.util.Collection<VertexRef> vertexRefs)
      • setSelectedNamespace

        void setSelectedNamespace​(java.lang.String namespace)
      • getScaleProperty<java.lang.Double> getScaleProperty()
      • getSessionId

        java.lang.String getSessionId()
      • setDirty

        void setDirty​(boolean dirty)
      • fireGraphChanged

        void fireGraphChanged()
      • findCriteria

        <T extends Criteria> java.util.Set<T> findCriteria​(java.lang.Class<T> criteriaType)
        Allows queriing the GraphContainer for specific types of criteria.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The criteria class.
        criteriaType - The type to look for. May not be null.
        All criteria assigned to this GraphContainer which are of the same type (or a sub type) of criteriaType.
      • findSingleCriteria

        <T extends Criteria> T findSingleCriteria​(java.lang.Class<T> criteriaType)
        Does the same as findCriteria(Class), but only returns one Criteria. If multiple criteria for the same type are found, the first one is returned. No exception is thrown in that case.
        Type Parameters:
        T - The criteria class.
        criteriaType - The type to look for.
        The first found criteria, or null if none is found.
      • setIconManager

        void setIconManager​(IconManager iconManager)
      • saveLayout

        void saveLayout()