Class SnmpPduBulk

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.lang.Cloneable, SnmpSyntax

    public class SnmpPduBulk
    extends SnmpPduPacket
    This class defines the SNMPv2 GetBulk request sent from the management platform to the agent. The Get Bulk request is designed to minimize the number of message exchanges to get a large amount of information. The Get Bulk works in the same way as multiple Get Next requests would work. It returns a set of lexicograpical successors that are selected. For more information on the use of a GetBulk request see [Stallings99] page 378-383.
    Brian Weaver
    • Constructor Detail

      • SnmpPduBulk

        public SnmpPduBulk()
        Constructs a default get bulk request.
      • SnmpPduBulk

        public SnmpPduBulk​(SnmpPduBulk second)
        Constructs a duplicate get bulk request that is an identical copy of the passed object.
        second - The object to copy.
      • SnmpPduBulk

        public SnmpPduBulk​(int nonRepeaters,
                           int maxRepititions,
                           SnmpVarBind[] vars)
        Constructs a get bulk request with the specified variables, non-repeaters, and maximum repititions.
        nonRepeaters - The number of non-repeating variables
        maxRepititions - The number of "repeating" variables to get
        vars - The SNMP variables
    • Method Detail

      • getNonRepeaters

        public int getNonRepeaters()
        Returns the number of non-repeating elements
        The non-repeating value
      • setNonRepeaters

        public void setNonRepeaters​(int nonreps)
        Sets the number of non-repeating elements in this PDU.
        nonreps - The number of non-repeaters
      • getMaxRepititions

        public int getMaxRepititions()
        Used to retreive the number of reptitions to get for the repeating variables.
        The number of maximum reptitions.
      • setMaxRepititions

        public void setMaxRepititions​(int maxreps)
        Used to set the number of maximum repititions to be collected by the PDU.
        maxreps - The maximum number of repititions
      • duplicate

        public SnmpSyntax duplicate()
        Creates a new duplicate object of self that shares no references with the original PDU.
        Specified by:
        duplicate in interface SnmpSyntax
        Specified by:
        duplicate in class SnmpPduPacket
        A newly created copy of self.
      • clone

        public java.lang.Object clone()
        Creates a new duplicate object of self that shares no references with the original PDU.
        Specified by:
        clone in class SnmpPduPacket
        A newly created copy of self.