Class FutureUtils

  • public class FutureUtils
    extends Object
    Provides utility functions for creating and combining completion stages.

    In general, completable futures do not interrupt ongoing executions when cancelled (cf. CompletableFuture.cancel(boolean)). This class provides utility methods for creating completion stages that cancel ongoing computations in case of timeouts. Depending on the supplied executor service these cancellations will cause the interruption of ongoing executions.

    Note: Do not use a ForkJoinTask when construction these completion stages because ForkJoinTask.cancel(boolean) does not interrupt ongoing executions.

    Other utility methods allow to collect the results of lists of completion stages into single list valued completion stage.

    • Constructor Detail

      • FutureUtils

        public FutureUtils()
    • Method Detail

      • completionStageWithDefaultOnTimeout

        public static <T> CompletionStage<T> completionStageWithDefaultOnTimeout​(Callable<T> callable,
                                                                                 java.time.Duration timeout,
                                                                                 java.util.function.Supplier<T> defaultValue,
                                                                                 ExecutorService executorService)
        Returns a completion stage that is guaranteed to complete.

        It completes with the value returned by the given callable or the supplied default value in case of a timeout. In case the invocation of the callable throws an exception it completes exceptionally.

        Note: The execution of the given callable is cancelled on timeout.

        executorService - The executor service for executing the callable.
      • completionStageWithTimeoutException

        public static <T,​EX extends ThrowableCompletionStage<T> completionStageWithTimeoutException​(Callable<T> callable,
                                                                                                            java.time.Duration timeout,
                                                                                                            java.util.function.Supplier<EX> timeoutException,
                                                                                                            ExecutorService executorService)
        Returns a completion stage that is guaranteed to complete.

        It completes with the value returned by the given callable. In case of a timeout or in case that the invocation of the callable throws an exception is completes exceptionally.

        Note: The execution of the given callable is cancelled on timeout.

        executorService - The executor service for executing the callable.
      • completionStage

        public static <T> CompletionStage<T> completionStage​(Callable<T> callable,
                                                             java.time.Duration timeout,
                                                             java.util.function.Consumer<CompletableFuture<T>> onTimeout,
                                                             ExecutorService executorService)
        Returns a completion stage that is guaranteed to complete.

        It completes with the value returned by the given callable. In case the invocation of the callable throws an exception it completes exceptionally. In case of a timeout the given callback must complete the completable future either with a value or exceptionally.

        Note: The execution of the given callable is cancelled on timeout.

        executorService - The executor service for executing the callable.
      • completionStage

        public static <T> CompletionStage<T> completionStage​(FutureUtils.Completer<T> completer,
                                                             java.time.Duration timeout,
                                                             java.util.function.Consumer<CompletableFuture<T>> onTimeout,
                                                             ExecutorService executorService)
        Returns a completion stage that is guaranteed to complete.

        The future is completed by the given completer. In case the invocation of the completer throws an exception it completes exceptionally. In case of a timeout the given callback must complete the completable future either with a value or exceptionally.

        Note: The execution of the given callable is cancelled on timeout.

        executorService - The executor service for executing the completer.
      • sequence

        public static <T> CompletionStage<List<T>> sequence​(List<CompletionStage<T>> cfs)
        Collects the results of the futures into a list. The order of results in the list corresponds to the order of the given futures.
      • traverse

        public static <U,​V> CompletionStage<List<V>> traverse​(List<U> us,
                                                                    java.util.function.Function<U,​CompletionStage<V>> func)
        Converts a list of values into futures and collects their results. The order of the results in the list corresponds to the order of the given values.

        All futures are created initially in order to start their execution in parallel.