Package org.opennms.netmgt.flows.api
Interface Summary Interface Description Converter<P> EnrichedFlowForwarder Flow FlowQueryService Used to query statistics and time series derived from flow data.FlowRepository Primary interface used to persist flows.NodeInfo -
Class Summary Class Description BytesInOut Helper class for working with bytes in/out.Conversation Conversation.Builder ConversationKey Contains all of the fields used to uniquely identify a conversation.Directional<T> Used to associate some object with a direction.EnrichedFlow FlowSource Host Host.Builder TrafficSummary<T> Total bytes in/out related to some entity.TrafficSummary.Builder<T> -
Enum Summary Enum Description EnrichedFlow.Locality Flow.Direction Flow.NetflowVersion Flow.SamplingAlgorithm LimitedCardinalityField Describes fields that have only a limited number of possible values. -
Exception Summary Exception Description DetailedFlowException FlowException UnrecoverableFlowException