Interface AmazonSQSConfig

    • Method Detail

      • getQueuePrefix

        java.lang.String getQueuePrefix()
        Prefix to be added to all queues. This can be used to differentiate between OpenNMS deployments in a single region.
        the prefix, or null if no prefix should be used.
      • getRegion

        com.amazonaws.regions.Regions getRegion()
        AWS region to use.
        the region, or null if the default region should be used.
      • getAccessKey

        java.lang.String getAccessKey()
        AWS access key.
        the key, or null if the client should be initialized without static credentials.
      • getSecretKey

        java.lang.String getSecretKey()
        AWS secret key.
        the key, or null if the client should be initialized without static credentials.
      • hasStaticCredentials

        boolean hasStaticCredentials()
        Convenience method that returns true if both an access key and secret key have been set.
        true if both an access key and secret key have been set, false otherwise.
      • isUseHttp

        boolean isUseHttp()
        Used to force the SQS client to use HTTP instead of HTTPS. This can be used for testing, making it easier to intercept the messages sent over the wire.
        true if HTTP should be used insetad of HTTPS, false otherwise.
      • getSinkQueueConfig

        AmazonSQSQueueConfig getSinkQueueConfig()
        Retrieves the queue configuration for queues used by the Sink API.
        the queue configuration
      • getRpcQueueConfig

        AmazonSQSQueueConfig getRpcQueueConfig()
        Retrieves the queue configuration for queues used by the RPC API.
        the queue configuration