Interface ServiceLocator

    • Method Detail

      • findSingleService

        <T> T findSingleService​(Class<T> clazz,
                                java.util.function.Predicate<T> postFilter,
                                String bundleContextFilter)
        Finds a service registered with the OSGI Service Registry of type clazz. If a bundleContextFilter is provided, it is used to query for the service, e.g. "(operation.label=My Label*)". In addition each clazz of type T found in the OSGI Service Registry must afterwards pass the provided postFilter. If multiple services are found, only the first one is returned.
        A object of type clazz or null.
      • findServices

        <T> List<T> findServices​(Class<T> clazz,
                                 String query)
        Find services of class clazz registered in the OSGI Service Registry. The optional filter criteria query is used.
        All found services registered in the OSGI Service Registry of type clazz.