Class JniPingResponse

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Response, ResponseWithId<JniPingRequestId>, EchoPacket

    public final class JniPingResponse
    extends Object
    implements ResponseWithId<JniPingRequestId>, EchoPacket

    This class is use to encapsulate an ICMP reply that conforms to the packetclass. The reply must be of type ICMP Echo Reply and be the correct length.

    When constructed by the create method the returned reply encapsulates the sender's address and the received packet as final, non-mutable values for the instance.

    • Constructor Detail

      • JniPingResponse

        public JniPingResponse​(InetAddress addr,
                               org.opennms.protocols.icmp.ICMPEchoPacket pkt)
        Constructs a new reply with the passed address and packet as the contents of the reply.
        addr - The address of the ICMP sender.
        pkt - The received packet.