On-Call Role

Each on-call role includes a user designated as a supervisor, who receives notifications when no one is on duty to receive Horizon notifications. The supervisor must have admin privileges.

Assigning a Group to an On-Call Role

Before assigning a group to an on-call role, you must create a group.

  1. Log in as a user with administrative permissions.

  2. Click the gear icon in the top right.

  3. Choose Configure OpenNMS → Configure Users, Groups and On-Call roles and select Configure On-Call Roles.

  4. Click Add New On-Call Role and specify a name, supervisor, group and description.

  5. Click Save.

  6. In the calendar, click the plus (+) icon on the day for which you want to create a schedule.

  7. Specify the user, date, and time the user should be on call and click Save:

    on call schedule

  8. Repeat for other days and users.

  9. Click Done to apply the changes.