Interface SshScriptingService

    • Method Detail

      • execute

        SshScriptingService.Result execute​(String script,
                                           String user,
                                           String password,
                                           String authKey,
                                           SocketAddress target,
                                           String hostKeyFingerprint,
                                           String shell,
                                           Map<String,​String> vars,
                                           java.time.Duration timeout)
        Executes the given script and optionally returns a failure.

        script - contains statements separated by new lines
        user - the ssh user
        password - the ssh user's password
        authKey - the private ssh key
        target - the ssh target to connect to
        hostKeyFingerprint - host key fingerprint to accept from the target system
        shell - optional shell to spawn on connection
        vars - variables that can be referenced in the script; variables are referenced by "${varname}" expressions
        timeout - used when establishing the ssh interaction and for await statements