Interface SearchProvider

    • Method Detail

      • getSearchProviderNamespace

        java.lang.String getSearchProviderNamespace()
        This is a namespace for search providers...
      • contributesTo

        boolean contributesTo​(java.lang.String namespace)
        This is the topology provider namespace to which this search provider contributes.
        namespace -
        returns true if the provider support the <@param namespace>.
      • query

        java.util.List<SearchResult> query​(SearchQuery searchQuery,
                                           GraphContainer graphContainer)
        This API is for getting a list of from all the search providers.
        searchQuery - This is an API for Vaadin UI code for implementing various search queries types.
        graphContainer -
        A list of SearchResults
      • onFocusSearchResult

        void onFocusSearchResult​(SearchResult searchResult,
                                 OperationContext operationContext)
        This method is called from the UI when the user wants to add a vertex that is in the current context to the focus list.
        searchResult -
        operationContext -
      • onDefocusSearchResult

        void onDefocusSearchResult​(SearchResult searchResult,
                                   OperationContext operationContext)
        This method is called from the UI when the user wants to remove a vertex that currently in the focus list.
        searchResult -
        operationContext -
      • supportsPrefix

        boolean supportsPrefix​(java.lang.String searchPrefix)
        This method is called by topology app the user is searching to setup prefixes that will only match from a
        searchPrefix -
      • getVertexRefsBy

        java.util.Set<VertexRef> getVertexRefsBy​(SearchResult searchResult,
                                                 GraphContainer graphContainer)
        This method is called when the topology UI needs to know what are associated with a particular .
        searchResult -
        graphContainer -
      • addVertexHopCriteria

        void addVertexHopCriteria​(SearchResult searchResult,
                                  GraphContainer container)
        This method is called when the selection is made from the list of returned by a query() method of this API. It is the criteria's responsibility is to determine the associated with the passed to the reference passed to this method.
        searchResult -
        container -
      • removeVertexHopCriteria

        void removeVertexHopCriteria​(SearchResult searchResult,
                                     GraphContainer container)
        When the user requests that the current SearchResult be removed from focus, the search provider should remove the from the
        searchResult -
        container -
      • onCenterSearchResult

        void onCenterSearchResult​(SearchResult searchResult,
                                  GraphContainer graphContainer)
        This method called when the user clicks the focus icon on the . No implementation is required unless you want to enhance the zoom behavior. This call will be followed by a call to getVertexRefsBy.
        searchResult -
        graphContainer -
      • onToggleCollapse

        void onToggleCollapse​(SearchResult searchResult,
                              GraphContainer graphContainer)
        This method is called if the provided by the implementation of this API is flagged as collapsible and the user has clicked the toggle icon. This requires that the implementation created by the implemenation of this API should be able to implement the API. The set of provided by the Criteria will not change, however, the criteria should be able to provide the both the collapsed and uncollapsed representations of the SearchResult.
        searchResult -
        graphContainer -