Interface CpuMemoryUtilizationOuterClass.CpuMemoryUtilizationSummaryOrBuilder

    • Method Detail

      • hasName

        boolean hasName()
        optional string name = 1;
         Name of the partition.
      • getName

        java.lang.String getName()
        optional string name = 1;
         Name of the partition.
      • getNameBytes getNameBytes()
        optional string name = 1;
         Name of the partition.
      • hasSize

        boolean hasSize()
        optional uint64 size = 2;
         The total size of the partition in bytes
      • getSize

        long getSize()
        optional uint64 size = 2;
         The total size of the partition in bytes
      • hasBytesAllocated

        boolean hasBytesAllocated()
        optional uint64 bytes_allocated = 3;
         The amount of memory currently allocated from the partition in bytes
      • getBytesAllocated

        long getBytesAllocated()
        optional uint64 bytes_allocated = 3;
         The amount of memory currently allocated from the partition in bytes
      • hasUtilization

        boolean hasUtilization()
        optional int32 utilization = 4;
         The amount of memory that is currently allocated, expressed
         as percentage of the total (0--100).
      • getUtilization

        int getUtilization()
        optional int32 utilization = 4;
         The amount of memory that is currently allocated, expressed
         as percentage of the total (0--100).
      • getApplicationUtilizationCount

        int getApplicationUtilizationCount()
        repeated .CpuMemoryUtilizationPerApplication application_utilization = 5;
         Per application based memory utilization for this memory partition