Interface AlarmDao

    • Method Detail

      • findByReductionKey

        OnmsAlarm findByReductionKey​(java.lang.String reductionKey)
      • getNodeAlarmSummaries

        java.util.List<AlarmSummary> getNodeAlarmSummaries()

        Get the list of current - not yet acknowledged - alarms per node with severity greater than normal, reflecting the max severity, the minimum last event time and alarm count; ordered by the oldest.

        A list of alarm summaries.
      • getSituationSummaries

        java.util.List<SituationSummary> getSituationSummaries()

        Get the list of current - not yet acknowledged - situations with severity greater than normal;

        A list of situation summaries.
      • getNodeAlarmSummariesIncludeAcknowledgedOnes

        java.util.List<AlarmSummary> getNodeAlarmSummariesIncludeAcknowledgedOnes​(java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> nodeIds)
        Get the list of current alarms per node with severity not equal to cleared, reflecting the max severity, the minimum last event time and alarm count. The alarm count only considers not yet acknowledged alarms, but the max severity is calculated overall (including acknowledged) alarms.
        nodeIds - The nodeIds you want to restrict the AlarmSummary calculation to. Must not be NULL!
      • getHeatMapItemsForEntity

        java.util.List<HeatMapElement> getHeatMapItemsForEntity​(java.lang.String entityNameColumn,
                                                                java.lang.String entityIdColumn,
                                                                boolean processAcknowledgedAlarms,
                                                                java.lang.String restrictionColumn,
                                                                java.lang.String restrictionValue,
                                                                java.lang.String... groupByColumns)
      • getAlarmsForEventParameters

        java.util.List<OnmsAlarm> getAlarmsForEventParameters​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> eventParameters)