PreviewClickListener |
Class implementing Button.ClickListener for creating the preview window.
SurveillanceView |
This class is the base component for displaying a surveillance view and the dashboard.
SurveillanceViewConfigurationCategoryWindow |
This class represents the category chooser window for column/row definitions.
SurveillanceViewConfigurationWindow |
This class is used to display the surveillance view configuration dialog.
SurveillanceViewsConfigList |
This class is used to display a list of editable surveillance view configurations.
SurveillanceViewsConfigUI |
The surveillance view config application's "main" class
SurveillanceViewsConfigUIFactory |
A factory class responsible for constructing this application.
SurveillanceViewsUI |
The surveillance view application's "main" class
SurveillanceViewsUIFactory |
A factory class responsible for constructing this application.
SurveillanceViewTable |
This class represents the surveillance view table itself.