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OpenNMS 19

System Requirements

  • Java 8: OpenNMS Horizon 19 requires Java 8 as the runtime environment. To run Horizon 19, we recommend the most recent version of Oracle JDK 8 for your platform.

  • PostgreSQL 9.2 or higher: Horizon 19 requires PostgreSQL 9.2 or higher. All older versions of PostgreSQL are past their end-of-life support date.

Important Upgrade Notes

  • Cassandra JMX Metrics: The default value for the friendly-name attribute on the JMX-Cassandra collection service has changed from cassandra21x to cassandra. This changes the path in which the metrics are stored. If you have already been collecting these metrics and wish to preserve them, you can ignore this change when merging your configuration.

  • Jetty 9.4 Upgrade: Jetty has been upgraded from 8.1 to the latest 9.4. If you have a custom jetty.xml in your etc folder, you will need to migrate your changes. Use etc/examples/jetty.xml as a starting point.

  • Drools 6.4.0 Upgrade: Drools has been upgraded from 6.0.1.Final to 6.4.0.Final. If you have custom Drools rules, they may need to be revised. The compiler used in 6.4.0.Final is stricter than the compiler in previous versions.

  • Separate opennms-webapp-remoting Package: The webapp that supports the Remote Poller has been separated from the main OpenNMS webapp. This will make installations much smaller for users that do not use the Remote Poller. If you use the Remote Poller, you will need to install the opennms-webapp-remoting package.

  • OpenNMS Minion can run on a JRE: The OpenNMS Minion packages no longer require a JDK package and can run on the plain JRE.

  • User roles moved from into users.xml: The users.xml file now contains a list of roles for each user alongside the rest of the user attributes.

  • JICMP 2.0 Upgrade: Our Java ICMP library has been upgraded to version 2.0. You will need to upgrade to this version before upgrading to OpenNMS Horizon 19.

New Features

  • OpenNMS Minion: Minion systems now have full support for most management features of OpenNMS:

    • Discovery

    • Provisioning

    • Polling

    • SNMP data collection

    • SNMP link discovery

    • Syslog reception (sent to OpenNMS via JMS or Apache Kafka)

    • SNMPv1/v2/v3 trap reception (sent to OpenNMS via JMS or Apache Kafka)

  • Automatic provisioning of Minions: Minion devices will be added to the Minions requisition and monitored for connectivity with OpenNMS.

  • GraphML Topology Provider: A new Topology Provider is available that reads GraphML formatted graphs and displays them in the the Topology UI.

  • OpenNMS Elasticsearch ReST Forwarder: This Elasticsearch forwarder can store events, alarms, and alarm state changes in Elasticsearch for archival or searching. It is compatible with all currently supported versions of Elasticsearch.

  • Unified JAAS Authentication: The web UI, the Apache Karaf OSGi console, and the built-in ActiveMQ broker all use unified authentication.

  • Monitoring Location Events: Events will be sent when Monitoring Locations are added, updated, or deleted.

  • Exponential propogation: There is a new exponential propogation function available for Business Services.

  • External JMS broker: It is possible to configure OpenNMS to use an external JMS broker if desired.

  • ICMP traffic class and don’t-fragment support: It is possible to configure OpenNMS to set DSCP traffic class and "don’t fragment" bits when polling ICMP.

  • Geographical Maps: Geographical maps are now included by default in the center of the Web UI front page.

  • Web UI improvements: Location information has been added to many places in the UI, and a number of pages have been enhanced including the BSM editor and topology UI.

New Data Collection Definitions

  • HTTP:

    • Elasticsearch

  • JMX:

    • Apache Kafka

    • VMware vCenter Server 6.0.0

Retired Features

  • Simple Topology Provider: The Simple Topology Provider has been removed. The new GraphML Topology Provider should be used instead.

Deprecated Features

  • ElasticSearch 1.X Event Forwarder: The existing Elasticsearch forwarder (opennms-elasticsearch-event-forwarder) is deprecated in favor of the new Elasticsearch ReST Forwarder (opennms-es-rest) since the ReST forwarder has broader compatibility with different versions of Elasticsearch.

Dependency Updates

  • Jetty has been upgraded from 8.1.10.v20130312 to 9.4.0.v20161208.

  • The Servlet API has been upgraded from 3.0 to 3.1.

  • Drools has been upgraded from 6.0.1 to 6.4.0.

Internal Improvements

  • We replaced all of the GWT components in the web UI with AngularJS components. This reduces the complexity of the UI code and will make it easier for developers with Javascript experience to maintain and contribute to the UI.

  • All Javascript dependencies for the web UI are now managed by Bower and Gulp.

  • Jasper reports are now automatically recompiled if changed.

  • The JIRA ticketer has been improved.

  • The default database connection pool has been switched from c3p0 to HikariCP ( to increase performance.

  • Our ICMP libraries are now capable of being run by non-root users (although OpenNMS is not yet configured to support this). ==== Release 19.0.0

Release 19.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a large number of bug fixes and new features, most notably support for all major OpenNMS polling and collection features in the Minion. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 19, see What’s New in OpenNMS 19.

The codename for 19.0.0 is Ice Hockey.

Release 19.0.0

  • New-suspect event flood possible in trapd (Issue NMS-5110)

  • JNA ICMP Pinger loses packet due to incorrect tId (Issue NMS-5328)

  • "Pinger already registered" warning when changing Discovery config (Issue NMS-5689)

  • Karaf log is separate from other OpenNMS logs (Issue NMS-6284)

  • vmware urls do not support username/passwords that require URL encoding (Issue NMS-6530)

  • observations related to "ping".option in topology page (Issue NMS-6849)

  • If a target node is rebooted the RRD/JRB files contains spikes because the sysUpTime check is not working (Issue NMS-7106)

  • Using ping in topology view cause strange behavior (Issue NMS-7204)

  • Syslogd may not associate messages with new nodes without a restart (Issue NMS-7236)

  • ByteBufferTest.testPassing() fails on FreeBSD 10.1 (Issue NMS-7257)

  • Update prototypes from kie version 6.2.0.CR4 to 6.2.0.Final (Issue NMS-7573)

  • Opsboard change title color to something neutral than red (Issue NMS-7911)

  • JMX Datacollection Config Generator Test Race Condition (Issue NMS-7913)

  • No event for Informational syslog (Issue NMS-7934)

  • Asset page give a Null Pointer exception enter empty data (Issue NMS-7957)

  • OpenNMS Source Should Get a Separate Package (Issue NMS-8008)

  • Nodes with invalid NodeTypes can be created via the Nodes Rest-API (Issue NMS-8019)

  • Ping from topology view does not work (results in 404 Page not found) (Issue NMS-8043)

  • The resourcecli tool shows metrics as graph (sounds confusing) (Issue NMS-8055)

  • Heatmap box doesn’t format correctly when browser window is resized (zoomed) (Issue NMS-8136)

  • VMware-ManagedEntity does not work with VMware 6 (Issue NMS-8187)

  • Unused sequences in the database: reportnxtid, mapnxtid (Issue NMS-8261)

  • JMXDetector does not respect the 'timeout' (Issue NMS-8327)

  • Switching Topology Providers causes Exception (Issue NMS-8330)

  • Elasticsearch and AMQP DefaultEventForwarder classes need @InOnly interface (Issue NMS-8338)

  • Classloader issues with queuingservice (Issue NMS-8400)

  • Overwriting for storeByForeignSource does not work (Issue NMS-8406)

  • Asciidoctor warnings when generating documentation (Issue NMS-8410)

  • minion build fails with -a (Issue NMS-8412)

  • GraphMLMetaTopologyFactory does not cleanup properly when "unregistering" (Issue NMS-8432)

  • Icons "Center on Map" and "Remove from Focus" are not visible anymore (Issue NMS-8433)

  • Component "map-container" shows up twice in some circumstances (Issue NMS-8434)

  • Cannot add custom icon key mapping files (Issue NMS-8472)

  • Ensure the GenericInfoPanelItemProvider and GraphMLEdgeStatusProvider are run within a Transaction (Issue NMS-8474)

  • GraphMLRestService should check for existance but loads the Graph instead (Issue NMS-8481)

  • Port Minion System Tests to the Smoke Test Suite (Issue NMS-8486)

  • Newer Karaf features are installing bundles that overlap the system classpath (Issue NMS-8493)

  • Inconsistencies with the Measurements API when using Newts (Issue NMS-8498)

  • upgrade error: too many open files (Issue NMS-8507)

  • EventCreator is being reused, duplicates trap varbinds (Issue NMS-8508)

  • "View in Topology" on node detail page does not switch to "Linkd" topology Provider (Issue NMS-8510)

  • OEM graph for Storage Utilization fails due to '::' (Issue NMS-8519)

  • Documentation for the Requisition ReST API is confusing (Issue NMS-8521)

  • Minion RPM regenerates UUID during each installation (Issue NMS-8526)

  • Find a faster way of determining root-cause or impacting vertices (Issue NMS-8527)

  • Cannot validate remote-poller code certificate JRE 8u74 or newer (Issue NMS-8532)

  • Multiple smoke tests flapping inside docker (Issue NMS-8544)

  • Backshift graphs bleed over the div when viewed via the dashboard (Issue NMS-8585)

  • Missing documentation for ifservices ReST end point. (Issue NMS-8604)

  • ClassNotFoundException lombok.javac.apt.Processor while compiling Jasper Reports (Issue NMS-8605)

  • JNA Pinger fails when run by unprivileged user (Issue NMS-8615)

  • Restarting OMNS results in numerous SNMP outage alarms and notifications (Issue NMS-8620)

  • Missing documentation for categories ReST end point. (Issue NMS-8629)

  • The categories ReST end point returns HTTP 500 when querying it with a browser. (Issue NMS-8637)

  • Normalize the KSC ReST end point to show consistent content in XML an JSON (Issue NMS-8648)

  • Database Reports Are Emailed When "Email report" is Unchecked (Issue NMS-8654)

  • Custom Resource graphs draw magenta lines if "Blue" is selected (Issue NMS-8655)

  • Exceptions are truncated in generic info panel items (Issue NMS-8660)

  • Difficulty identifying multiple edges between vertices in Topology UI (Issue NMS-8663)

  • Xport failed exception when using the Measurements API in a custom info panel item (Issue NMS-8664)

  • Measurements API can fail with exception when operating in relaxed mode (Issue NMS-8665)

  • The ReST end point /foreignSourcesConfig/assets contains invalid fields (Issue NMS-8690)

  • Guava upgrade breaks Elasticsearch forwarding (Issue NMS-8696)

  • The Vaddin version of the dashboard shows negative availability sometimes (Issue NMS-8705)

  • Trapd reloads SNMPv3 config when no changes have occurred (Issue NMS-8708)

  • NullPointerException for JMX agents without entries in jmx-config.xml (Issue NMS-8709)

  • Monitoring location just integer as longitude and latitude (Issue NMS-8713)

  • Minion code throws "javax.jms.IllegalStateException: The Session is closed" (Issue NMS-8714)

  • Scriptd is not working at all for events that have nodes associated. (Issue NMS-8716)

  • Mark-Clusters are not rendered properly on GeoMaps (develop only) (Issue NMS-8719)

  • OpenNMS web console is not displaying node name for syslog events (Issue NMS-8728)

  • Race condition in Minion provisioning (Issue NMS-8735)

  • DB installer blows up with unique constraint violation on monitoringlocations_pkey (Issue NMS-8754)

  • Trap received from Minion doesn’t preserve original timestamp, systemId fields (Issue NMS-8755)

  • Override ShutdownStrategy in Syslogd, Trapd Camel contexts (Issue NMS-8760)

  • Auto-Discover architecture/behavior has changed and broke its typical usage (Issue NMS-8767)

  • Event advanced search does not work because of encoded &s (Issue NMS-8768)

  • The Alarms Details widget on the OpsBoard shows the text on green instead of black (Issue NMS-8771)

  • SyslogTest.canReceiveSyslogMessages() failed with AMQ classloader error (Issue NMS-8778)

  • Installer script doesn’t work with PostgreSQL 9.6 (Issue NMS-8779)

  • Docker tests fail if Minion SSH service refreshes while SSH is being checked (Issue NMS-8781)

  • Elasticsearch Test Cluster is started even if tests are skipped (Issue NMS-8783)

  • Bug in juniper graphs (Issue NMS-8786)

  • After installing opennms-jmx-config-generator, the jmx-config-generator cannot be executed (Issue NMS-8800)

  • Bundles are refreshed many times during Minion startup (Issue NMS-8802)

  • Syslog handler for Minion can’t be added to the featuresBoot (Issue NMS-8803)

  • Blank content when clicking on "View Node Link Detailed Info" (Issue NMS-8808)

  • Broken default location handling in snmp-config.xml (Issue NMS-8812)

  • InterruptedExceptions thrown when using SNMP (Issue NMS-8813)

  • Provisioning UI: The filtered list of nodes is not updated after removing a node (Issue NMS-8814)

  • Opennms UI response is very slow after applying constant load (Issue NMS-8815)

  • Syslog messages are being consumed by minion even after we stopped sending syslogs (Issue NMS-8816)

  • Syslog messages are being consumed by OpenNMS even after we stopped sending syslogs (Issue NMS-8817)

  • Outage ReST service forNode use case calculates dates incorrectly (Issue NMS-8823)

  • Minion console is unresponsive (Issue NMS-8827)

  • InterfaceToNodeCache does not properly handle null locations (Issue NMS-8836)

  • ICMPv6 tests don’t skip ping tests when runPingTests system property set to false (Issue NMS-8838)

  • DiscoveryBlueprintIT test it flapping (Issue NMS-8839)

  • Minion packages fail to install on Amazon Linux release 2016.09 (Issue NMS-8841)

  • Permission denied errors when starting Minion (Issue NMS-8842)

  • Minion fails to start when running as non-root (Issue NMS-8844)

  • HttpPostMonitor logs exception when banner is not defined. (Issue NMS-8864)

  • Make feature "opennms-topology-runtime-linkd" uninstallable (Issue NMS-8865)

  • NPE when using the Enlinkd Topology (Issue NMS-8872)

  • The ipinterface.iphostname field is not updated after changing the FQDN associated with a given IP address (Issue NMS-8874)

  • Topology is slow due to geocoding failures (Issue NMS-8875)

  • Updating assets/categories through ReST affects Forced Unmanaged services. (Issue NMS-8879)

  • Unable to ping nodes with Minion due to missing class org.opennms.netmgt.icmp.jni6.Jni6Pinger (Issue NMS-8882)

  • Provisiond does not support overlapping IP addresses in a requisition (Issue NMS-8883)

  • GraphAll Button no longer works (Issue NMS-8886)

  • Minion Heartbeat fails when OpenNMS is restarted (Issue NMS-8890)

  • Jetty logging behavior has changed (Issue NMS-8895)

  • Remove syslog handler installation from Minion docs (Issue NMS-8902)

  • DefaultTicketerServiceLayerIntegrationTest.testWire() failed (Issue NMS-8904)

  • Invalid graph templates (Issue NMS-8907)

  • opennms-webapp updates javascript dependencies on each build (Issue NMS-8910)

  • Integration tests fail if HikariCP is used (Issue NMS-8911)

  • Can’t save cached requisition associated with HTTP when scheduling the import through provisiond-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-8912)

  • WS-Man collection fail with unknown reason code 2 (Issue NMS-8923)

  • WS-Man collection with resource-type only store last resource (Issue NMS-8924)

  • WS-Man throws event 4776 and 4625 with domain user on windows side (Issue NMS-8925)

  • OpenNMS Kafka client cannot load because of Zookeeper OSGi issue (Issue NMS-8929)

  • SNMP Collector does not use the location when retrieving the agent configuration (Issue NMS-8930)

  • Elasticsearch event forwarder logs event body at INFO level (Issue NMS-8937)

  • Backshift failing with legend errors for NRTG + Forecasts (Issue NMS-8939)

  • wsdl2java in features/ticketing/remedy is causing build failures (Issue NMS-8940)

  • Statsd: erroneous reporting; aggregators not reset between worker’s runs (Issue NMS-8944)

  • Bundle bluepring-syslog-handler-default cannot be started and blocks Karaf container completly (Issue NMS-8946)

  • JIRA Ticketer: Too many open files (Issue NMS-8947)

  • Kafka producer endpoints should operate in async mode (Issue NMS-8948)

  • WS_Man datacollection using WQL fails with 'unsupported element' (Issue NMS-8955)

  • Alarmd creates new database transaction for every event (Issue NMS-8957)

  • Skip /var/lock/subsys actions when running as unprivileged user (Issue NMS-8962)

  • Restarting OpenNMS while monitoring nodes via Minions may create erroneous outages (Issue NMS-8975)

  • Restarting OpenNMS while performing SNMP data-collection via Minions may create dataCollectionFailed alarms (Issue NMS-8976)

  • BSMD takes a huge amount of time to start when it has a large amount of services (Issue NMS-8978)

  • Typo in linkednode.jsp in panel title (Issue NMS-8981)

  • adjust default size of BSM window (Issue NMS-9002)

  • NRT Graphing does not show SNMP counter values correctly (Issue NMS-9005)

  • Remote Poller throws exceptions and do not seem to work (Issue NMS-9009)

  • es-rest: Non-persisted events overwrite single ES document with id=0 (Issue NMS-9015)

  • Bundle "Topology :: Plugins :: Net Utils" fails to start (Issue NMS-9019)

  • Expand/Collapse control of "vertices in focus" (collapsible criteria) seems broken (Issue NMS-9022)

  • Heatmap does not load in some cases "$.widget is not a function" (Issue NMS-9026)

  • Breadcrumb incomplete for "Manage Monitoring Locations" (Issue NMS-9029)

  • Breadcrumb incomplete for "Manage Minions" (Issue NMS-9030)

  • Copyright bump 2017 (Issue NMS-9060)

  • es-rest: HTTP 201 is considered an error (Issue NMS-9062)

  • ACLs broken for Assets page (Issue NMS-9065)

  • Icon Selection Dialog shows empty icon "microwave_backhaul_2" (Issue NMS-9069)

  • Geographical map on index page is by default empty (Issue NMS-9076)

  • Geographical map shows alarms not correct (Issue NMS-9081)

  • Auto-compile jasper subreports if needed (Issue NMS-4552)

  • Enhance SSLCertMonitor with TLS+SNI support with node label (Issue NMS-6323)

  • Replace the X with back button in the Angular provisioning WebUI (Issue NMS-7908)

  • The smoke / integration test NodeListPageIT is not testing if nodes are listed on the NodeListPage (Issue NMS-8020)

  • Missing image in provisioning doc (Issue NMS-8121)

  • Update Vmware Topology Provider to be feature compliant with latest Topology API (Issue NMS-8140)

  • Add constants for JMS queue/topic naming convention (Issue NMS-8217)

  • opennms startup script to automatically start in quiet mode when started from init process (Issue NMS-8232)

  • Create separate RPM/DEB package for jetty-webapps/opennms-remoting (Issue NMS-8345)

  • Migrate Alarm Notes documentation to official docs (Issue NMS-8382)

  • Upgrade JAXB to version 2.2.11 (Issue NMS-8449)

  • Create JMX monitoring definitions for Apache Kafka (Issue NMS-8545)

  • Make custom event parameters expandable (Issue NMS-8590)

  • upgrade node map dependencies (Issue NMS-8600)

  • Wrong A record of hostname gives no security manager: "RMI class loader disabled"-exception (Issue NMS-8616)

  • Allow setting DSCP and DontFragment bits on ICMP packets generated by jicmp/jicmp6 (Issue NMS-8617)

  • Upgrade Mina from 2.0.7 to 2.0.13 (latest in 2.0.x tree) (Issue NMS-8618)

  • Make enlinkd location aware (Issue NMS-8624)

  • There is no IMAPS monitor (Issue NMS-8635)

  • Organize and centralize all JavaScript dependencies used in opennms-webapp (Issue NMS-8640)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: IP/SNMP Interfaces panel on the node page. (Issue NMS-8641)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: search box for resources page on front page. (Issue NMS-8642)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: search box for KSC reports on front page. (Issue NMS-8643)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: add to KSC report on the resource graphs page. (Issue NMS-8644)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: assets page (Issue NMS-8645)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: choose resources page (Issue NMS-8646)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: choose resources (part of KSC editor wizard) (Issue NMS-8647)

  • Create ReST end-point for assets suggestions (Issue NMS-8649)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: configure SNMP data collection per interface (Issue NMS-8650)

  • pathOutage event’s reduction key should allow reducing on single critical path (Issue NMS-8651)

  • Show availability box for the primary interface if the node has more than 10 interfaces (Issue NMS-8653)

  • Replace GWT with Angular: remove GWT projects and CoreWeb (Issue NMS-8666)

  • Upgrade protobuf to 2.6.1 (from 2.2.0) (Issue NMS-8675)

  • Upgrade Drools to 6.4.0.Final (from 6.0.1.Final) (Issue NMS-8676)

  • Upgrade JasperReports to 6.3.0 (from 6.1.1) (Issue NMS-8677)

  • Upgrade Jetty to 9.3.11.v20160721 (Issue NMS-8678)

  • Create a node representing each Minion for monitoring (Issue NMS-8688)

  • Collect Elasticsearch stats via REST using the XmlCollector (Issue NMS-8697)

  • Reload KSC Configuration through the ReST API (Issue NMS-8701)

  • Integration test for Syslogd’s new-suspect-on-message in Minion environment (Issue NMS-8707)

  • Search web page doesn’t talk about searching IPv6 addresses (Issue NMS-8711)

  • Create a more useful example content for opennms.conf (Issue NMS-8721)

  • Add ReST Elastic Search Alarms to devel (Issue NMS-8723)

  • Outage REST service cannot filter on event fields (Issue NMS-8724)

  • Top 20 nodes I/O wait jasper report (Issue NMS-8739)

  • Add documentation for Mattermost/Slack notifications (Issue NMS-8742)

  • Use HikariCP as the default connection factory (Issue NMS-8747)

  • Change default monitoring location name from "localhost" to "Default" (Issue NMS-8749)

  • Capture Minion karaf.log during Docker smoke tests (Issue NMS-8774)

  • Latency metrics are not location-aware (Issue NMS-8776)

  • Upgrade LeafLet JS to its latest version (Issue NMS-8780)

  • Test that syslog and trap messages handle overlapping IP addresses (Issue NMS-8798)

  • Make additional fields available for replacement in NorthboundAlarms (Issue NMS-8837)

  • Update ticket ID and state in Alarms via REST (Issue NMS-8846)

  • Provisioning UI: Improve the suggestions for categories and services while editing requisitions (Issue NMS-8848)

  • Make the ILR put the node label alongside the package/IPADDR/Service tuple (Issue NMS-8858)

  • Avoid creating tickets for cleared alarms (Issue NMS-8866)

  • Investigate (Issue NMS-8873)

  • Add newest supported PostgreSQL version in docs (Issue NMS-8892)

  • Identify time-series strategy in support/about page (Issue NMS-8936)

  • Add ability to forward non-persisted events to Elasticsearch (Issue NMS-8963)

  • es-rest: EventForwarderQueueImpl needs configurable blockWhenFull behavior (Issue NMS-8966)

  • Make the RRAs tunable for the metrics:stress command when using for RRDtool. (Issue NMS-8972)

  • Add %nodelocation% event expansion parameter (Issue NMS-8995)

  • Deprecate the opennms-elasticsearch-event-forwarder feature (Issue NMS-9033)

  • Detect ICMP API availability automatically (Issue NMS-9078)

  • Topology Ping (Issue NMS-8245)

  • Upgrade Jetty to latest 9.3.x (Issue NMS-8674)

  • Documentation about managing users, groups and roles (Issue NMS-8763)

  • Create data collection configuration from vCenter 6 (Issue NMS-8181)

  • The pristine etc contains a number of TODOs (Issue NMS-8899)

  • The friendly-names in the default Cassandra collection packages have changed (Issue NMS-8451)

What’s New in OpenNMS Horizon 18

System Requirements

  • Java 8: OpenNMS Horizon 18 requires Java 8 as the runtime environment. To run Horizon 18, we recommend the most recent version of Oracle JDK 8 for your platform.

  • PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher: Horizon 18 requires PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher. All older versions of PostgreSQL are past their end-of-life support date.

Breaking Changes

  • Custom Topology Icon Definitions: Custom Icon Definitions in the Topology Map are now handled differently.

    You will need to migrate your existing custom icons to the new layout. The OpenNMS Administrators Guide covers this topic in more detail.

  • Event Translator: The default behavior of the event translator preserving SNMP data when cloning event has been changed to NOT preserve that data by default. To restore the old behavior, set preserve-snmp-data="true" on the event XML. For more information, see issue NMS-8374.

  • ReST API: The ReST API has been normalized to give better and more consistent responses to queries.

    This includes dropping support for redirecting to the model URL on write operations (POST, etc.) If you were relying on this old (broken) behavior, please update your ReST API calls accordingly. Most client code should be unaffected.

New Features

  • Business Service Monitor: Correlation for root cause and business impact analysis.

    The goal of the Business Service Monitor is to provide a high-level correlation of business rules, and to display them in the topology map.

    In the BSM, you define a Business Service that encompasses a set of entities (nodes, interfaces, services, and other Business Services) and the relationships among them. The alarm states of the component entities are rolled up in a map-reduce fashion to drive a state machine. The state of a Business Service is reflected in a new type of event, and can also be visualized (along with the service hierarchy) in the existing OpenNMS topology map.

    For details on using the BSM, see the OpenNMS Administrators Guide.

  • ElasticSearch 1.x Event Forwarder: Support for forwarding events to ElasticSearch 1.x.

  • Modular Configuration Updates: Now most properties set in the file can be instead overriden by creating a file in the ${OPENNMS_HOME}/etc/ directory.

  • Notifications: New notification strategies for Slack and Mattermost have been added.

  • OpenNMS Plugin Manager: An API for adding 3rd-party "plugins" to OpenNMS.

    The core of a tool for adding plugins into OpenNMS has been included in Horizon 18. This provides a set of tools for finding and adding plugins to be loaded into the OpenNMS OSGi container.

  • Provisioning Requisition UI: A huge number of improvements have gone into the requisition UI. Also, the old "Quick-Add Node" functionality has been reimplemented using the same backend as the requisition UI.

  • "Scan Report" Remote Poller GUI: A new front-end for the remote poller that lets you perform a single scan and get a pass/fail report in a GUI has been added. You can enable this alternate UI with the "-s" option on the remote poller CLI.

  • Topology UI Updates: As part of the BSM work, the topology UI has been vastly improved for both performance and usability.

  • TSRM Ticketing Plugin: Create incidents in IBM’s TSRM.

    Information on configuring the TSRM ticketing plugin can be found in the OpenNMS Administrators Guide.

  • Usage Statistics: Collect anonymous usage statistics.

    To get a better idea of how to estimate hardware requirements and the performance characteristics of OpenNMS, we wrote a tool to occasionally submit anonymous diagnostic information about your OpenNMS install. It will submit information like the number of nodes, alarms, etc. as well as some basic system information to our servers for statistical reasons.

    When a user with the Admin role logs into the system for the first time, they will be prompted as to whether or not they want to opt-in to publish these statistics. Statistics will only be published once an Administrator has opted-in.

    These statistics are visualized on

Event Updates or Additions

  • APC

  • Juniper IVE

  • NetGear ProSafe Smart Switch

  • OpenWRT

  • SonicWall

Data Collection and Graphing Updates or Additions

  • AKCP SensorProbe

  • Cisco ASA5515-X and ASA5525-X

  • Juniper SRX100h and SRX210he2 Router

Internal Updates

  • Minion Infrastructure: Minion is OpenNMS’s project to provide full distributed monitoring and collection.

    While Minion is slated to be in Horizon 19, some of the work going towards Minion support is already in Horizon 18, including components for discovery, syslog, and more.

  • ActiveMQ: An ActiveMQ broker is now embedded in the OpenNMS JVM.

  • Discovery Daemon Rewrite: The discovery daemon has been replaced with a Camel-based implementation to facilitate future Minion support.

  • Enhanced Linkd: Enlinkd has had many bugs fixed and should perform orders of magnitude faster in many configurations.

  • JNA: The JNA ping implementation got cleaned up and should be working again.

  • Newts: A number of bugfixes and improvements have been made to the Newts support since Horizon 17.

  • Syslog Daemon Updates: The performance of the OpenNMS syslog support has been vastly improved and updated, and has been modified to work in the Minion.


Release 18.0.4

Release 18.0.4 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a number of bug fixes and enhancements, including a fix for a deadlock that can be triggered by using the topology UI and a rather large performance fix for startup if you are using BSM. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 18, see What’s New in OpenNMS 18.

The codename for 18.0.4 is Kiwa Hirsuta.

  • There are graph templates that are not working with RRDtool (Issue NMS-6345)

  • vmware urls do not support username/passwords that require URL encoding (Issue NMS-6530)

  • If a target node is rebooted the RRD/JRB files contains spikes because the sysUpTime check is not working (Issue NMS-7106)

  • Switching Topology Providers causes Exception (Issue NMS-8330)

  • Restarting OMNS results in numerous SNMP outage alarms and notifications (Issue NMS-8620)

  • Exception in LatencyStoringServiceMonitorAdaptor: IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException (Issue NMS-8756)

  • auto-acknoledge random fails (Issue NMS-8901)

  • Invalid graph templates (Issue NMS-8907)

  • WS-Man throws event 4776 and 4625 with domain user on windows side (Issue NMS-8925)

  • Statsd: erroneous reporting; aggregators not reset between worker’s runs (Issue NMS-8944)

  • JIRA Ticketer: Too many open files (Issue NMS-8947)

  • WS_Man datacollection using WQL fails with 'unsupported element' (Issue NMS-8955)

  • BSMD takes a huge amount of time to start when it has a large amount of services (Issue NMS-8978)

  • Typo in linkednode.jsp in panel title (Issue NMS-8981)

  • adjust default size of BSM window (Issue NMS-9002)

  • NRT Graphing does not show SNMP counter values correctly (Issue NMS-9005)

  • Jira-Ticketer: Attribute values for some custom fields are not mapped correctly (Issue NMS-9023)

  • Copyright bump 2017 (Issue NMS-9060)

  • ACLs broken for Assets page (Issue NMS-9065)

  • deadlock in topology on demo (Issue NMS-9067)

  • WS-Man thresholding reports: No thresholds configured for resource type '*' (Issue NMS-9077)

  • Correlation engine’s cancelTimer method should be public (Issue NMS-9087)

Release 18.0.3

Release 18.0.3 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a few bug fixes and a enhancements, and a fix for a discovery/provisioning regression that can cause duplicate nodes.

For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 18, see What’s New in OpenNMS 18.

The codename for 18.0.3 is Dugong.

Regression: Duplicate Nodes and Default Foreign Source

Due to a bug in the new Discovery daemon introduced in 18.0.0 (NMS-8682), OpenNMS would create (identical) duplicate nodes when discovering using the default foreign source.

You can get the list of duplicate nodes by running the following query in PostgreSQL (psql -U opennms):

  FROM (SELECT nodeid AS "ID",
               ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nodelabel ORDER BY nodeid) AS "row_num"
          FROM node) AS foo
WHERE foo."row_num" > 1);

If you are satisfied that the nodes are safe to delete, the next step is to actually delete them. First, (back up your database. Then, run the following query in PostgreSQL:

  FROM node
 WHERE nodeid
          FROM (SELECT nodeid AS "ID",
                       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY nodelabel ORDER BY nodeid) AS "row_num"
                  FROM node) AS foo
 WHERE foo."row_num" > 1);
  • Opsboard change title color to something neutral than red (Issue NMS-7911)

  • Replace VDEF with {diffTime} on the resource templates to avoid conflicts with Backshift (Issue NMS-8490)

  • Inconsistencies with the Measurements API when using Newts (Issue NMS-8498)

  • Cannot validate remote-poller code certificate JRE 8u74 or newer (Issue NMS-8532)

  • Restarting OMNS results in numerous SNMP outage alarms and notifications (Issue NMS-8620)

  • Measurements API can fail with exception when operating in relaxed mode (Issue NMS-8665)

  • Newts: When Cassandra Cluster is unavailable, OpenNMS gives up on trying to contact it again (Issue NMS-8670)

  • Any SNMP error-status > 5 treated as unrecognized, aborts AggregateTracker (Issue NMS-8671)

  • Trapd JMX trap counters don’t count traps (Issue NMS-8744)

  • Auto-Discover architecture/behavior has changed and broke its typical usage (Issue NMS-8767)

  • Event advanced search does not work because of encoded &s (Issue NMS-8768)

  • The Alarms Details widget on the OpsBoard shows the text on green instead of black (Issue NMS-8771)

  • RRDtool 1.6 doesn’t like vames called ds (Issue NMS-8775)

  • Installer script doesn’t work with PostgreSQL 9.6 (Issue NMS-8779)

  • Bug in juniper graphs (Issue NMS-8786)

  • SNMP web configurator does not allow zero retries (Issue NMS-8789)

  • The search page for events is not working as expected (Issue NMS-8790)

  • The "Recent Events" in the node page, shows HTML tags on the message (Issue NMS-8794)

  • After installing opennms-jmx-config-generator, the jmx-config-generator cannot be executed (Issue NMS-8800)

  • Blank content when clicking on "View Node Link Detailed Info" (Issue NMS-8808)

  • InterruptedExceptions thrown when using SNMP (Issue NMS-8813)

  • Outage ReST service forNode use case calculates dates incorrectly (Issue NMS-8823)

  • event filter on exactuei yields unexpected results (Issue NMS-8828)

  • Discovery duplicates nodes when foreign-source is set (Issue NMS-8835)

  • Several ICMPv6 tests fail with NoRouteToHostException (Issue NMS-8840)

  • user detection in install is busted on some Linux systems (Issue NMS-8843)

  • Backshift shows the name of the string variables when the value is not available (Issue NMS-8847)

  • NPE when starting bsmd (Issue NMS-8853)

  • Wallboard / Ops board renders product logo strangely (Issue NMS-8855)

  • NonUniqueResultException when retrieving CDP links (Issue NMS-8863)

  • Updating assets/categories through ReST affects Forced Unmanaged services. (Issue NMS-8879)

  • The label of unreachable auto-discovered nodes is set to the IP after a rescan. (Issue NMS-8880)

  • checknsc script throws class not found exception for LoggerFactory (Issue NMS-8885)

  • Memory Leak in enlinkd? (Issue NMS-8896)

  • Spurious Trapd error logs: unknown SNMP protocol version 'v2' (Issue NMS-8900)

  • JiraTicketerPlugin does not to work with https instances (Issue NMS-8906)

  • Can’t save cached requisition associated with HTTP when scheduling the import through provisiond-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-8912)

  • The "Update Ticket" functionality on the alarm detail page is broken, when the original creation of the issue failed (Issue NMS-8914)

  • ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException while processing some trap varbinds (Issue NMS-8915)

  • WS-Man collection fail with unknown reason code 2 (Issue NMS-8923)

  • WS-Man collection with resource-type only store last resource (Issue NMS-8924)

  • Backshift failing with legend errors for NRTG + Forecasts (Issue NMS-8939)

  • WS_Man datacollection using WQL fails with 'unsupported element' (Issue NMS-8955)

  • Enlinkd Not Performing Bridge Topology Discovery (Issue NMS-8964)

  • Missing image in provisioning doc (Issue NMS-8121)

  • Create a more useful example content for opennms.conf (Issue NMS-8721)

  • Allow filtering by severity in alarm list (Issue NMS-8851)

  • Expose alarm-list "limit" parameter as a UI control (Issue NMS-8852)

  • Make the ILR put the node label alongside the package/IPADDR/Service tuple (Issue NMS-8858)

  • Avoid creating tickets for cleared alarms (Issue NMS-8866)

  • Set additional fields in the JIRA ticketer (Issue NMS-8893)

  • Better logging for SNMP traps with processing problems (Issue NMS-8903)

Release 18.0.2

Release 18.0.2 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a few bug fixes and a enhancements. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 18, see What’s New in OpenNMS 18.

The codename for 18.0.2 is Muskrat.

  • IE11 and Firefox Browsers Display Double Scroll Bars for the RTC: Service Monitoring Table in the Ops Panel (Issue NMS-8035)

  • Null Pointer Exception in bridge discovery (Issue NMS-8390)

  • Overwriting for storeByForeignSource does not work (Issue NMS-8406)

  • upgrade error: too many open files (Issue NMS-8507)

  • The ReST end point /foreignSourcesConfig/assets contains invalid fields (Issue NMS-8690)

  • Site status view gives a 400 error for aggregate view for node downs (Issue NMS-8700)

  • View current Site outages does not filter for "building" (Issue NMS-8702)

  • The Vaddin version of the dashboard shows negative availability sometimes (Issue NMS-8705)

  • Scriptd is not working at all for events that have nodes associated. (Issue NMS-8716)

  • vmwarecimquery and vmwareconfigbuilder tools is not working (Issue NMS-8718)

  • XSS vulnerability in display of SNMP sysName and trap varbind values (Issue NMS-8722)

  • IllegalStateException when using the RrdSummaryController (Issue NMS-8743)

  • Add Mattermost and Slack notification strategies (Issue NMS-8346)

Release 18.0.1

Release 18.0.1 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a large number of bug fixes and a few enhancements. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 18, see What’s New in OpenNMS 18.

The codename for 18.0.1 is Platypus.

  • NPE in provisioning groups UI (corner case / race condition) (Issue NMS-3820)

  • When using storeByFS a provisioning group cannot contain whitespace (Issue NMS-6331)

  • observations related to "ping".option in topology page (Issue NMS-6849)

  • Using ping in topology view cause strange behavior (Issue NMS-7204)

  • Problems with "ResponseTimeSummary_Availability_Offenders" subreport (Issue NMS-7472)

  • Problems with "NodeAvailability" report (Issue NMS-7475)

  • Provided graph definitions are mixing aggregation function leading to wrong min / max totals (Issue NMS-7578)

  • New Monitoring Locations Editor only allows integers in the latitude and longitude fields (Issue NMS-7869)

  • output.log fills up with GLib-GObject-CRITICAL messages (Issue NMS-8016)

  • Issues with data collection config for Cisco devices (Issue NMS-8027)

  • Remotepoller shell script searching remote-poller.jar at wrong location (Issue NMS-8040)

  • Ping from topology view does not work (results in 404 Page not found) (Issue NMS-8043)

  • Documentation for Cassandra/Newts doesn’t mention that a JDK is required (Issue NMS-8049)

  • Node rescans possible in WebUI with ROLE_USER (Issue NMS-8127)

  • Wrong label in send-event menu (Issue NMS-8154)

  • Missing node/interface information in an event after sending an event with send-event ui (Issue NMS-8155)

  • VMware-ManagedEntity does not work with VMware 6 (Issue NMS-8187)

  • Install -dis on "SocketException:Too many open files" on centos:latest docker (Issue NMS-8200)

  • Editing scheduled outages overwrites collectd-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-8206)

  • Trouble ticket link template in accidentally filtered (Issue NMS-8256)

  • The filter for the foreign source in the outages view caused an SQLGrammarException (Issue NMS-8275)

  • enlinkd produces getReadyRunnable: queue is Empty (Issue NMS-8290)

  • Enlinkd null pointer exception in BridgeTopologyDiscovery (Issue NMS-8291)

  • linknode.jsp displays no data link (Issue NMS-8292)

  • Topology elements looks off center when the panel is collapsed (Issue NMS-8297)

  • Linkd Topology Provider shows Indeterminate Status of Vertices if no alarm is defined. (Issue NMS-8328)

  • Multi-Selection Tool does not work anymore (Issue NMS-8331)

  • Selection is lost when using the Topology UI (Issue NMS-8332)

  • QuickAddNodeIT flapping during tearDown() (Issue NMS-8340)

  • If the persistence layer is not available or unresponsive the WebUI becomes unavailable or extremely slow and key components stop working (Issue NMS-8360)

  • nodelink.jsp shared segment without ports (Issue NMS-8362)

  • Exceptions thrown by the Newts Conversion Tool for certain RRDs and no data on Cassandra (Issue NMS-8363)

  • Totals based on {diffTime} on any graph templates related with octets are wrong (Issue NMS-8372)

  • Poller threads can get locked up while waiting for outages to be created/resolved (Issue NMS-8376)

  • storeByForeignSource breaks node[N] style resource IDs (Issue NMS-8404)

  • ConcurrentModificationException in DefaultEventHandlerImpl (Issue NMS-8413)

  • Karaf log level is DEBUG in stable (Issue NMS-8416)

  • Enlinkd Topology: Nodes without any alarms have a question mark (Issue NMS-8417)

  • IBM TSRM integration throws "requires a field Ticket class" exception (Issue NMS-8419)

  • Enlinkd Topology: Cannot search for nodes without alarms (Issue NMS-8420)

  • BSM Editor throws an exception if you type a 0 in weight (Issue NMS-8421)

  • WebMonitor returns false negative poll results (Issue NMS-8427)

  • Ring buffer entries exceed capacity (Issue NMS-8430)

  • Newts: String properties are persisted using the "collector" thread (Issue NMS-8437)

  • Upgrade PostgreSQL Driver and C3P0 (Issue NMS-8438)

  • Newts: The number of sample processing threads do not match the number of writer threads (Issue NMS-8439)

  • Topology redirects to localhost ( (Issue NMS-8450)

  • Problem in Minion syslog reception route (Issue NMS-8456)

  • opennms stop takes 5 minutes (Issue NMS-8471)

  • NRT graph interval should default to > 1s (Issue NMS-8477)

  • PostgreSQL driver’s OSGi bundle activator deregisters the driver (Issue NMS-8480)

  • Isolate Smoke Tests (Issue NMS-8485)

  • Port Minion System Tests to the Smoke Test Suite (Issue NMS-8486)

  • JdbcCollector does not close database connections correctly (Issue NMS-8488)

  • NPE in JMX Collector when collecting composite attributes (Issue NMS-8497)

  • jmxremote password file not found when running install -dis after configuring RMI (Issue NMS-8499)

  • JMX RMI auth configuration does not work with custom roles (Issue NMS-8500)

  • Cancel dialog is slow and Topology Map crashes if vertex has many edges (20+) (Issue NMS-8501)

  • log4j2.xml passes WARN level logs by default (Issue NMS-8502)

  • Attributes set in the DroolsTicketerServiceLayer get overwritten (Issue NMS-8503)

  • HW ENTITY_MIB plugin is not showing all information for certain devices (Issue NMS-8506)

  • OEM graph for Storage Utilization fails due to '::' (Issue NMS-8519)

  • The ticket change date is the same as the reported date (Issue NMS-8520)

  • Discovery doesn’t create/place node in correct requisition for range (Issue NMS-8537)

  • blank label in "Threshold Function Details" window (Issue NMS-8541)

  • Resizing browser window causes Topology UI to refresh itself needlessly (Issue NMS-8588)

  • Topology Map is very very slow (Issue NMS-8589)

  • Topology UI refreshes many times when performing various actions (Issue NMS-8592)

  • Requisitioned IP interfaces never have ipHostName set (Issue NMS-8593)

  • Compiler warnings about MaxPermSize support is removed in 8.0 (Issue NMS-8594)

  • Vertex shows empty tooltip (Issue NMS-8595)

  • Distributed/Geographical Maps do not show images anymore (Issue NMS-8597)

  • Change Real-time Graphing Default to 5 or 10 seconds (Issue NMS-5937)

  • Make node aggregation 'maxClusterRadius' in Geographical Map configurable (Issue NMS-7638)

  • Query an Application using the ReST interface (Issue NMS-8172)

  • Add PaloAlto Firewall Datacollection (Issue NMS-8174)

  • RESTv2 services should return HTTP 204 for DELETE (Issue NMS-8195)

  • Expose the complete OnmsNode object in Scriptd to avoid LazyInitializationExceptions (Issue NMS-8294)

  • Upgrade Log4j2 (there are several performance improvements) (Issue NMS-8392)

  • Return X-Frame-Options HTTP header to prevent x-frame scripting and clickjacking (Issue NMS-8393)

  • BSM attributes not available in events and alarms (Issue NMS-8423)

  • Upgrade Newts to 1.3.6 (Issue NMS-8428)

  • Add a new control to open Backshift graphs in their own window (Issue NMS-8429)

  • Update NRTG to use Backshift instead of rrdgraph.js (Issue NMS-8435)

  • Provide a stress tool that can be used to stress the active persistence layer (Issue NMS-8436)

  • Forecast metrics using Backshift (Issue NMS-8448)

  • Implement a Datasource Factory based on Hikari CP (Issue NMS-8455)

  • Add custom string attributes based on indirect and complex SNMP Indices (Issue NMS-8484)

  • Improve built-in Newts graphs for easier diagnostics (Issue NMS-8495)

  • Alphabetize nodes in surveillance category listing (Issue NMS-8535)

Release 18.0.0

Release 18.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a large number of bug fixes and new features. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 18, see What’s New in OpenNMS 18.

The codename for 18.0.0 is Tardigrade.

  • "ADD NODE" produces "too much" config (Issue NMS-3489)

  • RrdUtils.createRRD log message is unclear (Issue NMS-4845)

  • should be deprecated and removed (Issue NMS-5788)

  • Bring WaterfallExecutor logging on par with RunnableConsumerThreadPool (Issue NMS-5839)

  • The retry handler used with HttpClient is not going to do what we expect (Issue NMS-5915)

  • No HTML title on Topology Map (Issue NMS-5970)

  • does not import requisitions with spaces in the name (Issue NMS-6344)

  • Eventd does not honor reloadDaemonConfig event (Issue NMS-6549)

  • Update JNA.jar library to support ARM based systems (Issue NMS-6623)

  • not included in jar (Issue NMS-7263)

  • SNMP Plugin tests regularly failing (Issue NMS-7471)

  • ArrayOutOfBounds Exception in Topology Map when selecting bridge-port (Issue NMS-7525)

  • non RFC conform behaviour of SmtpMonitor (Issue NMS-7582)

  • Remote poller dies when trying to use the PageSequenceMonitor (Issue NMS-7731)

  • Bridge Data is not Collected on Cisco Nexus (Issue NMS-7763)

  • NPE in JmxRrdMigratorOffline (Issue NMS-7792)

  • Slow LinkdTopologyProvider/EnhancedLinkdTopologyProvider in bigger enviroments (Issue NMS-7846)

  • Enlinkd bridge discovery creates erroneous entries in the Bridge Forwarding Tables of unrelated switches when host is a kvm virtual host (Issue NMS-7871)

  • 303 See Other on requisitions response breaks the usage of the Requisitions ReST API (Issue NMS-7872)

  • Integration tests in org.opennms.core.test-api.karaf have incomplete dependencies (Issue NMS-7880)

  • Slow BridgeBridgeTopologie discovery with enlinkd. (Issue NMS-7918)

  • Null pointer exceptions with whitespace in requisition name (Issue NMS-7922)

  • Bouncycastle JARs break large-key crypto operations (Issue NMS-7959)

  • XML namespace locations are not set correctly for namespaces cm, and ext (Issue NMS-7967)

  • Rest API v2 returns http-404 (not found) for http-204 (no content) cases (Issue NMS-7975)

  • Topology-UI shows LLDP links not correct (Issue NMS-8003)

  • Vacuumd sends automation events before transaction is closed (Issue NMS-8018)

  • opennms-setup.karaf shouldn’t try to start ActiveMQ (Issue NMS-8056)

  • Add the .xml and .cfg files to the Minion repo webapp (Issue NMS-8057)

  • Poll all interface w/o critical service is incorrect (Issue NMS-8058)

  • NullPointerException for NodeDiscoveryBridge (Issue NMS-8072)

  • The OnmsDaoContainer does not update its cache correctly, leading to a NumberFormatException (Issue NMS-8079)

  • VLAN name is not displayed (Issue NMS-8080)

  • Provisioning Requisitions with spaces in their name. (Issue NMS-8086)

  • JMX detector connection errors use wrong log level (Issue NMS-8096)

  • PageSequenceMonitor sometimes gives poor failure reasons (Issue NMS-8098)

  • init script checkXmlFiles() fails to pick up errors (Issue NMS-8104)

  • Heat map Alarms/Categories do not show all categories (Issue NMS-8116)

  • CXF returning 204 on NULL responses, rather than 404 (Issue NMS-8118)

  • Memory leak when using Groovy + BSF (Issue NMS-8125)

  • NPE if provisioning requisition name has spaces (Issue NMS-8128)

  • OpenNMS incorrectly discovers VLANs (Issue NMS-8137)

  • "Show interfaces" link forgets the filters in some circumstances (Issue NMS-8146)

  • Cannot search by MAC address (Issue NMS-8167)

  • Vaadin Applications do not show OpenNMS favicon (Issue NMS-8168)

  • Wrong interface status color on node detail page (Issue NMS-8189)

  • Return an HTTP 303 for PUT/POST request on a ReST API is a bad practice (Issue NMS-8194)

  • Provisioning UI indication for changed nodes is too bright (Issue NMS-8198)

  • Upgrade maven-bundle-plugin to v3.0.1 (Issue NMS-8208)

  • AlarmdIT.testPersistManyAlarmsAtOnce() test ordering issue? (Issue NMS-8214)

  • Chart servlet reloads Notifd config instead of Charts config (Issue NMS-8215)

  • Discovery config screen problems in latest code (Issue NMS-8216)

  • Operation "Refresh Now" and "Automatic Refresh" referesh the UI differently (Issue NMS-8221)

  • JasperReports measurements data-source step returning null (Issue NMS-8224)

  • Jaspersoft Studio cannot be used anymore to debug/create new reports (Issue NMS-8235)

  • Requisition synchronization is failing due to space in requisition name (Issue NMS-8240)

  • Many Rcsript (RScript) files in OPENNMS_DATA/tmp (Issue NMS-8248)

  • Test flapping: ForeignSourceRestServiceIT.testForeignSources() (Issue NMS-8257)

  • snmp4j does not process agent responses (Issue NMS-8272)

  • %post error when Minion host.key already exists (Issue NMS-8273)

  • All the defined Statsd’s reports are being executed even if they are disabled. (Issue NMS-8274)

  • %post failure in opennms-minion-features-core: sed not found (Issue NMS-8277)

  • Config Tester Tool doesn’t check some of the core configuration files (Issue NMS-8293)

  • Label of Vertex is too short in some cases (Issue NMS-8298)

  • Topology UI recenters even if Manual Layout is selected (Issue NMS-8299)

  • Center on Selection no longer works in STUI (Issue NMS-8300)

  • v2 Rest Services are deployed twice to the WEB-INF/lib directory (Issue NMS-8301)

  • Json deserialization throws "unknown property" exception due to usage of wrong Jax-rs Provider (Issue NMS-8302)

  • An error on threshd-configuration.xml breaks Collectd when reloading thresholds configuration (Issue NMS-8304)

  • Pan moving in Topology UI automatically recenters (Issue NMS-8313)

  • Weird zoom behavior in Topology UI using mouse wheel (Issue NMS-8314)

  • Ping is available for HTTP services (Issue NMS-8320)

  • Friendly name of an IP service is never shown in BSM (Issue NMS-8324)

  • Switching Topology Providers causes Exception (Issue NMS-8330)

  • Focal points are no longer persisted (Issue NMS-8335)

  • Non-existing resources or attributes break JasperReports when using the Measurements API (Issue NMS-8337)

  • Plugin Manager fails to load (Issue NMS-8353)

  • Incorrect documentation for org.opennms.newts.query.heartbeat (Issue NMS-8361)

  • The contents of the info panel should refresh when the vertices and edges are refreshed (Issue NMS-8371)

  • The placeholder {diffTime} is not supported by Backshift. (Issue NMS-8373)

  • The logic to find event definitions confuses the Event Translator when translating SNMP Traps (Issue NMS-8374)

  • License / copyright situation in release notes introduction needs simplifying (Issue NMS-8375)

  • Sluggish performance with Cassandra driver (Issue NMS-8379)

  • jmxconfiggenerator feature has unnecessary includes (Issue NMS-8383)

  • Requisitioning UI fails to load in modern browsers if used behind a proxy (Issue NMS-8386)

  • Document resources ReST service (Issue NMS-8388)

  • NoSuchElement exception when loading the TopologyUI (Issue NMS-8394)

  • Logging improvements to Notifd (Issue NMS-8395)

  • There are errors on the graph definitions for OpenNMS JMX statistics (Issue NMS-8401)

  • Create a better landing page for Configure Discovery aftermath (Issue NMS-2504)

  • Detect tables with Provisiond SNMP detector (Issue NMS-4229)

  • Allow other services to work with Path Outages other than ICMP (Issue NMS-5077)

  • Add ifAlias to bridge Link Interface Info (Issue NMS-5905)

  • Make the Provisioning Requisitions "Node Quick-Add" look pretty (Issue NMS-5979)

  • Expose SNMP4J 2.x noGetBulk and allowSnmpV2cInV1 capabilities (Issue NMS-7123)

  • Enhance Bridge Link Object Model (Issue NMS-7446)

  • Update BridgeTopology to use the new Object Model (Issue NMS-7447)

  • Update Bridge Topology Discovery Strategy (Issue NMS-7448)

  • Change icon for Dell PowerConnector switch (Issue NMS-7756)

  • Add Sonicwall Firewall Events (Issue NMS-7798)

  • Elasticsearch event and alarm forwarder (Issue NMS-7903)

  • Create an overview for the developers guide (Issue NMS-7950)

  • Add support for setting system properties via user supplied .properties files (Issue NMS-7965)

  • Merge OSGi Plugin Manager into Admin UI (Issue NMS-7976)

  • provide HTTPS Quicklaunch into node page (Issue NMS-7980)

  • Remove Dependencies on RXTX (Issue NMS-8015)

  • Refactor Enhanced Linkd Topology (Issue NMS-8041)

  • Provide link for Microsoft RDP connections (Issue NMS-8044)

  • Update asciidoc dependencies to latest 1.5.3 (Issue NMS-8063)

  • Allow user to access local documentation from OpenNMS Jetty Webapp (Issue NMS-8076)

  • Add NetGear Prosafe Smart switch SNMP trap events and syslog events (Issue NMS-8077)

  • Add OpenWrt syslog and related event definitions (Issue NMS-8092)

  • Disallow restricted characters from foreign source and foreign ID (Issue NMS-8129)

  • Update asciidoctorj to 1.5.4 and asciidoctorjPdf to 1.5.0-alpha.11 (Issue NMS-8149)

  • Collect and publish anonymous statistics to (Issue NMS-8152)

  • Remove Quick-Add node to avoid confusions and avoid breaking the ReST API (Issue NMS-8160)

  • Requisitions UI Enhancements (Issue NMS-8163)

  • ifIndex >= 2^31 (Issue NMS-8179)

  • Add HTTPS as quick-link on the node page (Issue NMS-8182)

  • Generate events for alarm lifecycle changes (Issue NMS-8205)

  • Upgrade junit to v4.12 (Issue NMS-8209)

  • Add support for calculating the derivative with a Measurements API Filter (Issue NMS-8210)

  • Add support for retrieving nodes with a filter expression via the ReST API (Issue NMS-8211)

  • External event source tweaks to admin guide (Issue NMS-8218)

  • Copyright bump on asciidoc docs (Issue NMS-8219)

  • Integrate the Minion container and packages into the mainline OpenNMS build (Issue NMS-8225)

  • Upgrade SNMP4J to version 2.4 (Issue NMS-8226)

  • Topology providers should provide a description for display (Issue NMS-8238)

  • Parameterize product name in asciidoc docs (Issue NMS-8251)

  • Cleanup testdata in SnmpDetector tests (Issue NMS-8259)

  • SNMP collection systemDefs for Cisco ASA5525-X, ASA5515-X (Issue NMS-8265)

  • SNMP collection systemDefs for Juniper SRX210he2, SRX100h (Issue NMS-8266)

  • Create documentation for SNMP detector (Issue NMS-8267)

  • Enable correlation engines to register for all events (Issue NMS-8271)

  • Be able to re-order the policies on a requisition through the UI (Issue NMS-8296)

  • Implement org.opennms.timeseries.strategy=evaluate to facilitate the sizing process (Issue NMS-8334)

  • Set the required fields when not specified while adding events through ReST (Issue NMS-8336)

  • Update screenshots with 18 theme in user documentation (Issue NMS-8349)

  • Add metric counter for drop counts when the ring buffer is full (Issue NMS-8365)

  • Applying some organizational changes on the Requisitions UI (Grunt, JSHint, Dist) (Issue NMS-8377)

  • Move the "vaadin-extender-service" module to opennms code base (Issue NMS-8236)

What’s New in OpenNMS 17

System Requirements

  • Java 8: OpenNMS 17 requires Java 8 as the runtime environment. To run OpenNMS 17, we recommend the most recent version of Oracle JDK 8 for your platform.

  • PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher: OpenNMS 17 now requires PostgreSQL 9.1 or higher. All older versions of PostgreSQL are past their end-of-life support date.

Important Upgrade Notes

  • Clean Up Events and Alarms: Please clean up your event and alarm lists as much as possible before performing an upgrade to OpenNMS 17. The upgrade process contains a large number of database schema migrations which will cause rewrites of all of the data in some tables. If you prune unused data from these tables beforehand, it will make the upgrade process much quicker.

  • Remote Poller API Change: Due to internal API changes, the Remote Poller API has changed in OpenNMS 17. If you upgrade to OpenNMS 17, you will also need to upgrade all Remote Pollers attached to the system to version 17 as well.

  • RMI Security Updates: Since OpenNMS 16.0.4, the RMI registry has been changed to only listen on localhost by default. Starting in OpenNMS 17, it also now requires authentication using an OpenNMS administrator account.

  • JMX Updates: JMX is no longer enabled by default on port 18980. If you have reason to access your OpenNMS instance remotely over JMX, you can reenable it by adding and to ADDITIONAL_MANAGER_OPTIONS in $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/opennms.conf. Note that OpenNMS-JVM monitoring of the local instance (ie, localhost) will still work by using the JMX Access API, without needing to enable the TCP port.

API Changes

  • Monitoring locations for the Remote Poller are now viewed and configured in the UI under /locations/index.jsp. Monitoring locations were previously configured in the etc/monitoring-locations.xml file but are now stored in monitoringlocations database table.

  • All data previously in the location_monitors table is now in the monitoringsystems table.

  • The ifIndex column has been removed from the ipInterface table. To fetch the ifIndex, you need to join to the snmpInterface table by nodeId.

  • The nodeId and ipAddr columns have been removed from the ifServices table. To fetch these columns, you need to join to the ipInterface table.

  • The nodeId, ipAddr and serviceId columns have been removed from the outages table. To fetch these columns, you need to join to the ifServices table.

New Features

  • Newts Storage for Data Collection: In addition to RRD and JRobin, OpenNMS 17 data collection now supports our [Newts]( time-series data store that uses the highly-scalable Apache Cassandra database as the storage backend. This storage solution provides higher performance than the file-based RRD and JRobin databases and practically unlimited scalability when using a cluster of Cassandra nodes. You can drastically reduce CPU and storage load on your OpenNMS system and increase the number of metrics stored per second by using the Newts storage engine.

  • Measurements REST API Filtering: The measurements REST API now supports the use of arithmetic filters on the returned datasets. This allows you to perform calculations or statistical operations on the data via server-side processing.

  • Grafana Panel: An optional panel has been added to the UI to allow you to integrate links to Grafana graphs in the UI.

  • Streamlined UI Style: The style of the UI has been refined to provide a clearer, more modern look-and-feel.

  • Alarm Heatmap: A heatmap visualization has been added that lets you quickly visualize alarm status and outages within a category or on a node.

  • FreeIPA Kerberos Authentication: We’ve added a sample configuration for FreeIPA Kerberos SSO to our jetty-webapps/opennms/WEB-INF/spring-security.d directory.

  • JMX Configuration UI and CLI: The JMX Configuration web UI and CLI have been rewritten to make it easier to generate complex JMX data collection configurations.

  • JMS Alarm Northbounder: The implementation of a JMS northbounder for sending OpenNMS Alarms to external JMS listeners has been completed. Thanks to David Schlenk (@dschlenk) for this contribution!

  • OTRS 3.1+ Ticketing Integration: Our OTRS ticketing integration has been updated to work with the API in OTRS 3.1 and higher. Thanks to Jonathan Sartin (@blackpoplar) for this contribution!

  • Easier Remote Poller Configuration: Monitoring locations can now be associated with multiple polling and collection packages. This can make some Remote Poller scenarios easier to configure.

Dependency Updates

  • Jasper Reports has been upgraded from 5.6.1 to 6.1.1.


  • A10 AX Load Balancer

  • Avocent DSView

  • Dell Force 10

  • Evertz 7800FR Multiframe

  • 7880-IP-ASI-IP

  • 7881-DEC-MP2

  • 7780-ASI-IP2

  • Infoblox

  • ~50 new NetApp Events

  • Raytheon NXU-2A

Thanks to Marcel Fuhrmann (@mfuhrmann) and Cyrille Bollu (@StCyr).

Data Collection

  • Fortinet Fortigate

  • Sonicwall

Thanks to Marcel Fuhrmann (@mfuhrmann) and Cyrille Bollu (@StCyr).

Retired Features

  • Linkd: Linkd was the original implementation of the link scanning daemon for OpenNMS. It has been superseded by Enhanced Linkd (Enlinkd) in OpenNMS 14 and higher. Linkd has been removed as of OpenNMS 17.

  • SVG Maps: The SVG map feature relied on Linkd’s code for drawing links between items on the map so it was also removed in OpenNMS 17.

  • Xmlrpcd: Xmlrpcd was a daemon that relayed inventory and polling events to an external system over the XML-RPC protocol. Because you can accomplish almost all of its use cases by using the provisioning REST service, it has been removed.

  • MX4J: The MX4J HTTP interface has been removed in favor of using more modern JMX access methods that have been added in recent versions of the JVM.

Internal Updates

  • The Enlinkd link scanning code and topology code have been updated to provide higher performance.

  • The resource API for data storage has undergone heavy refactoring to provide changes necessary to support Newts.

  • The Jasper and statsd reports have been changed so that they use a new unified interface for fetching data from either RRD, JRobin, or Newts.

  • The Discovery engine has been refactored into its own project.

  • The REST interface has been refactored to be based on Apache CXF 3.1.4.

  • The Dashboard has been rewritten using the Vaadin toolkit to modernize its look-and-feel.

  • The opennms-assemblies/jmx-config-generator-onejar project has been moved to features/jmx-config-generator.


  • Introducing installation guide for Debian, CentOS and Windows-based systems.

  • Introducing installation guide for Newts.

  • Documentation for JasperReports for using the Measurements ReST API added to the admin guide.

  • Documentation for Enhanced Linkd daemon configuration and collected information for Bridge-MIB discovery, LLDP, CDP, OSPF and IS-IS added to the admin guide.

  • Documentation for how to deal with SSL in Java and Jetty added to the admin guide.


Release 17.1.1

Release 17.1.1 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a number of bug fixes and a few other changes. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 17, see major changes in OpenNMS 17.

The codename for 17.1.1 is Glenmorangie.

  • Allow send events through ReST (Issue NMS-6404)

  • Create pull request and contribution template to GitHub project (Issue NMS-8148)

  • Remove all jersey artifacts from lib classpath (Issue NMS-8151)

  • Chart Servlet Outages model exception (Issue NMS-7936)

  • Groups config rolled back after deleting a user in web UI (Issue NMS-8010)

  • Adding on opennms.conf is ignored by the opennms script (Issue NMS-8034)

  • org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException with ACLs on V17 (Issue NMS-8048)

  • vacuumd-configuration.xml — Database error executing statement (Issue NMS-8075)

  • Overview about major releases in the release notes (Issue NMS-8113)

  • Can’t modify the Foreign ID on the Requisitions UI when adding a new node (Issue NMS-8153)

  • When altering the SNMP Trap NBI config, the externally referenced mapping groups are persisted into the main file. (Issue NMS-8159)

  • Tooltips are not working on the new Requisitions UI (Issue NMS-8161)

  • OutageDao ACL support is broken causing web UI failures (Issue NMS-8165)

  • Install guide should use postgres admin for schema updates (Issue NMS-8177)

  • Allows state names to be configured in the JIRA Ticketer Plugin (Issue NMS-8199)

Release 17.1.0

Release 17.1.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a number of important bug fixes and a few new features. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 17, see major changes in OpenNMS 17.

The codename for 17.1.0 is Talisker.

New Features
  • Support for Web Services-Management protocol for collecting performance data and monitoring status (HZN-583, HZN-584)

  • Expose the Northbound Interfaces configuration through ReST (HZN-570)

  • Northbound interface for E-Mail (HZN-565)

  • Northbound implementation for SNMP Traps (HZN-564)

  • AMQP Northbound Integration (HZN-537)

  • Provide a tool for importing existing .rrd / .jrb metrics into Newts (HZN-344)

  • Add more flexibility to the syslog alarm northbound implementation (HZN-563)

  • Define optional event parameters on the event definition (HZN-551)

  • Create upgrade script for service-configuration.xml (HZN-545)

  • Expose SNMP4J 2.x noGetBulk and allowSnmpV2cInV1 capabilities (Issue NMS-7123)

  • Add threshold comments and whitespace changes to match how the OpenNMS web GUI generates XML files (Issue NMS-7978)

  • Add support for using NRTG via Ajax calls (Issue NMS-8005)

  • Add support for OSGi-based Ticketing plugins (Issue NMS-8024)

  • Add event definition for postfix syslog message TLS disabled (Issue NMS-8028)

  • Improve the SNMP data collection config parsing to give more flexibility to the users (Issue NMS-8030)

  • set Up severities for (Issue NMS-8042)

  • Add support for marshalling NorthboundAlarms to XML (Issue NMS-8068)

  • Event definition file for JUNIPER-IVE-MIB (Issue NMS-8071)

  • Fixed a paragraph in the "Automatic Discovery" provisioning chapter (Issue NMS-8120)

  • OTRS integration doesn’t properly validate SOAP responses (HZN-518)

  • Bad suggestions in install guide (Issue NMS-4108)

  • Enlinkd Topology Plugin fails to create LLDP links for mismatched link port descriptions. (Issue NMS-7152)

  • files with --vertical-label="verticalLabel" in config (Issue NMS-7820)

  • Incorrect host in Location header when creating resources via ReST (Issue NMS-7866)

  • config-tester is broken (Issue NMS-7910)

  • Opsboard and Opspanel use wrong logo (Issue NMS-7953)

  • Unable to generate eventconf if a MIB (improperly?) uses a TC to define a TC (Issue NMS-7966)

  • container features.xml still references jersey 1.18 when it should reference 1.19. (Issue NMS-7988)

  • Topology-UI shows CDP links not correct (Issue NMS-8000)

  • Backshift graphs show dates in UTC instead of the browser’s timezone (Issue NMS-8014)

  • StrafePing: Unexpected exception while polling PollableService (Issue NMS-8017)

  • Grafana Box did not work anymore (Issue NMS-8023)

  • Constant Thread Locking on Enlinkd (Issue NMS-8026)

  • Wrong use of opennms.web.base-url (Issue NMS-8029)

  • NRTG with newts - get StringIndexOutOfBoundsException (Issue NMS-8038)

  • The newts script only works if cassandra runs on localhost (Issue NMS-8051)

  • AlarmPersisterIT test is empty (Issue NMS-8054)

  • The 'newts init' script does work when authentication is enabled in Cassandra (Issue NMS-8064)

  • ReST Regression in Alarms/Events (Issue NMS-8065)

  • Newts only uses a single thread when writing to Cassandra (Issue NMS-8066)

  • User Restriction Filters: mapping class for roles to groups does not work (Issue NMS-8073)

  • The "Remove From Focus" button intermittently fails (Issue NMS-8074)

  • The OnmsDaoContainer does not update its cache correctly, leading to a NumberFormatException (Issue NMS-8079)

  • File not found exception for interfaceSTP-box.jsp on SNMP interface page (Issue NMS-8084)

  • Installation Guide Debian Bug Version 17.0.0 (Issue NMS-8097)

  • Unable to complete creation of scheduled reports (Issue NMS-8100)

  • NPE when persisting data with Newts (Issue NMS-8103)

  • init script checkXmlFiles() fails to pick up errors (Issue NMS-8104)

  • INFO-severity syslog-derived events end up unmatched (Issue NMS-8106)

  • Memory leak when using the BSFDetector (Issue NMS-8109)

  • init script "configtest" exit value is always 1 (Issue NMS-8112)

  • Heat map Alarms/Categories do not show all categories (Issue NMS-8116)

  • WS-MAN has broken ForeignSourceConfigRestService and the requisitions UI doesn’t work. (Issue NMS-8119)

  • Removing ops boards via the configuration UI does not update the table (Issue NMS-8123)

  • JNA ping code reuses buffer causing inconsistent reads of packet contents (Issue NMS-8126)

  • Synchronizing a requisition fails (Issue NMS-8133)

  • Add all the services declared on Collectd and Pollerd configuration as available services on /opennms/rest/foreignSourceConfig/services (Issue NMS-8147)

Release 17.0.0

Release 17.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a large number of bug fixes and new features. For a high-level overview of what’s changed in OpenNMS 17, see What’s New in OpenNMS 17.

The codename for 17.0.0 is Glen Moray.

  • Add option to the <service> element in poller-configuration.xml to specify service-specific RRD settings (Issue NMS-1488)

  • Additional storeByGroup capabilities (Issue NMS-1910)

  • Infoblox events file (Issue NMS-2362)

  • Adding SNMP traps for Raytheon NXU-2A (Issue NMS-3479)

  • Add A10 AX load balancer trap events (Issue NMS-4008)

  • Interactive JMX data collection configuration UI (Issue NMS-4364)

  • Add Force10 Event/Traps (Issue NMS-5016)

  • Event definition for Juniper screening SNMP traps (Issue NMS-5071)

  • events definiton file for DSVIEW-TRAP-MIB (Issue NMS-5272)

  • Trap definition files for Evertz Multiframe and Modules (Issue NMS-5397)

  • Trap and data collection definitions for Ceragon FibeAir 1500 (Issue NMS-5398)

  • New (additional) event file for NetApp filer (Issue NMS-5791)

  • New Fortinet datacollection / graph definition (Issue NMS-6770)

  • DefaultResourceDao should use RRD-API to find resources (Issue NMS-7108)

  • MIB support for Zertico environment sensors (Issue NMS-7131)

  • Implement "integration with OTRS-3.1+" feature (Issue NMS-7191)

  • Unit tests should be able to run successfully from the start of a compile. (Issue NMS-7258)

  • Create a detector for XMP (Issue NMS-7404)

  • Remove linkd (Issue NMS-7520)

  • Add Juniper SRX flow performance monitoring and default thresholds (Issue NMS-7553)

  • Enable real SSO via Kerberos (SPNEGO) and LDAP (Issue NMS-7614)

  • Create option to make dashboard the landing page (Issue NMS-7618)

  • Get rid of servicemap and servermap database tables (Issue NMS-7689)

  • Add support for Javascript-based graphs (Issue NMS-7700)

  • Dell Equallogic Events (Issue NMS-7722)

  • Persist the CdpGlobalDeviceIdFormat (Issue NMS-7768)

  • Add Sonicwall Firewall Events (Issue NMS-7798)

  • JMS Alarm Northbounder (Issue NMS-7805)

  • DNS Resolution against non-local resolver (Issue NMS-7821)

  • Recognize Cisco ASA5580-20 for SNMP data collection (Issue NMS-7868)

  • Promote Compass app when mobile browser detected (Issue NMS-7949)

  • Document how to configure RRDtool in OpenNMS (Issue NMS-7986)

  • nodeSource[] resource ids only work when storeByFs is enabled (Issue NMS-7711)

  • Flatten and improve web app style (Issue NMS-7894)

  • Document HeatMap ReST services (Issue NMS-7929)

  • Cleanup docs modules (Issue NMS-7940)

  • odd index "ifservicves_ipinterfaceid_idx" in database - typo? (Issue NMS-5613)

  • JMX Config Tool CLI is not packaged correctly (Issue NMS-5946)

  • Statsd randomly looks for storeByForeignSource rrds (Issue NMS-6012)

  • 'Overall Service Availability' bad info in case of nodeDown / nodeUp transition (Issue NMS-6478)

  • Running online report "Response Time Summary for node" produces Unexpected Error (Issue NMS-6493)

  • Outdated Quartz URL in provisiond-configuration.xml file (Issue NMS-6555)

  • Not evaluating threshold for data collected by HttpCollector (Issue NMS-6803)

  • test failure: org.opennms.web.alarm.filter.AlarmRepositoryFilterTest (Issue NMS-6927)

  • test failure: org.opennms.web.svclayer.DefaultOutageServiceIntegrationTest (Issue NMS-6942)

  • When building the "Early Morning Report" I get a "null" dataset argument Exception. (Issue NMS-6944)

  • Early Morning Report will not run correctly without any nodes in OpenNMS (Issue NMS-7000)

  • Availability by node report needs a "No Data for Report" Section (Issue NMS-7001)

  • Event Translator cant translate events with update-field data present (Issue NMS-7024)

  • Topology Map does not show selected focus in IE (Issue NMS-7095)

  • MigratorTest fails on two of the 3 tests. (Issue NMS-7254)

  • Inconsistent naming in Admin/System Information (Issue NMS-7407)

  • Fonts are too small in link detail page (Issue NMS-7411)

  • Fix header and list layout glitches in the WebUI (Issue NMS-7417)

  • Dashboard node status shows wrong service count (Issue NMS-7459)

  • XML Collector is not working as expected for node-level resources (Issue NMS-7516)

  • build failure in opennms-doc/guide-doc on FreeBSD (Issue NMS-7600)

  • etc folder still contains references to capsd (Issue NMS-7649)

  • Vaadin dashboard meaning of yellow in the surveillance view (Issue NMS-7667)

  • overrides (Issue NMS-7679)

  • JMX Configuration Generator admin page fails (Issue NMS-7680)

  • Example Drools rules imports incorrect classes (Issue NMS-7693)

  • Logging not initialized but used on Drools Rule files. (Issue NMS-7695)

  • Problems on graphs for 10 gigabit interface (Issue NMS-7702)

  • Database Report - Statement correction (Issue NMS-7703)

  • Building OpenNMS results in a NullPointerException on module "container/features" (Issue NMS-7709)

  • PSQLException: column "nodeid" does not exist when using manage/unmanage services (Issue NMS-7723)

  • Add support for jrrd2 (Issue NMS-7728)

  • Log messages for the Correlation Engine appear in manager.log (Issue NMS-7729)

  • bug in EventBuilder method setParam() (Issue NMS-7736)

  • Unit tests fail for loading data collection (Issue NMS-7739)

  • SeleniumMonitor with PhantomJS driver needs gson JAR (Issue NMS-7748)

  • Cannot edit some Asset Info fields (Issue NMS-7750)

  • c.m.v.a.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner: com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$DeadlockDetector@59804d53 — APPARENT DEADLOCK!!! Creating emergency threads for unassigned pending tasks! (Issue NMS-7755)

  • noSuchObject duplicates links on topology map (Issue NMS-7762)

  • Error when you drop sequence vulnnxtid (Issue NMS-7764)

  • Incorrect unit divisor in LM-SENSORS-MIB graph definitions (Issue NMS-7766)

  • HttpRemotingContextTest is an integration test and needs to be renamed as such (Issue NMS-7770)

  • Fix unit tests to run also on non-US locale systems. (Issue NMS-7771)

  • JMX Configuration Generator (webUI) is not working anymore (Issue NMS-7772)

  • node detail page failure (Issue NMS-7777)

  • Measurements ReST API broken in develop (CXF) (Issue NMS-7778)

  • OSGi-based Web Modules Not Accessible (Issue NMS-7785)

  • OSGi-based web applications are unaccesible (Issue NMS-7791)

  • Cannot load events page in 17 (Issue NMS-7794)

  • JSON Serialization Broken in REST API (CXF) (Issue NMS-7802)

  • Queued RRD updates are no longer promoted when rendering graphs (Issue NMS-7814)

  • The DataCollectionConfigDao returns all resource types, even if they are not used in any data collection package. (Issue NMS-7816)

  • Measurements ReST API Fails on strafeping (Issue NMS-7818)

  • Requesting IPv6 resources on measurements rest endpoint fails (Issue NMS-7819)

  • Remove Access Point Monitor service from service configuration (Issue NMS-7822)

  • The reload config for Collectd might throws a ConcurrentModificationException (Issue NMS-7824)

  • Exception in Vacuumd because of location monitor changes (Issue NMS-7826)

  • NPE on "manage and unmanage services and interfaces" (Issue NMS-7828)

  • Smoke tests failing because OSGi features fail to install: "The framework has been shutdown" (Issue NMS-7834)

  • "No session" error during startup in EnhancedLinkdTopologyProvider (Issue NMS-7835)

  • KIE API JAR missing from packages (Issue NMS-7836)

  • Counter variables reported as strings (like Net-SNMP extent) are not stored properly when using RRDtool (Issue NMS-7839)

  • Some database reports are broken (ResponseTimeSummary, etc.) (Issue NMS-7844)

  • New Provisioning UI: 401 Error when creating a new requisition (Issue NMS-7845)

  • Slow LinkdTopologyProvider/EnhancedLinkdTopologyProvider in bigger enviroments (Issue NMS-7846)

  • Graph results page broken when zooming (Issue NMS-7847)

  • Parameter descriptions are not shown anymore (Issue NMS-7848)

  • UnsupportedOperationException when using the JMXSecureCollector (Issue NMS-7852)

  • distributed details page broken (Issue NMS-7855)

  • Default log4j2.xml has duplicate syslogd appender, missing statsd entries (Issue NMS-7856)

  • Cisco Packets In/Out legend label wrong (Issue NMS-7857)

  • Enlinkd CDP code fails to parse hex-encoded IP address string (Issue NMS-7858)

  • IpNetToMedia Hibernate exception in enlinkd.log (Issue NMS-7861)

  • Duplicate Drools engines can be registered during Spring context refresh() (Issue NMS-7867)

  • PageSequenceMonitor broken in remote poller (Issue NMS-7870)

  • The remote poller doesn’t write to the log file when running in headless mode (Issue NMS-7874)

  • Distributed response times are broken (Issue NMS-7875)

  • HttpClient ignores socket timeout (Issue NMS-7877)

  • RTC Ops Board category links are broken (Issue NMS-7884)

  • Remedy Integration: the custom code added to the Alarm Detail Page is gone. (Issue NMS-7890)

  • LazyInitializationException when querying the Measurements API (Issue NMS-7893)

  • Statsd PDF export gives class not found exception (Issue NMS-7897)

  • Deadlocks on Demo (Issue NMS-7899)

  • JMX Configgenerator Web UI throws NPE when navigating to 2nd page. (Issue NMS-7900)

  • Incorrect Fortinet System Disk Graph Definition (Issue NMS-7901)

  • Pages that contain many Backshift graphs are slow to render (Issue NMS-7902)

  • The default location for the JRRD2 JAR in is wrong. (Issue NMS-7907)

  • Missing dependency on the rrdtool RPM installed through (Issue NMS-7909)

  • Alarm detail filters get mixed up on the ops board (Issue NMS-7917)

  • Startup fails with Syslogd enabled (Issue NMS-7921)

  • FasterFilesystemForeignSourceRepository is not working as expected (Issue NMS-7926)

  • Heat map ReST services just produce JSON output (Issue NMS-7930)

  • ClassNotFoundException JRrd2Exception (Issue NMS-7935)

  • HeatMap ReST Xml output fails (Issue NMS-7939)

  • Apache CXF brakes the ReST URLs for nodes and requisitions (because of service-list-path) (Issue NMS-7942)

  • Jersey 1.14 and 1.5 jars mixed in lib with Jersey 1.19 (Issue NMS-7944)

  • Incorrect attribute types in cassandra21x data collection package (Issue NMS-7945)

  • Bad substitution in JMS alarm northbounder component-dao wiring (Issue NMS-7948)

  • Bouncycastle JARs break large-key crypto operations (Issue NMS-7959)

  • Missing graphs in Vaadian dashboard when storeByFs=true (Issue NMS-7962)

  • JSoup doesn’t properly parse encoded HTML character which confuses the XML Collector (Issue NMS-7963)

  • MBean attribute names are restricted to a specifix max length (Issue NMS-7964)

  • Auto-discover is completely broken - Handling newSuspect events throws an exception (Issue NMS-7968)

  • JMS alarm northbounder always indicates message sent (Issue NMS-7969)

  • Querying the ReST API for alarms using an invalid alarmId returns HTTP 200 (Issue NMS-7972)

  • The ICMP monitor can fail, even if valid responses are received before the timeout (Issue NMS-7974)

  • JMX Configuration Generation misbehavior on validation error (Issue NMS-7977)

  • The ReST API code throws exceptions that turns into HTTP 500 for things that should be HTTP 400 (Bad Request) (Issue NMS-7981)

  • New servers in install guide (Issue NMS-7985)

  • Background of notifications bell icon is too dark (Issue NMS-7997)

  • Provisiond default setting does not allow to delete monitoring entities (Issue NMS-7998)

  • Upgrade to commons-collections 3.2.2 (Issue NMS-7999)

  • NPE in JMXDetector (Issue NMS-8001)

  • Iplike could not be installed following install guide (Issue NMS-8004)

What’s New in OpenNMS 16

Since OpenNMS 15, many features have been refactored to increase modularity of the OpenNMS code. New reporting capabilities have also been added to support integration with external graphing engines such as Grafana.

Java 8

All build and dependency issues with Java 8 have been resolved and now OpenNMS 16 requires Java 8 as the runtime environment. To run OpenNMS 16, we recommend the most recent version of Oracle JDK 8 for your platform.

Capsd Has Been Removed

The legacy capability scanner, Capsd, has been removed from OpenNMS. It was deprecated in OpenNMS 1.12 and disabled by default in OpenNMS 14 in favor of the provisioning systems of OpenNMS. The Capsd code has now been removed completely which will enable us to streamline the data access code of OpenNMS. This will make the system easier to maintain and may improve performance down the road.

Linkd is Deprecated

The original link scanning daemon, Linkd, has been superseded by Enhanced Linkd since it was introduced in OpenNMS 15. Enhanced Linkd is a refactored replacement that is more efficient than the original Linkd code. Linkd is disabled by default in OpenNMS 15 and 16 and we consider it deprecated. The code for Linkd will be removed completely in OpenNMS 17. All users should migrate over to using Enhanced Linkd as a replacement.

API Changes

Several classes changed location in OpenNMS 16 and these changes may require you to update configuration files or scripts with the new names.

  • The IndexStorageStrategy and PersistAllSelectorStrategy classes moved into the Java package. These classes are heavily referenced in data collection configuration files. There is an upgrade task that should update all data collection files when you run the install command after upgrading OpenNMS.

  • All EventUtils class methods were consolidated inside the class.

New Features

  • There is a new REST service that can be used to export performance data. This service can be used to easily export OpenNMS metrics into external graphing engines such as Grafana. See the REST API documentation for details.

Dependency Updates

A number of internal libraries have been upgraded for bugfixes and new features. None of these updates should require configuration changes.

  • Spring has been upgraded from 3.2.9 to 4.0.5.

  • Spring Security has been upgraded from 3.1.7 to 3.2.7.

  • Drools has been upgraded from 5.1.1 to 6.0.1.

  • Apache Camel has been upgraded from 2.13.2 to 2.14.1.

  • Smack (used for XMPP notifications) has been upgraded from 3.0.4 to 4.0.6.

  • The webapp schemas have all been updated to the Servlet 3.0 specification.

Internal Updates

Various parts of the OpenNMS system were rewritten in OpenNMS 16 to improve maintainability or performance of the code.

  • The JMX detector, monitor, and collector were refactored for modularity.

  • The Dashboard was rewritten using the Vaadin UI toolkit to improve and modernize its look-and-feel.

  • Bean Scripting Framework (BSF) notifications and the BSFMonitor were optimized and are now much more efficient. (Thanks to David Schlenk for this contribution!)

  • RTC, which calculates the availability percentages for the category panel on the main page, was rewritten using Spring for initialization and using database calls to perform availability calculations. This will improve its maintainability.

  • The web controllers for provisioning, RANCID integration, reports, the node list, and Remote Poller administration were rewritten to modernize their code.

  • The REST portion of the OpenNMS webapp was modularized into its own project.

  • The web UI service layer was separated from the main web UI to improve modularity.

[GNU Affero General Public License 3.0]:


Release 16.0.4

Release 16.0.4 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a number of bugfixes, including a change to help mitigate remote attacks over RMI.

As of this release, RMI listens only on localhost by default. This can be overridden by setting the property opennms.poller.server.serverHost=<hostname or IP> in opennms.conf or

The old behavior can be restored by setting the property to: opennms.poller.server.serverHost=

The codename for 16.0.4 is Doorman.

  • JMX Config Tool CLI is not packaged correctly (Issue NMS-5946)

  • Event Translator cant translate events with update-field data present (Issue NMS-7024)

  • Fonts are too small in link detail page (Issue NMS-7411)

  • Discovery.Pinger seems to ignore loglevel (Issue NMS-7509)

  • Cannot edit some Asset Info fields (Issue NMS-7750)

  • c.m.v.a.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner: com.mchange.v2.async.ThreadPoolAsynchronousRunner$DeadlockDetector@59804d53 — APPARENT DEADLOCK!!! Creating emergency threads for unassigned pending tasks! (Issue NMS-7755)

  • Linkd Not Start and close OpenNMS starting (Issue NMS-7789)

  • NPE on "manage and unmanage services and interfaces" (Issue NMS-7828)

  • Slow LinkdTopologyProvider/EnhancedLinkdTopologyProvider in bigger enviroments (Issue NMS-7846)

  • distributed details page broken (Issue NMS-7855)

  • IpNetToMedia Hibernate exception in enlinkd.log (Issue NMS-7861)

  • HttpClient ignores socket timeout (Issue NMS-7877)

  • XML data collection with JSON handler fails (Issue NMS-7885)

  • Statsd PDF export gives class not found exception (Issue NMS-7897)

  • Deadlocks on Demo (Issue NMS-7899)

  • JMX Configgenerator Web UI throws NPE when navigating to 2nd page. (Issue NMS-7900)

  • Alarm detail filters get mixed up on the ops board (Issue NMS-7917)

  • Exception Decoding LLDP ChassisId When type is NetworkAddress (Issue NMS-7931)

  • Bouncycastle JARs break large-key crypto operations (Issue NMS-7959)

  • JSoup doesn’t properly parse encoded HTML character which confuses the XML Collector (Issue NMS-7963)

  • RMI should only bind to localhost by default. (Issue NMS-7971)

  • Interactive JMX data collection configuration UI (Issue NMS-4364)

Release 16.0.3

Release 16.0.3 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a number of bugfixes, including a fix to an NPE that could cause nodes to not show in the topology UI.

The codename for 16.0.3 is Phillip Fathom.

  • IfIndex not updated in ipinterface table on change (Issue NMS-6567)

  • build failure in opennms-doc/guide-doc on FreeBSD (Issue NMS-7600)

  • Log messages for the Correlation Engine appear in manager.log (Issue NMS-7729)

  • SeleniumMonitor with PhantomJS driver needs gson JAR (Issue NMS-7748)

  • The command /opt/opennms/bin/ilr doesn’t work (Issue NMS-7760)

  • nodeCategoryChanged event on already-down node makes extra nodeDown events (Issue NMS-7761)

  • noSuchObject duplicates links on topology map (Issue NMS-7762)

  • OpenNMS won’t start anymore with 512MB of Heap Size (Issue NMS-7783)

  • Some weak cipher suites allowed in example jetty.xml HTTPS config (Issue NMS-7812)

  • The reload config for Collectd might throws a ConcurrentModificationException (Issue NMS-7824)

  • KIE API JAR missing from packages (Issue NMS-7836)

  • Fix for NMS-6567 prevents interfaces from acquiring SNMP interface records on rescan (Issue NMS-7838)

  • Counter variables reported as strings (like Net-SNMP extent) are not stored properly when using RRDtool (Issue NMS-7839)

Release 16.0.2

Release 16.0.2 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It is a repack of 16.0.1 with a missing bugfix included.

The codename for 16.0.2 is still Bananaman. It’ll be our secret.

Release 16.0.1

Release 16.0.1 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It contains a few small enhancements and a number of bugfixes, including a fix to running OpenNMS on a system that cannot reach the public Internet.

The codename for 16.0.1 is Bananaman.

  • Dashboard node status shows wrong service count (Issue NMS-7459)

  • XML Collector is not working as expected for node-level resources (Issue NMS-7516)

  • Vaadin dashboard meaning of yellow in the surveillance view (Issue NMS-7667)

  • Web UI doesn’t start on system with no internet connection (Issue NMS-7683)

  • Missing release notes v16 (Issue NMS-7685)

  • Links and missing docs release for Horizon 16 (Issue NMS-7690)

  • Example Drools rules imports incorrect classes (Issue NMS-7693)

  • Logging not initialized but used on Drools Rule files. (Issue NMS-7695)

  • NumberFormatException in LldpUtils (Issue NMS-7697)

  • Hibernate exception in AlarmDetailsDashlet (Issue NMS-7698)

  • Nodelist page acts unexpectedly when mouse over nodelabel (Issue NMS-7699)

  • CSS Dashboard don’t work. (Issue NMS-7701)

  • Unable to create a user defined label on nodes after upgrade to 16.0.0 (Issue NMS-7704)

  • API documentation links are not up to date (Issue NMS-7708)

  • NullPointerException in RrdtoolXportFetchStrategy (Issue NMS-7710)

  • 'More…​' event link on /opennms/element/service.jsp encodes URL incorrectly (Issue NMS-7714)

  • output.log flooded with "java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string" (Issue NMS-7733)

  • Improve drill down workflow for SLA categories on start page (Issue NMS-7668)

  • Add links to SLA category on start page (Issue NMS-7669)

  • Improve links for SLA categories on start page (Issue NMS-7713)

Release 16.0.0

Release 16.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It is primarily a refactoring/cleanup release, but contains a number of other bug fixes and enhancements. Note that as of OpenNMS 16.0.0, a Java 8 JDK is required. A high-level overview of what’s changed since 15.x is available in the What’s New document.

The codename for 16.0.0 is Daredevil.

  • "24hr Avail" went negative (Issue NMS-863)

  • SLM categories totals are not being updated during runtime (Issue NMS-2213)

  • Include all plugins in default configuration (Issue NMS-2637)

  • When removing nodes from a provisioning group, the removed nodes may still be referenced in KSC reports; thus resulting in errors accessing those reports until the nodes are manually removed (Issue NMS-4399

  • Unable to add custom poller with capsd disabled (Issue NMS-4924

  • Deadlock inside RTC’s DataManager during shutdown (Issue NMS-5631)

  • The Stp interface box page throws an exception (Issue NMS-6100)

  • When displaying Linkd link info on node, ifAlias data in interface columns missing opening quote (Issue NMS-6158)

  • NRTG is throwing ConcurrentModificationException (Issue NMS-6536)

  • IfIndex not updated in ipinterface table on change (Issue NMS-6567)

  • Requisition UI has inconsistent field labels for building the provisioning requisition (Issue NMS-6568)

  • linkd can’t make use of learned MAC addresses on ports to determine path mapping (Issue NMS-6583)

  • sort order interfaces on node page (Issue NMS-6593)

  • EnLinkD IS-IS Link discovery fails on Cisco routers (Issue NMS-6802)

  • Geomaps are quite slow (Issue NMS-6902)

  • Remove Link Status Menu Item (Issue NMS-6905)

  • lldpchassisid not properly decoded for DragonWave in Enhanced Linkd Lldp node discovery (Issue NMS-6912)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.provision.detector.SmtpDetectorTest (Issue NMS-6972)

  • Link Status Provider is still an option for older Linkd Topology Provider (Issue NMS-6974)

  • Java 8 build fails some tests (Issue NMS-7029)

  • MAC 00:00:00:00:00:00 should be treated as null (Issue NMS-7089)

  • IpNetToMedia Table: Manage duplicated ip address (Issue NMS-7090)

  • Toggle icons on Node List Page are too small on resolutions greater than Full HD (Issue NMS-7096)

  • Geo-Maps running on a server without internet connection breaks the UI for valid nodes. (Issue NMS-7148)

  • Alarms dashlet: "ago" and node label columns can overlap when tiled (Issue NMS-7175)

  • LLdp link discovery: lldpRemLocalPortNum value 0 (Issue NMS-7183)

  • LldpHelper decode exception (Issue NMS-7184)

  • Remove the logging directories from the DEB package (Issue NMS-7192)

  • Switch direction to zoom in and out in the topology (Issue NMS-7207)

  • Change filterfavorites.filter to 'text' SQL data type (Issue NMS-7251)

  • Enhanced Linkd inserts wrong Local Port bridge number (Issue NMS-7294)

  • Java environment in Debian has to be configured twice (Issue NMS-7320)

  • Database Report "Response time by node" Not Working. (Issue NMS-7337)

  • IllegalArgumentException on ipnettomediatable (Issue NMS-7358)

  • No CDP neighbors on a topological map (Issue NMS-7362)

  • ACLs ineffective in geographic map (Issue NMS-7372)

  • Unable to display performance data from Host Resource processor table (Issue NMS-7379)

  • KSC Reports with non-existing resources generate exceptions on the WebUI (Issue NMS-7400)

  • Title information on the node detail page are confusing (Issue NMS-7410)

  • Double footer in resource graph page (Issue NMS-7412)

  • Normalize the HTTP Host Header with the new HttpClientWrapper (Issue NMS-7432)

  • Disabling Notifd crashes webUI (Issue NMS-7434)

  • JRB to RRD converter no longer compiles (Issue NMS-7456)

  • Reload Collectd and Pollerd Configuration without restart OpenNMS (Issue NMS-7466)

  • Path Outage severity is not indicated in Web UI (Issue NMS-7467)

  • DrayTek Vigor2820 Series agent bug: zero-length IpAddress instance ID (Issue NMS-7481)

  • queued creates its own category for loggings (Issue NMS-7485)

  • SNMP version syntax inconsistent across components (Issue NMS-7518)

  • Surveillance View configuration is no longer dynamic (Issue NMS-7531)

  • EventconfFactoryTest fails with no events eventconf.xml (Issue NMS-7533)

  • Vaadin SV on index page not fitting to view (Issue NMS-7537)

  • Vaadin:Dashboard SV dashlet no longer indicate context of other dashlets (Issue NMS-7543)

  • NPE on admin/notification/noticeWizard/chooseUeis.jsp (Issue NMS-7549)

  • Smoke test is failing with the new dashboard (Issue NMS-7554)

  • gui and maps does not display lldp and cdp links (Issue NMS-7563)

  • Dashboard Auto-Refresh runs JVM out of memory (Full-GC) (Issue NMS-7570)

  • The XSD for the SNMP Hardware Inventory Provisioning Adapter is not included on the RPM/DEB packages. (Issue NMS-7576)

  • Search by foreignSource or severityLabel doesn’t work on Geo Maps (Issue NMS-7577)

  • List of service names in the requisition editor should be pulled from the poller conifguration instead of capsd (Issue NMS-7590)

  • Tog depth for VmwareMonitor and VmwareCimMonitor is wront (Issue NMS-7597)

  • Varbinddecodes are being ignored on Notifications (Issue NMS-7598)

  • Some parameters logged out of order since slf4j conversion (Issue NMS-7603)

  • Replace PermGen VM arguments with Metaspace equivalents (Issue NMS-7604)

  • Remote Poller throws ClassNotFound Exception when loading config (Issue NMS-7610)

  • RPM dependency for JDK 8 is wrong (Issue NMS-7615)

  • Compass can’t make a POST request from FILE URLs in some cases (Issue NMS-7616)

  • Test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.provision.service.Nms5414Test (Issue NMS-7617)

  • Scrolling issue (Issue NMS-7620)

  • Memory leak in RTC (Issue NMS-7622)

  • The PSM doesn’t work with IPv6 addresses if the ${ipaddr} placeholder is used on host or virtual-host (Issue NMS-7626)

  • Timeline image links are not working with services containing spaces (Issue NMS-7629)

  • Database reports don’t run in 16 (Issue NMS-7630)

  • Match event params for auto-ack of Notification (Issue NMS-7631)

  • include-url doesn’t work on poller packages (Issue NMS-7633)

  • ClassCastException in BSFNotificationStrategy (Issue NMS-7634)

  • Node resources are deleted when provisiond aborts a scan (Issue NMS-7636)

  • Default date width in Database Reports is too small (Issue NMS-7637)

  • Test failure: testImportAddrThenChangeAddr (Issue NMS-7640)

  • The IP Interface page is blank. (Issue NMS-7641)

  • The global variable org.opennms.rrd.queuing.category is set to OpenNMS.Queued and should be queued (Issue NMS-7642)

  • Test failure: testSerialFailover (Issue NMS-7643)

  • Fixing Logging Prefix/Category on several classes (Issue NMS-7644)

  • Test failure: tryStatus (Issue NMS-7645)

  • XML data collection with HTTP POST requests is not working (Issue NMS-7650)

  • Improving exception handling on the XML Collector (Issue NMS-7651)

  • Vaadin surveillance view configuration doesn’t work with Firefox (Issue NMS-7657)

  • Error in Debian/Ubuntu init script (Issue NMS-7658)

  • Add option to turn off snmp v3 passphrase clear text in log files (Issue NMS-1504)

  • Trapd is not able to process SNMPv3 INFORMs (Issue NMS-2995)

  • XMPP: Make SASL mechanism configurable (Issue NMS-4619)

  • Set vertex to focal point (Issue NMS-6442)

  • Drools Update to 6.0.1 Final (Issue NMS-6581)

  • PATCH — Bridgewave Wireless Bridge (Issue NMS-6963)

  • Move RTC over to Spring and Hibernate (Issue NMS-7146)

  • Be able to set the rescanExisting flag when defining a scheduler task on provisiond-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-7229)

  • add Siemens HiPath 3000 event files (Issue NMS-7310)

  • add Siemens HiPath 3000 HG1500 event files (Issue NMS-7311)

  • add Siemens HiPath 8000 / OpenScapeVoice event files (Issue NMS-7312)

  • Move notification status indicator to header (Issue NMS-7318)

  • Add pathOutageEnabled="false" to poller-configuration.xml by default (Issue NMS-7424)

  • Change varchar to text for CDP and LLDP tables (Issue NMS-7441)

  • Update Smack API (Issue NMS-7453)

  • Update asciidoctor maven plugin from 1.5.0 to 1.5.2 (Issue NMS-7461)

  • Remove Capsd from OpenNMS (Issue NMS-7473)

  • Modify WebDetector/Monitor/Plugin/Client to expose ability to enable/disable certificate validation (Issue NMS-7474)

  • Add support for gzip compression on REST APIs (Issue NMS-7476)

  • Allow RRD data to be retrieved via REST (Issue NMS-7479)

  • Make resource data accessible through ReST (Issue NMS-7480)

  • The DefaultResourceDao loads all child resources when retrieving a specific resource by id (Issue NMS-7505)

  • Use the default threshold definition as a template when adding TriggeredUEI/RearmedUEI on thresholds through the WebUI (Issue NMS-7528)

  • Remove unnecessary output from opennms-doc module (Issue NMS-7579)

  • BSFMonitor creates a new BSFManager every poll which makes caching script engines ineffective (Issue NMS-7593)

  • SNMP interface RRD migrator should create and clean up backups interface-wise (Issue NMS-7595)

  • Create a ReST API to expose the available detectors/policies/categories/assets/services required to manipulate foreign sources (Issue NMS-7609)

  • Need upgrade task for collection strategy classes (Issue NMS-7612)

  • Create option to choose between new and old dashboard (Issue NMS-7619)

  • Deprecation of LinkD (Issue NMS-7632)

  • Allow user to create and modify surveillance views (Issue NMS-7299)

  • Migrate Surveillance view GWT UI component to Vaadin (Issue NMS-7303)

  • Migrate Alarms GWT UI component to Vaadin (Issue NMS-7304)

  • Migrate Notifications GWT UI component to Vaadin (Issue NMS-7305)

  • Migrate Node Status component from GWT to Vaadin (Issue NMS-7306)

  • Migrate Resource Graph Viewer component from GWT to Vaadin (Issue NMS-7307)

  • Update user documentation (Issue NMS-7323)

  • Allow user to select surveillance view in the Dashboard (Issue NMS-7325)

  • Remove the GWT dashboard from the code base (Issue NMS-7326)

  • Remove "report-category" attribute (Issue NMS-7429)

  • Add surveillance view’s name in the left header cell (Issue NMS-7430)

  • Add an option to disable "refreshing" (Issue NMS-7431)

  • Add preview window in config UI (Issue NMS-7469)

  • Icons for alarms and notifications (Issue NMS-7489)

  • Modal window to show node, alarm and notification details (Issue NMS-7490)

  • Admin configuration panel shows dashboard instead of surveillance view (Issue NMS-7491)

  • Allow to configure refresh time per surveillance view (Issue NMS-7492)

  • Rename the surveillance config panel link in Admin menu (Issue NMS-7530)

  • Dashboard Dashlet: Refresh indicator (Issue NMS-7540)

  • Vaadin Dashboard: Alarm Dashlet should have severity sorting by default (Issue NMS-7542)

OpenNMS 15

Since OpenNMS 14, a number of backend architectural changes have occurred, as well as a UI rewrite.

Java 7 and 8

OpenNMS 14 dropped support for Java 6, which has been EOL’d for some time now. OpenNMS 15 requires Java 7 or higher to run.

Note that building under Java 8 still has some known issues. It is strongly recommended that you build and run under Java 7 until Java 8 has had enough time to be well-tested.

Core Updates

As always, many updates and cleanups have been made to the OpenNMS core, through refactoring, addition of unit tests, and other code modernization.

  • A few subsystems have been updated to run properly under OSGi.

  • A large number of places where we were still using JDBC calls have been converted to use our DAO infrastructure and Hibernate.

  • The OpenNMS ReST APIs now support CORS properly to aid in writing web applications that consume or update OpenNMS data.


New or updated trap definitions have been added for the following classes of devices:

  • Citrix NetScaler

  • Mikrotik RouterOS

  • OpenSSH syslog events

  • Procmail syslog events

  • Postfix syslog events

  • Siemens HiPath

  • Veeam Backup/Replication

Web UI and APIs

  • The Jetty container has been upgraded to use Jetty 8.

  • The entire web UI has been updated to use bootstrap themeing. While our initial implementation was designed to match the existing OpenNMS UI as much as possible, this now makes it MUCH easier to improve the UI more rapidly going forward.

[GNU Affero General Public License 3.0]: [User Restriction Filters]: [the Hardware Inventory wiki page]:


Release 15.0.2

Release 15.0.2 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It consists of a large number of bugfixes and other small changes included in Meridian 2015.1.0.

The codename for 15.0.2 is Psychonauts.

  • Enhance documentation for VmwareCimMonitor (Issue NMS-7214)

  • Enhance VmwareCimMonitor (Issue NMS-7215)

  • Test the feature in Test environment (Issue NMS-7216)

  • Merge feature in develop for release (Issue NMS-7217)

  • "24hr Avail" went negative (Issue NMS-863)

  • The Stp interface box page throws an exception (Issue NMS-6100)

  • When displaying Linkd link info on node, ifAlias data in interface columns missing opening quote (Issue NMS-6158)

  • EnLinkD IS-IS Link discovery fails on Cisco routers (Issue NMS-6802)

  • lldpchassisid not properly decoded for DragonWave in Enhanced Linkd Lldp node discovery (Issue NMS-6912)

  • IpNetToMedia Table: Manage duplicated ip address (Issue NMS-7090)

  • LLdp link discovery: lldpRemLocalPortNum value 0 (Issue NMS-7183)

  • LldpHelper decode exception (Issue NMS-7184)

  • Enhanced Linkd inserts wrong Local Port bridge number (Issue NMS-7294)

  • Java environment in Debian has to be configured twice (Issue NMS-7320)

  • No CDP neighbors on a topological map (Issue NMS-7362)

  • 1.12.9-2 rpm install broken (Issue NMS-7398)

  • KSC Reports with non-existing resources generate exceptions on the WebUI (Issue NMS-7400)

  • Double footer in resource graph page (Issue NMS-7412)

  • JRB to RRD converter no longer compiles (Issue NMS-7456)

  • opennms-remoting webapp fails due to org.opennms.core.soa classloader issue (Issue NMS-7464)

  • Reload Collectd and Pollerd Configuration without restart OpenNMS (Issue NMS-7466)

  • Path Outage severity is not indicated in Web UI (Issue NMS-7467)

  • DrayTek Vigor2820 Series agent bug: zero-length IpAddress instance ID (Issue NMS-7481)

  • Semantic Zoom problems in Topology Map (Issue NMS-7483)

  • When adding a new escalation to an existing destination path, the default value for initial delay is null (Issue NMS-7502)

  • PageSequenceMonitor HTTP 1.1 traffic is missing host header (Issue NMS-7503)

  • OpenNMS should fall back to HTTP/1.0 if virtual-host is not configured. (Issue NMS-7506)

  • Timeline renders very slowly with a couple hundred outages (Issue NMS-7511)

  • Outages are not getting created (Issue NMS-7519)

  • JRobin: Unrecognized graph argument (Issue NMS-7522)

  • The 404 handler in the ROOT web-app generates a 500 error (Issue NMS-7527)

  • Event replacement items that contain '%' characters in result in broken notification text sometimes (Issue NMS-7529)

  • NullPointerException in Notifd JMX Attributes (Issue NMS-7546)

  • NPE on admin/notification/noticeWizard/chooseUeis.jsp (Issue NMS-7549)

  • linkd topology up/down status inconsistent (Issue NMS-7550)

  • DiskUsageMonitor never fails with a non existing disk (Issue NMS-7551)

  • Ops Board Configuration "create new board" button stops working. (Issue NMS-7560)

  • gui and maps does not display lldp and cdp links (Issue NMS-7563)

  • Blank login page in Debian (Issue NMS-7565)

  • event datestamp fails to parse where system locale is not English (Issue NMS-7566)

  • Lower collectd log severity (Issue NMS-7575)

  • Search by foreignSource or severityLabel doesn’t work on Geo Maps (Issue NMS-7577)

  • Pollerd attempts to create duplicate outages (Issue NMS-7585)

  • CORS should be disabled by default (Issue NMS-7591)

  • @JUnitTemporaryDatabase tests do not use connection pooling (Issue NMS-7594)

  • Print style regression (Issue NMS-7596)

  • Varbinddecodes are being ignored on Notifications (Issue NMS-7598)

  • Node ReST service cannot update geolocation information (Issue NMS-7599)

  • Remote Poller throws ClassNotFound Exception when loading config (Issue NMS-7610)

  • Compass can’t make a POST request from FILE URLs in some cases (Issue NMS-7616)

  • Trapd is not able to process SNMPv3 INFORMs (Issue NMS-2995)

  • VMware CIM monitor should be configurable to allow DPM (Issue NMS-7213)

  • Update after creating a new JIRA issue (Issue NMS-7470)

  • Make availability (RTC) data accessible through ReST (Issue NMS-7478)

  • Notification wizard client-side filtering of event list (Issue NMS-7507)

  • Use the default threshold definition as a template when adding TriggeredUEI/RearmedUEI on thresholds through the WebUI (Issue NMS-7528)

Release 15.0.1

Release 15.0.1 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It consists primarily of bugfixes to the new UI and a fix for some database-related issues that could cause duplicate outages.

The codename for 15.0.1 is Silpheed.

  • Outage timeline does not show all outages in timeframe (Issue NMS-7331)

  • Side-menu layout issues in node resources (Issue NMS-7392)

  • Outage records are not getting written to the database (Issue NMS-7394)

  • Overlapping input label in login screen (Issue NMS-7395)

  • Notifications with asset fields on the message are not working (Issue NMS-7396)

  • Surveillance box on start page doesn’t work (Issue NMS-7399)

  • Data Collection Logs in wrong file (Issue NMS-7403)

  • Incorrect Availability information and Outage information (Issue NMS-7406)

  • Visual issues on the start page (Issue NMS-7409)

  • Duplicate copies of bootstrap.js are included in our pages (Issue NMS-7423)

  • Poller: start: Failed to schedule existing interfaces (Issue NMS-7425)

  • Not monitored services are shown as 100% available on the WebUI (Issue NMS-7426)

  • The PageSequenceMonitor is broken in OpenNMS 15 (Issue NMS-7427)

  • Normalize the HTTP Host Header with the new HttpClientWrapper (Issue NMS-7432)

  • Topology UI takes a long to load after login (Issue NMS-7433)

  • Disabling Notifd crashes webUI (Issue NMS-7434)

  • The Quick Add Node menu item shouldn’t be under the Admin menu (Issue NMS-7435)

  • The default log level is DEBUG instead of WARN on log4j2.xml (Issue NMS-7437)

  • CORS filter not working (Issue NMS-7452)

  • Netscaler systemDef will never match a real Netscaler (Issue NMS-7454)

  • Read port and authentication user from XMP config (Issue NMS-7419)

  • Apply the auto-resize feature for the timeline charts (Issue NMS-7438)

Release 15.0.0

Release 15.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. Alongside the usual enhancements and bug fixes, OpenNMS 15 gets a name (Horizon) and starts the process of finally modernizing the web UI. We have completely replaced our existing layout using Bootstrap. While it may look visually similar for now, this puts us on a footing to make better and more frequent UI changes going forward.

The codename for 15.0.0 is Sundog.

  • CiscoPingMibMonitor (Issue NMS-6642)

  • NetScalerGroupHealthMonitor (Issue NMS-6674)

  • merge DocuMerge branch into develop branch (Issue NMS-7060)

  • alter documentation deploy step in bamboo to match the new structure (Issue NMS-7086)

  • Fix fortinet event typos (fortinet vs fortimail) (Issue NMS-7164)

  • Fix UEI names for CitrixNetScaler trap events (Issue NMS-7238)

  • Document CORS Support (Issue NMS-7264)

  • Missing localised time in web pages (Issue NMS-1956)

  • Time to load Path Outages page grows with each entry added (Issue NMS-2358)

  • Null/blank sysName value causes null/blank node label (Issue NMS-2580)

  • Create a HibernateEventWriter to replace JdbcEventWriter (Issue NMS-3033)

  • Able to get to non authorised devices via path outages link. (Issue NMS-3207)

  • Custom Resource Performance Reports not available (Issue NMS-3615)

  • jdbcEventWriter: Failed to convert time to Timestamp (Issue NMS-3847)

  • wrong content type in rss.jsp (Issue NMS-4009)

  • Paging arrows invisible with firefox on mac (Issue NMS-4246)

  • Notification WebUI has issues (Issue NMS-4493)

  • Time format on Event webpage is different that on Notices webpage (Issue NMS-4528)

  • Installer database upgrade script (install -d) scans every RRD directory, bombs with "too many open files" (Issue NMS-5057)

  • RSS feeds are not valid (Issue NMS-5427)

  • notifications list breadcrumbs differs from notifications index page (Issue NMS-5618)

  • Resource Graphs No Longer Centered (Issue NMS-5858)

  • Vaadin Header not consistent with JSP Header (Issue NMS-6022)

  • Empty Notification search bug (Issue NMS-6042)

  • Map Menu is not listing all maps (Issue NMS-6472)

  • Web UI shows not the correct Java version (Issue NMS-6529)

  • Problems installing "Testing" on Ubuntu 14.04 (Issue NMS-6613)

  • Queued Ops Pending default graph needs rename (Issue NMS-6826)

  • Many graph definitions in have line continuation slashes (Issue NMS-6827)

  • New Focal Point Topology UI (STUI-2) very slow (Issue NMS-6894)

  • Node page availability graph isn’t "(last 24 hours)" (Issue NMS-6917)

  • WMI collector does not support persistence selectors (Issue NMS-6924)

  • test failure: org.opennms.mock.snmp.LLDPMibTest (Issue NMS-6956)

  • Requisition list very slow to display (Issue NMS-6958)

  • GeoMap polygons activation doesn’t accurately reflect cursor location (Issue NMS-6967)

  • Navbar in Distributed Map is missing (Issue NMS-7015)

  • Local interface not displayed correctly in "Cdp Cache Table Links" (Issue NMS-7059)

  • xss in device snmp settings (Issue NMS-7075)

  • just works if the admin user credentials are used (Issue NMS-7112)

  • Message Error in DnsMonitor (Issue NMS-7115)

  • Unable to add graph to KSC report (Issue NMS-7120)

  • ReST call for outages ends up with 500 status (Issue NMS-7126)

  • OpenNMS logo doesn’t point to the same file (Issue NMS-7144)

  • footer rendering is weird in opennms docs (Issue NMS-7149)

  • Add a unit test for NodeLabel.computeLabel() (Issue NMS-7170)

  • ie9 does not display any 'interfaces' on a switch node - the tabs are blank (Issue NMS-7176)

  • NullPointerException When Querying offset in ReST Events Endpoint (Issue NMS-7185)

  • OpenNMS does not eat yellow runts (Issue NMS-7246)

  • HTTP 500 errors in WebUI after upgrade to 14.0.2 (Issue NMS-7270)

  • WMI changed naming format for wmiLogicalDisk and wmiPhysicalDisk device (Issue NMS-7277)

  • Enable WMI Opennms Cent OS box (Issue NMS-7279)

  • Non provisioned switches with multiple VLANs generate an error (Issue NMS-7287)

  • SNMP configuration shows v1 as default and v2c is set. (Issue NMS-7322)

  • Include parts of a configuration doesn’t work (Issue NMS-7330)

  • Outage timeline does not show all outages in timeframe (Issue NMS-7331)

  • Unnecessary and confusing DEBUG entry on poller.log (Issue NMS-7332)

  • Switches values retrieved incorrectly in the BSF notification strategy (Issue NMS-7333)

  • QueryManagerDaoImpl crashes in getNodeServices() (Issue NMS-7335)

  • Acknowledging alarms from the geo-map is not working (Issue NMS-7359)

  • Add/Edit notifications takes too much time (Issue NMS-7360)

  • Update Java in OpenNMS yum repos (Issue NMS-7363)

  • Octectstring not well stored in file (Issue NMS-7367)

  • RrdDao.getLastFetchValue() throws an exception when using RRDtool (Issue NMS-7368)

  • Authentication defined in XML collector URLs cannot contain some reserved characters, even if escaped. (Issue NMS-7381)

  • The hardware inventory scanner doesn’t recognize PhysicalClass::cpu(12) for entPhysicalClass (Issue NMS-7387)

  • Crash on path outage JSP after DAO upgrade (Issue NMS-7391)

  • header should always contain links for all sections (Issue NMS-1595)

  • No link back to node after manually unmanaging services (Issue NMS-2233)

  • Group path outages by critical node (Issue NMS-2359)

  • Search for nodes by sysObjectID in web UI (Issue NMS-2582)

  • Modify results JSP to render multiple columns (Issue NMS-2694)

  • Sort the Path Outages by Critical Path Node (Issue NMS-5079)

  • Default hrStorageUsed disk space relativeChange threshold only alerts on a sudden increase of free space, not a decrease of free space (Issue NMS-5085)

  • Add ability to search for nodes by SNMP values like Location and Contact (Issue NMS-5133)

  • Upgrade JasperReports 3.7.6 to most recent version (Issue NMS-5182)

  • Add link to a node’s upstream critical path node in the dependent node’s web page (Issue NMS-5448)

  • Event definitions: Fortinet (Issue NMS-6508)

  • ImapMonitor does not work with nginx (Issue NMS-6736)

  • Expose SNMP4J 2.x noGetBulk and allowSnmpV2cInV1 capabilities (Issue NMS-7123)

  • showNodes.jsp should show nodes in alphabetical order (Issue NMS-7157)

  • Backup Exec UEI contain "http://" in uei (Issue NMS-7166)

  • Rename link to configure the Ops Board in the Admin section. (Issue NMS-7205)

  • Remove "JMX Config Generator Web UI ALPHA" from stable (Issue NMS-7206)

  • Document that user must be in 'rest', 'provision' or 'admin' role for to work (Issue NMS-7228)

  • Add collection of SNMP MIB2 UDP scalar stats (Issue NMS-7247)

  • CORS Support (Issue NMS-7261)

  • Improve the speed of the ReST API and Service Layer for the requisitions' repositories. (Issue NMS-7278)

  • Enforce selecting a single resource for Custom Resource Performance Reports (Issue NMS-7308)

  • Rearrange Node/Event/Alarm/Outage links on bootstrap UI (Issue NMS-7317)

  • Add configuration property for protobuf queue size (Issue NMS-7384)

  • IpInterfaceScan shouldDetect() method should check for empty string in addition to null string (Issue NMS-7388)

OpenNMS 14

Since OpenNMS 1.12, a large number of changes have occurred, including architectural updates, major topology UI updates, a completely rewritten Linkd (called Enhanced Linkd), and much more.


As of OpenNMS 14, OpenNMS is now released under the [GNU Affero General Public License 3.0]. It is identical to the GPLv3 OpenNMS was previously licensed under, with the additional caveat that users who interact with OpenNMS software over a network are entitled to receive the source.

Java 7 and 8

OpenNMS 14 drops support for Java 6, which has been EOL’d for some time now. OpenNMS 14 requires Java 7 or higher to run.

Note that building under Java 8 still has some known issues. It is strongly recommended that you build and run under Java 7 until Java 8 has had enough time to be well-tested.

Logging System Upgrade

Logging has been completely revamped in OpenNMS 14. The locations of various log output are much more intuitive, and turning on DEBUG/TRACE for specific subsystems is simpler. The old has been superseded by the log4j2.xml file.

Core Updates

As always, many updates and cleanups have been made to the OpenNMS core, through refactoring, addition of unit tests, and other code modernization.

  • The embedded Karaf OSGi container has been updated to 2.4.0.

  • Many core OpenNMS modules are now capable of being loaded inside an OSGi container.

  • A large number of legacy Castor-based classes have been updated to use JAXB instead.

  • SNMP4J has been updated to version 2, which provides improved handling of SNMPv3, in addition to a number of other bug fixes and improvements to SNMP handling.

  • JRobin graphing has had a number of graphical updates as well as bugfixes.

  • The syslog northbounder has been enhanced to be able to do more with alarm data:

  • New or updated monitors:

  • DskTableMonitor: UCD-SNMP-MIB-based monitor for disks with errors

  • HttpPostMonitor: POST data to an HTTP server and evaluate the response headers

  • JolokiaBeanMonitor: monitors a mbean method via the Jolokia agent

  • LaTableMonitor: UCD-SNMP-MIB-based monitor for load average errors

  • LogMatchTableMonitor: UCD-SNMP-MIB-based monitor for log matches

  • PrTableMonitor: UCD-SNMP-MIB-based monitor for processes

  • TcpMonitor: can now match banners using a ~regex

  • WebMonitor: accepts an optional queryString parameter for the request

Utility Updates

  • You may now pass --ifindex to when sending events.

  • can now optionally use the rescanExisting flag when performing an import. (See below for details.)

  • runjava now prefers newer Java versions in /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines over /Library/Java/Home on Mac OS X.


New or updated trap definitions have been added for the following classes of devices:

  • Backup Exec

  • Broadcom

  • Dell

  • D-Link

  • Foundry

  • Intel (LAN adapters)

  • Konica

  • Trend Micro

Data Collection

New or updated collection definitions have been added for the following classes of devices:

  • Foundry

  • Konica

A much more efficient version of Linkd, called Enhanced Linkd (Enlinkd) has been created. Traditionally, Linkd could be quite resource-intensive because it kept large amounts of data in memory as it attempted to infer links between devices. Enlinkd instead stores link information from each end separately and then correlates them when it’s time to draw links on the topological maps. This is much less memory intensive and keeps from using CPU until you are actually need link data.

Enlinkd can gather link information from:

  • Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)

  • Cisco VLAN Trunk Protocol (VTP)


  • MIB II ipNetToMediaTable

  • Intermediate-System-to-Intermediate-System (IS-IS)

  • Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)

  • Open Shortest Path First (OSPF)

Note that Enlinkd does not support IP Routes discovery, because it is difficult to mine for correct data and sometimes ends up with false positives. The Linkd service has not been removed in OpenNMS 14, so if you still need to generate link data based on IP Routes discovery, you can re-enable Linkd in service-configuration.xml and disable the Enlinkd service.

The configuration file for enhanced link scanning is enlinkd-configuration.xml.


  • You can now assign a foreign-source to discovered nodes by adding foreign-source="foo" to the discovery-configuration tag in $OPENNMS_HOME/etc/discovery-configuration.xml.

  • Categories are now handled better in provisiond, so they do not disappear and then reappear during scan.

  • New provisioning adapter: opennms-snmp-hardware-inventory-provisioning-adapter A provisioning adapter using the ENTITY-MIB for collecting hardware inventory while doing a provisioning scan. For details, see [the Hardware Inventory wiki page].

  • In 1.12 we introduced the rescanExisting flag when performing an import. Previously this would allow you to push nodes to Provisiond in batches and trigger imports, and it would only import any new nodes that didn’t already exist in the database. In OpenNMS 14, this flag has been extended to have 3 choices:

  • true (default): Import all nodes in the requisition (and remove nodes no longer in the requisition), then perform a scan to apply policies and additional detected services to those nodes.

  • false: Import all new nodes in the requisition, skipping the scan phase.

  • dbonly: Import all nodes in the requisition (and remove nodes no longer in the requisition), then skip the scan phase.

  • The WebDetector can now specify a query string.

  • It is now possible to selectively detect services on requisitions based on an IPLIKE match. For more details, see:

Web UI and APIs

  • Our Vaadin-based UI components have been updated to Vaadin 7, which provides performance improvements and better browser support.

  • A new UI for creating JMX datacollection configuration was added. It is reachable from the OpenNMS admin page.

  • The node groups in geographical maps now include a donut chart which shows alarm status.

  • Many of the Jasper-based reports have been cleaned up and handle cases where there is no data more consistently.

  • The node UI now shows a timeline rather than just a percentage in the availability box.

  • The event and alarm list UIs now let you save their search constraints for future reuse.

  • The notification UI can now sort by severity.

  • The outage UI can now sort by a node’s foreign source.

  • Some ReST services have been cleaned up to provide more consistent output.

  • The group ReST service now supports querying the users or categories associated with a group. (ie, /opennms/rest/groups/users/ and /opennms/rest/groups/categories/)

  • The node ReST service now supports manually adding and removing hardware inventory data. For details, see [the Hardware Inventory wiki page].

  • The snmp ReST service now supports SNMP v3 configurations.

  • The Snmp Configuration by IP UI in the admin page has been improved and now supports SNMP v3 configurations.


A new dashboard (the "Ops Board") has been added. It allows you to create a custom UI that cycles through interesting monitoring information. The different "boards" which are shown are configurable in the admin page ("Ops Board Config Web UI").

The following dashlets are available:

  • Alarms (a list of alarms)

  • Alarm Details (a more detailed list of alarms)

  • Charts

  • Image (embed an arbitrary image)

  • KSC Report

  • Map (geographical maps)

  • RRD (RRD graph of your choice)

  • RTC (same as the front page availability view)

  • Summary (alarm trends by severity and UEI)

  • Surveillance

  • Topology (topology maps)

  • URL (embed an arbitrary URL)

Topology Maps

  • Per-user browser navigation and UI-selection history is now preserved.

  • Enhanced the topology view to include node and alarm data, synced with map selection.

  • Alarm, node, and link data can now auto-update without reloading the page.

  • The topology UI now supports search.

  • Links from Enhanced Linkd will be shown if it is enabled.

  • Many other bug fixes, performance updates, and visual enhancements.


The access-point-monitor and sms-reflector projects have been removed from the default OpenNMS build, as they have not been used in production for quite some time, and existed for very specific use cases.

The acl project has been removed as well. It was an unfinished attempt at implementing ACLs in OpenNMS which are superseded by the [User Restriction Filters] feature first added in OpenNMS 1.10.x.

[GNU Affero General Public License 3.0]: [User Restriction Filters]: [the Hardware Inventory wiki page]:


Release 14.0.3

Release 14.0.3 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It provides a few small fixes and enhancements over OpenNMS 14.0.2, and we believe we have truly squashed the wallboard memory leak this time. ;) It also includes an important security fix which affects all previous versions of OpenNMS for CVE-2015-0975, which can provide remote access to local system files. This upgrade is the STRONGLY recommended for all OpenNMS 14.x users. For an overview of the major changes since OpenNMS 1.12.x, see the What’s New in OpenNMS 14 page.

The codename for 14.0.3 is Surge.

  • (En)Linkd sends too many logged events re: scanning (Issue NMS-7252)

  • Cannot Clear alarms in STUI - Acknowledge works (Issue NMS-7255)

  • TopReportPlugin fails on FreeBSD (Issue NMS-7260)

  • Authenticiation in MailTransportMonitor not working (Issue NMS-7265)

  • The OpenNMS Web User Interface Has Experienced an Error (Issue NMS-7266)

  • Error reading ami-config.xml (Issue NMS-7269)

  • Error attempting to get SnmpInterfaces (IpInterfaces) on node page (Issue NMS-7271)

  • NullPointerException when selecting KSC reports (Issue NMS-7274)

  • linkDown event is confusing users (Issue NMS-7285)

  • ConcurrentModificationException thrown when adding/modifying graph templates for resource types that are being used (Issue NMS-7289)

  • Authenticated XXE Vulnerability (Issue NMS-7291)

  • Authenticated XXE Vulnerability (CVE-2015-0975) (Issue NMS-7321)

  • Datacollection for Terminal Services on W2K8+ (Issue NMS-4763)

  • Add WMI data collection and graphs for paging, disk I/O, and total memory (Issue NMS-6822)

  • The Wallboard app makes OpenNMS unusable after a few days even if it is not used. (Issue NMS-7230)

Release 14.0.2

Release 14.0.2 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It provides a few small fixes and enhancements over OpenNMS 14.0.1, including a fix for a critical memory leak in the OpenNMS web UI. This upgrade is strongly recommended for all OpenNMS 14.x users. For an overview of the major changes since OpenNMS 1.12.x, see the What’s New in OpenNMS 14 page.

The codename for 14.0.2 is Club-Mate.

  • Citrix Netscaler trap events (Issue NMS-7238)

  • Syslog Northbounder throws exceptions on certain alarms (Issue NMS-6551)

  • ICMP availability with custom packet size doesn’t work with JNI (Issue NMS-7073)

  • Node page for a switch or router is unusable with Enhanced Linkd enabled (Issue NMS-7092)

  • Vaadin applications show Page Not Found error (Issue NMS-7130)

  • The XML Collector is not storing the proper data for node-level resources (Issue NMS-7186)

  • The XML Collection Handler is caching the resourceTypes (Issue NMS-7187)

  • Edit an existing scheduled outage from node’s page doesn’t work (Issue NMS-7190)

  • The report "Total Bytes Transferred By Interface" is not working with RRDtool (Issue NMS-7193)

  • When the DNS name of a discovered node changes, Provisiond doesn’t update the node label. (Issue NMS-7195)

  • Null pointer exception removing services from node (Issue NMS-7218)

  • Some GWT pages are not working on IE (Issue NMS-7227)

  • The downtime model never removes the nodes when it is instructed to do it (Issue NMS-7231)

  • XML collector in JSON mode assumes all element content is String (Issue NMS-7243)

  • NPE on "manage and unmanage services and interfaces" (Issue NMS-7245)

  • Clicking On View Node Link Detailed Info Give java.lang.IllegalArgumentException (Issue NMS-7250)

  • Move the "Add new outage" to the top of the page. (Issue NMS-7194)

  • The Wallboard app makes OpenNMS unusable after a few days even if it is not used. (Issue NMS-7230)

  • Mikrotik RouterOS trap definitions (Issue NMS-7237)

Release 14.0.1

Release 14.0.1 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It provides a few small fixes and enhancements over OpenNMS 14.0.0. For an overview of the major changes since OpenNMS 1.12.x, see the What’s New in OpenNMS 14 page.

The codename for 14.0.1 is Big Red.

Release 14.0.1

  • WMI collector does not support persistence selectors (Issue NMS-6924)

  • "Dashboard" & "Add Node" tabs in the navigation bar doesn’t change style when being selected. (Issue NMS-7150)

  • debian packages still try to use java 1.5 by default (Issue NMS-7154)

  • OpenNMS on Debian Jessie Fails to Install if PostgreSQL is Not Already Configured (Issue NMS-7155)

  • When I clicked on "Change Node Label" for modifying node lable it giving the error below. (Issue NMS-7156)

  • $OPENNMS_HOME/bin/system-report throws a ClassNotFoundException (Issue NMS-7163)

  • The WebUI is not showing the resources associated with new resource types added on the fly. (Issue NMS-7168)

  • command-line scripts should output to the console (Issue NMS-7174)

  • "OpenNMS Disconnect — is the OpenNMS daemon running?" is confusing (Issue NMS-7177)

Release 14.0.0

Release 14.0.0 is the latest stable release of OpenNMS. It would have been 1.14.0, but we have changed versioning conventions. There are a huge number of bug fixes and changes in this release since the last unstable version, 1.13.4. For an overview of the major changes since OpenNMS 1.12.x, see the What’s New in OpenNMS 14 page.

The codename for 14.0.0 is Cheerwine.

  • Test installer for Windows 8.1 (Issue NMS-7021)

  • Replace GPL’d images of Ops Panel and Vmware Topology Provider (Issue NMS-7034)

  • Test installer for Ubuntu 14.04 (Issue NMS-7071)

  • Convert EventsArchiver to use Hibernate (Issue NMS-3034)

  • linkd not showing links between nodes and cisco switches (Issue NMS-3913)

  • Postgres database upgrade fails in InstallerDb.databaseSetUser on Windows (Issue NMS-4041)

  • Sending notifications causes exception in javamailer if user is missing smtp adress (Issue NMS-4367)

  • Provisiond temporarily deletes policy-based surveillance categories from existing nodes when synchronizing (Issue NMS-5059)

  • needs explicit DROP FUNCTION if PL/PGSQL sproc already exists / PostgreSQL 9.1 / Ubuntu 11.10+ / Fedora 16+ (Issue NMS-5212)

  • Threshold expressions for node-level metrics doesn’t work on non SNMP Collectors (Issue NMS-5219)

  • File based Provisioning Groups nodes lose historic Service Outage information after manual Synchronization for services added with detectors. (Issue NMS-5266)

  • config-tester does not run on a standard Debian install (Issue NMS-5603)

  • Adding a node through "Add Node" when filling in the hostname/IP but not Node Name results in a null node name (Issue NMS-5847)

  • Collectd is still collecting data from each duplicate IPs after removing the duplicates (Issue NMS-6226)

  • Small font size in JRobin graphs after upgrade to 1.12.2 (Issue NMS-6303)

  • OpenNMS not starting because of dataSource bean NPE (Issue NMS-6312)

  • Remote polling does not work (Issue NMS-6326)

  • OpenNMS tested 1.12.1 and 1.12.3-Cannot start OpenNMS with a configured Selenium-Monitor (Issue NMS-6371)

  • There’s no way to rediscover SNMP properties on a discovered node handled by Provisiond (Issue NMS-6380)

  • Missing dependency for (Issue NMS-6395)

  • Topology Map Internal Error (Issue NMS-6441)

  • build failures on master (Issue NMS-6476)

  • Graph´s legend size is too small after upgrading (Issue NMS-6501)

  • Drop-down list for nodes and interfaces on Scheduled Outages UI is not responding when having thousands of nodes. (Issue NMS-6502)

  • Topology Page failed to laod in IE browser (Issue NMS-6505)

  • Logging messages from several daemons appear on uncategorized.log (Issue NMS-6527)

  • NRTG is throwing ConcurrentModificationException (Issue NMS-6536)

  • Compile needs 5 to 6 runs to get 1.12/master compiled (Issue NMS-6573)

  • Linkd Nms17216Test success is order dependent on its tests. (Issue NMS-6602)

  • When a node doesn’t have a primary IP address, the Geo Map displays "null" for the IP (Issue NMS-6627)

  • Remote Poller will not start because of asterisk-java.jar in JNLP JAR list (Issue NMS-6628)

  • Topology map crashes (Issue NMS-6728)

  • The rescanExisting flag in Provisiond is not working as expected (Issue NMS-6759)

  • Exception thrown while running CDP discovery on Enhanced Linkd (Issue NMS-6774)

  • Upgrading from 1.8 to 1.12 breaks the scheduled reports generated through the WebUI (Issue NMS-6775)

  • RemotePollerAvailabilityRestServiceTest has midnight timing isses (Issue NMS-6779)

  • NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class sun.reflect.misc.Trampoline (Issue NMS-6784)

  • Large values of snmpifspeed come out negative when used in resource-filter (Issue NMS-6788)

  • Unmanaged IP interfaces colored as down in IP Interface component of node page (Issue NMS-6791)

  • Potential OpenNMS Web GUI XSS Vulnerability (Issue NMS-6793)

  • HTTPDetector does not work with Go programs (http request is invalid) (Issue NMS-6800)

  • Notification wizard should hide events with donotpersist or auto-clean=true (Issue NMS-6821)

  • test failure: (Issue NMS-6824)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.DnsMonitorTest (Issue NMS-6825)

  • org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.Nms10205aTest.testNetwork10205Links (Issue NMS-6832)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.provision.detector.NtpDetectorTest.testDetectorSuccess (Issue NMS-6834)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.rrd.model.RrdConvertUtilsTest (Issue NMS-6835)

  • Java Null Pointer exceptions seen more than 3K+ times in output.log (Issue NMS-6837)

  • Read-only user should not be able to delete reports (Issue NMS-6839)

  • Move XML Collector 3GPP Sample configuration to etc/examples (Issue NMS-6843)

  • audit and fix systemd support on modern linuxues (Issue NMS-6845)

  • Update Code Signing Cert so 1.14 is signed with new cert (Issue NMS-6846)

  • smoke test failure: AddNodePageTest & ServicePageTest (Issue NMS-6847)

  • NodeCategorySettingPolicy hit momentarily resolves open outages (Issue NMS-6848)

  • Can’t modify an existing systemDef through Vaddin UI for Data Collection Groups (Issue NMS-6855)

  • Error when stopping opennms during normal operation (Issue NMS-6857)

  • Geo Maps are not working (everything is on the Antarctic) (Issue NMS-6859)

  • NRTG feature does not work with SNMPv3 (Issue NMS-6860)

  • Bad Marker in Geo Maps (Issue NMS-6861)

  • Geo Maps are not rendered on Internet Explorer 11 (Issue NMS-6862)

  • Increase size of asset fields (Issue NMS-6864)

  • "Interface Availability Report" & "Snmp Interface Availability Report" of Database Reports are not working (Issue NMS-6868)

  • Create gitflow release document (Issue NMS-6871)

  • Bamboo: OutOfMemoryException during compile phase (Issue NMS-6872)

  • Copyright in created reports (PDF) is outdated (2002-2011) (Issue NMS-6875)

  • Log4j2 configuration breaks the instrumentation logger (Issue NMS-6876)

  • New Enhanced Topology no longer shows topology (Issue NMS-6877)

  • Link the rpm and deb repos for 1.14.0 to snapshot (Issue NMS-6879)

  • Make sure the InstrumentationLogReader works with the new log4j2 output (Issue NMS-6881)

  • Confirm 1.14 Runs on JDK 8 (Issue NMS-6882)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.linkd.LinkdSnmpTest (Issue NMS-6885)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.HttpMonitorTest.testPollStatusReason (Issue NMS-6886)

  • Set up bamboo auto-merges (Issue NMS-6888)

  • Deprecate sms-reflector, move to opennms-tools (Issue NMS-6890)

  • Deprecate access-point-monitor, move to opennms-tools (Issue NMS-6891)

  • The XML Collector can’t save counter metrics on RRDs (using RRDtool) (Issue NMS-6895)

  • A node is listed twice on the search box of the Topology UI (Issue NMS-6896)

  • Increase timeout for Selenium smoke tests to avoid failures (Issue NMS-6897)

  • UserRestServiceTest.testWriteALotOfUsers() fails fairly often (Issue NMS-6898)

  • Node Page→View Node Link Detailed Info, creates an exception when no links are available (Issue NMS-6900)

  • Geographical Node Map shows no nodes (Issue NMS-6901)

  • test failure: org.opennms.mock.snmp.MockSnmpAgentTest (Issue NMS-6903)

  • HttpCollector is broken (Issue NMS-6904)

  • NullPointerException EnhancedLinkd Bridgediscovery (Issue NMS-6908)

  • query did not return a unique result: 12 Exception in EnhancedLink bridge discovery (Issue NMS-6909)

  • PSQLException in EnhancedLinkd Cdp discovery (Issue NMS-6910)

  • Illegal Argument Exception in EnhancedLink Ospf Node Discovery (Issue NMS-6911)

  • test failure: (Issue NMS-6913)

  • Verify that JRobin font handling is fixed (Issue NMS-6915)

  • Events API returning invalid XML (Issue NMS-6918)

  • test failure: (Issue NMS-6921)

  • Show CDP Information on "Node Link Detailed Info" page (Issue NMS-6923)

  • "Loading" spinner in Vaadin apps moves (Issue NMS-6929)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.xmlrpcd.XmlrpcdTest (Issue NMS-6935)

  • Upgrade Embedded Karaf to 2.4.0 (Issue NMS-6937)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.collectd.SnmpCollectorTest (Issue NMS-6940)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.poller.monitors.HttpMonitorTest (Issue NMS-6941)

  • Error invoking remote poller via Java WebStart (Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes) (Issue NMS-6945)

  • snmp-request utility broken from Log4J 2 changeover (Issue NMS-6949)

  • DAO context exception (Issue NMS-6950)

  • Front page resource graphs combo box always pops up error on enter (Issue NMS-6953)

  • test failure: org.opennms.netmgt.collectd.DuplicatePrimaryAddressTest (Issue NMS-6959)

  • bin/ line 153 fails if build directory has a space on it (Issue NMS-6964)

  • Remote-Poller Client does not startup without exception. (Issue NMS-6965)

  • Remote-Poller started via Java Webstart sometimes freezes when closing (Issue NMS-6966)

  • Upgrade Needed for service-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-6970)

  • Stop collecting mib2-icmp group by default (Issue NMS-6973)

  • vtd xml jar should not be included opennms-base-assembly due to licening (Issue NMS-6992)

  • Review include of GPL’d images and other things (Issue NMS-6993)

  • Replace Icons with licensed version server.png and group.png (Issue NMS-6994)

  • Replace JournalMemo.png with a non GPL2.0 version (Issue NMS-6995)

  • Do we really need pngfix.js? What license do iit have? (Issue NMS-6997)

  • UP DOG (Issue NMS-6998)

  • Installing the Remote Poller on Windows using the .exe file doesn’t register Windows Service successfully (Issue NMS-6999)

  • "Undefined" dashlet in the Ops Board (Issue NMS-7002)

  • The default logging in OpenNMS is DEBUG/TRACE (Issue NMS-7008)

  • Configure Discovery throws FileNotFoundException (Issue NMS-7009)

  • Ping Window is broken in TopologyMap (Issue NMS-7010)

  • Events/Alarms popup shows two scroll bars (Issue NMS-7011)

  • Topology Map throws a bunch of exceptions in the browser console (Issue NMS-7013)

  • Maps dropdown and Maps Overview mismatch (Issue NMS-7014)

  • Missing supported application on about page (Issue NMS-7016)

  • Wrong License reference on about page (Issue NMS-7017)

  • Removing the focus of a category does not work in firefox (Issue NMS-7018)

  • When node was added to Focus due to search the context menu "Add To Focus" is still available (Issue NMS-7019)

  • Sometimes I get an Exception when clicking on "Ops Panel" in the Ops Dashboard (Issue NMS-7022)

  • Installation on Ubuntu 14.04 failes for unmet dependencies (Issue NMS-7023)

  • Lots of "Unable to obtain lock for PollableNode before timeout" on Pollerd (Issue NMS-7025)

  • Poodle exploit: exclude SSLv3 in example Jetty HTTPS configuration (thanks to David Gerdes, University of Illinois) (Issue NMS-7026)

  • The VMWare Monitor is throwing exceptions related with nodeDao (Issue NMS-7032)

  • Unknown NullPointerException on Pollerd related with Category Membership events (Issue NMS-7033)

  • NRTG does not work using SNMP v3 (Issue NMS-7049)

  • Installer is not working under Windows 8.1 (Issue NMS-7050)

  • License Agreement in Windows Installer seems to be wrong. (Issue NMS-7051)

  • Installer does not provide a port setting for Database Configuration (Issue NMS-7052)

  • Installer does not run install -dis correctly on Windows (Issue NMS-7053)

  • FileNotFoundException org.apache.felix.framework-4.0.3.jar (Issue NMS-7054)

  • Webapp needs to include source download (Issue NMS-7055)

  • Remote poller crashes with no feedback if polled nodes have non-distributable services (Issue NMS-7057)

  • Log SNMP request-ID more consistently in Snmp4JStrategy.processResponse (Issue NMS-7058)

  • NRTG is broken for passwords containing special characters (Issue NMS-7064)

  • SNMP4J logs going to output.log (Issue NMS-7068)

  • Installer does not show AGPL license (Issue NMS-7069)

  • Installing OpenNMS with the installer under Ubuntu fails due to chmod a+x issue (Issue NMS-7072)

  • ICMP availability with custom packet size doesn’t work with JNI (Issue NMS-7073)

  • OpenNMS does not start on Windows (Issue NMS-7076)

  • Not all placeholder get substituted correctly (Issue NMS-7077)

  • Unable to resolve missing requirement while navigating to the web frontend (Issue NMS-7080)

  • Installer does not run install -dis on *nix systems (Issue NMS-7082)

  • IllegalArgumentException on Node Link Detailed Info Page (Issue NMS-7083)

  • Logs are spammed with Atomikos warnings (Issue NMS-7084)

  • Lower half of Node Link Detailed Info Page is missing (Issue NMS-7085)

  • OpenNMS depends on JRobin 1.6.0-SNAPSHOT (Issue NMS-7087)

  • Topology Map shows Google Chrome Frame Notice Popup (IE only) (Issue NMS-7093)

  • Topology Map does not show Icons on IE (Issue NMS-7094)

  • Ping Command in Topology Map causes "Vaadin Communication Problem" (Issue NMS-7097)

  • Device Menu items are disabled all the time (Issue NMS-7098)

  • Navbar is broken on node list in Internet Explorer (Issue NMS-7099)

  • Close button in ping window on topology map does not work (Issue NMS-7101)

  • make ops4j pax ours (Issue NMS-7102)

  • If a target node is rebooted the RRD/JRB files contains spikes because the sysUpTime check is not working (Issue NMS-7106)

  • SMTP with reason code: NumberFormatException (Issue NMS-7107)

  • Resource Graphs not working on Windows 2008 R2 install (Issue NMS-7109)

  • update documentation as necessary for 14 (Issue NMS-7110)

  • Configure SNMP by IP ui does not work in IE when changing snmp versions (Issue NMS-7111)

  • The opennms.bat doesn’t work for stopping OpenNMS and the Temp directory is not quoted (Issue NMS-7114)

  • The MIB Compiler is not working when OpenNMS is running on Windows (Issue NMS-7116)

  • Requisistions cannot be edit when using IE (Issue NMS-7118)

  • Legend Icons not clickable on Node List Page in IE (Issue NMS-7119)

  • Exception in the Alarm Detail View (Issue NMS-7121)

  • Audit HttpClient usage to make sure connections are being closed properly (Issue NMS-7122)

  • Outage timeline link from image map for outages does not work with Firefox (Issue NMS-7128)

  • RESTful API doesn’t support SNMP v3 (Issue NMS-3269)

  • Create event to trigger linkd to start link scan (Issue NMS-4177)

  • Move linkd to his own project (Issue NMS-5572)

  • How to delete alert message "The text is too long; the maximum length is" in asset page (Issue NMS-5625)

  • Event definitions: Fortinet (Issue NMS-6508)

  • Upgrade Selenium libraries to their latest version (Issue NMS-6766)

  • SNMP collection systemDefs for ASA5585-SSP10, ASA5585-SSP20, ASA5585-SSP40, ASA5585-SSP60, and Cisco Nexus 7009 (Issue NMS-6785)

  • Provide a way to selectively detect services on requisitions (Issue NMS-6829)

  • Can’t monitor JBoss EAP 6.1.0 or later with the JMXMonitor/JMXCollector (using Jsr160Collector) (Issue NMS-6830)

  • Make Topology Provider for CDP (Issue NMS-6842)

  • Enable appropriate Linkd topology provider (Issue NMS-6844)

  • Upgrade to SNM4J2 (Issue NMS-6883)

  • After upgrading HttpClient, the host header always contains the port which is a problem for Microsoft IIS (Issue NMS-6916)

  • Warn when the remote poller does not support ICMP (Issue NMS-6971)

  • Make default statsd config do little? (Issue NMS-6985)

  • Add and collect JMX attribute for OpenNMS uptime (Issue NMS-7066)

  • Improve node list presentation of node DBIDs, foreign-source names, and foreign-IDs (Issue NMS-7088)

  • Add page for standalone node availability box (Issue NMS-7117)

  • Change the OpenNMS license to the AGPL (Issue NMS-6930)

  • Rename OpenNMS 1.14.0 to OpenNMS 14.0.0 (Issue NMS-6931)

  • audit git diff vs. 1.12 (Issue NMS-6936)

  • Test Migration from 1.12 (Issue NMS-6975)

  • Test Polling (Issue NMS-6976)

  • Test Data Collection - JMX (Issue NMS-6977)

  • Test Data Collection - HTTP (Issue NMS-6978)

  • Test Datacollection - Vmware (Issue NMS-6979)

  • Test DataCollection - WMI (Issue NMS-6980)

  • Test NRTG on SNMPv2 and v3 (Issue NMS-6981)

  • Test that Notifications still work (Issue NMS-6982)

  • Web UI testing for OpenNMS 14 (Issue NMS-6983)

  • Test Reporting (Issue NMS-6984)

  • Test package installs (Issue NMS-6986)

  • Test Thresholding (Issue NMS-6987)

  • Test Enhanced Linkd (Issue NMS-6989)

  • Test Topology GUI (Issue NMS-6990)

  • Test Remote Polling (Issue NMS-6991)

Release 1.13


Release 1.13.4

Release 1.13.4 is the 5th unstable release; it is a preview of what will eventually become the OpenNMS 1.14.x stable series.

The codename for 1.13.4 is Metallica


Release 1.13.3

Release 1.13.3 is the 4th unstable release; it is a preview of what will eventually become the OpenNMS 1.14.x stable series. It contains a critical security fix.

The codename for 1.13.3 is De Musikalske Dvergene

  • Security: downloadReport allow download and view any file in filesystem (Issue NMS-6580)

Release 1.13.2

Release 1.13.2 is the 3rd unstable release; it is a preview of what will eventually become the OpenNMS 1.14.x stable series. It contains a large number of changes over 1.13.1, including collection updates, lots of refactoring, more topology UI enhancements, auto-acknowledge notification updates, Linkd updates, VMware graph enhancements, and many other small improvements.

The codename for 1.13.2 is Boston

  • Using the Sftp3gppXmlCollectionHandler affecting the XSLT pre processing. Both are not working together. (Issue NMS-6533)

  • ResourceDao.findTopLevelResources() is returning duplicated data because of storeByForeignSource (Issue NMS-6545)

  • Notifications are truncated at 4000 chars in database (Issue NMS-6562)

  • The SFTP Connection are not closed when an exception is thrown using 3GPP XML Collector (Issue NMS-6564)

  • Patch for auto-acknowledgement of threshold events (Issue NMS-1462)

  • Embed JMS provider inside OpenNMS (Issue NMS-2638)

  • Add ability to match event parms for auto-ack (Issue NMS-3090)

  • Alphabetize the polling packages on scheduled outages (Issue NMS-5243)

  • Sort notifications by severity (Issue NMS-6504)

  • snmp mib compiler should use twin column select for systemDefs (Issue NMS-6525)

  • Make visible the scheduled outages that are being executed. (Issue NMS-6558)

Release 1.13.1

Release 1.13.1 is the 2nd unstable release; it is a preview of what will eventually become the OpenNMS 1.14.x stable series. It contains a large number of changes over 1.13.0, including Java 8 support, many core cleanups, support for running Camel and ActiveMQ in the OpenNMS Karaf container, MANY ReST-related cleanups for XML and JSON output, plus tons of other fixes and features.

The codename for 1.13.1 is Seigmen

  • REST API - Access to list of all user with non admin rights (Issue NMS-5391)

  • Linkd package not working (Issue NMS-6215)

  • Linkd LLDP discovery is not able to get links when one end point does not support LLDP mib (Issue NMS-6233)

  • Create Link to Topology from Node Page (Issue NMS-6339)

  • Can’t create a node without path outage information in provisioning web interface (Issue NMS-6350)

  • mib2 storage usage graph does not work with RRDtool (Issue NMS-6356)

  • Validate the mename of a maskelement when editing an event through the Vaadin UI (Issue NMS-6378)

  • The ILR reports wrong data when there are several packages with different collection rates on collectd-configuration.xml for the same service (Issue NMS-6386)

  • Deadlock in location_monitors update via Hibernate (Issue NMS-6392)

  • Exception thrown while changing transaction to readOnly mode (Issue NMS-6399)

  • Security Information disclosed in Service detail screen (Issue NMS-6403)

  • Provisiond detectors sometimes fail to detect (Issue NMS-6412)

  • Topology Widgets are out of sync with contextual window (Issue NMS-6416)

  • IP Interface component bug on Node Page (Issue NMS-6420)

  • NRTG Is busted in master (Issue NMS-6422)

  • Auto Refresh Interval in Topology APP isn’t consistent (Issue NMS-6423)

  • Links from Topology Map to Geographical Map are no longer working (Issue NMS-6425)

  • WebUI shows 503 for log in (Issue NMS-6435)

  • The Valere devices with broken SNMP agents are hanging Provisiond. (Issue NMS-6484)

  • Creating a scheduled outage from the node’s page doesn’t work (Issue NMS-6490)

  • Several XSD files are not being generated anymore. (Issue NMS-6491)

  • SVG Map: Clean Up Java Classes (Issue NMS-5013)

  • Add a regex to test the banner returned by the TCP monitor (Issue NMS-3218)

  • Greater flexibility in threshold event parameters (Issue NMS-5468)

  • New event file for Konica Traps (Issue NMS-5699)

  • Remove the reset button on the login prompt. (Issue NMS-5738)

  • Datacollection Konica Printers (Issue NMS-5781)

  • New BackupExec event file (Issue NMS-5789)

  • New mib/event file for TrendMicro AV (Issue NMS-5829)

  • New events/datacollection for Liebert USV (Issue NMS-5882)

  • Use a suitable Algorithm to display Elements in SVG maps (Issue NMS-6104)

  • Add Discovery Strategy to Links (Issue NMS-6106)

  • persist protocol used for discoved links (Issue NMS-6245)

  • Add BGP datacollection support for Foundry BigIron 4000/8000/RX (Issue NMS-6308)

  • Upgrade JasperReport Engine to current stable release (Issue NMS-6366)

  • Search for event from the last hour isn’t possible without Event Text (Issue NMS-6370)

  • apache jakarta regexp project is discontinued. (Issue NMS-6427)

  • Create Provisiond detector for VMwareCim-HostSystem (Issue NMS-6434)

  • Monitor for JMX related framework Jolokia (Issue NMS-6328)

Release 1.13.0

Release 1.13.0 is the first unstable release; it is a preview of what will eventually become the OpenNMS 1.14.x stable series. It contains a number of enhancements, most notably GUI work in the topology UI, as well as some code cleanup and other updates that are too invasive to include in 1.12.

The codename for 1.13.0 is Hedningarna

  • Maven surefire doesn’t properly report some test failures (Issue NMS-1698)

  • remote poller logging (Issue NMS-2800)

  • Cannot build using IBM’s java - Groovy maven plugin error "No providers discovered" (Issue NMS-3476)

  • ./maven/bin/mvn dependency:go-offline not fetch all dependences (Issue NMS-4304)

  • Jetty 503 Service Unavailable after disabling PollerBackend (Issue NMS-4330)

  • JMX jrb filenames can contain spaces (Issue NMS-4612)

  • Can’t disable all log rotation in (Issue NMS-4689)

  • DatabaseReportListController is never used? (Issue NMS-5034)

  • NullPointerException in DefaultParameterConversionService with IE8 (Issue NMS-5134)

  • Default ONMS JMX graphs broken with storeByGroup enabled (Issue NMS-5279)

  • redirection on cancel configuration changes for a KSC report returns to main opennms index page. (Issue NMS-5443)

  • manager log messages are too vague or wrong level. (Issue NMS-5467)

  • SNMPV3 context not working in provisiond (Issue NMS-5556)

  • "No Data for this Entry" in Serial Interface Utilization Summary report (Issue NMS-5617)

  • Make possible to set the interface status on the requisition through REsT and WebUI (Issue NMS-5773)

  • Selecting topology group doesn’t filter alarm widget (Issue NMS-5787)

  • VMware integration not gathering statistics on VM host hardware collections such as vmware4Disk or vmware4Cpu (Issue NMS-5845)

  • LLDP Failure for non ifIndex references (Issue NMS-5904)

  • Topology Map showing non-existent links/missing valid links (Issue NMS-5906)

  • Prefab graph ignores properties for width and height (Issue NMS-5918)

  • Primary interface is not used for VMware CIM service polling and data collection (Issue NMS-5938)

  • Default to Provisiond handling newSuspects, disabling Capsd (Issue NMS-5943)

  • Alarm list and alarm details is not showing in the WebUI (Issue NMS-5947)

  • Duplicated parameter in notification.xml (Issue NMS-5948)

  • Exception when switching tabs in alarm and node browsers on map (Issue NMS-5968)

  • Sorting doesn’t work on alarm and node browsers (Issue NMS-5969)

  • Node availability report wrong calculation of percentage (Issue NMS-5990)

  • Add foreignSource parameter to newSuspect Event (Issue NMS-5991)

  • "Servlet with alias already registered" Exception occurs on starupt in osgi container (Issue NMS-5999)

  • Negative filter for services in alarm list shows null (Issue NMS-6005)

  • Loading Vaadin parts of the WebUI needs a lot of time (Issue NMS-6043)

  • Database connections leak until the system cannot obtain any more connections (Issue NMS-6051)

  • Master doesn’t start due to PollerBackend Exception (Issue NMS-6052)

  • The VMWare collector doesn’t work properly when storeByForeignSource is enabled (Issue NMS-6060)

  • Make the VMWare Provisioner more useful (Issue NMS-6070)

  • is not handling properly the 302 and 303 HTTP Responses. (Issue NMS-6072)

  • The JAR where the GpDetector is defined doesn’t appear on the RPM or DEB files (Issue NMS-6074)

  • VmwareConfigBuilder creates too long aliases for vSphere 5.1 (Issue NMS-6082)

  • Syslog Northbounder is not translating the node labels (Issue NMS-6092)

  • Linkd throws Exception when CdpCacheIpv4Address is blank (Issue NMS-6101)

  • Linkd does not update properly datalinkinterface table (Issue NMS-6102)

  • Linkd does not manage duplicated ip addresses (Issue NMS-6103)

  • Can’t use SNMPv3 with NoAuth-NoPriv (Issue NMS-6108)

  • NRTG is not working if storeByForeignSource is enabled (Issue NMS-6119)

  • XSS vector in admin/error.jsp (Issue NMS-6147)

  • LdapMonitor can leak poller threads (Issue NMS-6148)

  • VMware metrics for network packet statistics missing for ESX host (Issue NMS-6166)

  • GeoMap boundaries (Issue NMS-6172)

  • Unresolved constraint in bundle org.opennms.features.vaadin-node-maps (Issue NMS-6176)

  • Unresolved constraint in bundle org.opennms.features.jmxconfiggenerator (Issue NMS-6178)

  • Unresolved constraint in bundle org.opennms.features.jmxconfiggenerator.webui (Issue NMS-6179)

  • GeoMap doughnut markers don’t reflect alarm status (Issue NMS-6214)

  • 503 Webapp Error (Issue NMS-6217)

  • Exception while using topology history feature (Issue NMS-6218)

  • SnmpInterfaceRrdMigrator breaks with "javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException: inf" (Issue NMS-6302)

  • invalid in master (Issue NMS-6304)

  • Refactor Log Level of OpenNMS Messages (Issue NMS-1087)

  • distributed monitor disconnected timeout hardcoded (Issue NMS-2797)

  • change the log rotation to use the log4j-extras RollingFileAppender (Issue NMS-2949)

  • log4j enhancement to support compression (Issue NMS-4690)

  • eclipse maven integration (Issue NMS-4814)

  • Add IS-IS discovey to Linkd (Issue NMS-5582)

  • JRobinRrdStrategy class does not support RGBA color values (Issue NMS-5591)

  • Add OAuth support to microblog notification feature (Issue NMS-5691)

  • keep all log4j settings near their main definition. (Issue NMS-5729)

  • Bump maven-resources-plugin to 2.6 to avoid annoying message during build (Issue NMS-5805)

  • Widget Filtering based on visible vertices (Issue NMS-5869)

  • Topology Selection Behavior improvements (Issue NMS-5870)

  • Changing RRD graph size with URL parameter width and height (Issue NMS-5919)

  • Tool converting JRobin files to RRDtool file format (Issue NMS-5921)

  • Detection for VMware CIM service only if the communication is possible (Issue NMS-5941)

  • Add a configuration foreignSource element/attribute to a discovery range (Issue NMS-5992)

  • Add new sysOID to linkd (Issue NMS-6039)

  • Ability to disable rescanning of updated nodes during import (Issue NMS-6040)

  • SNMP support for Clavister security devices (Issue NMS-6107)

  • Split Linkd Link dicovery as per discovery Stategy (Issue NMS-6110)

  • add provisioning requisition column to outages list display (Issue NMS-6143)

Release 1.12


Release 1.12.9

Release 1.12.9 is the 10th in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains a number of important fixes including handling jetty.xml upgrades better, and a fix for a bug in the rescanExisting flag when provisioning. See What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12 for a general list of changes in the 1.12 series.

The codename for 1.12.9 is Bruce Springsteen

  • HRULE not working in JRobin graphs (Issue NMS-2793)

  • incorrectly translated trap contents (Issue NMS-5281)

  • Can’t monitor JBoss EAP 6.1.0 or later with the JMXMonitor/JMXCollector because they don’t support jmx-remoting protocol (Issue NMS-6589)

  • New jetty.xml configuration lacks default keystore passwords (Issue NMS-6601)

  • Pollerd stops working if a service is down and the downtime model is not correct. (Issue NMS-6603)

  • Problem with disable-ssl-verification in XML_Collector (Issue NMS-6611)

  • No Longer Able to Control Graph Report Order (Issue NMS-6621)

  • If Jetty HTTP is enabled in, the WebUI doesn’t work with SSL (Issue NMS-6629)

  • Can’t download generated reports, a NPE is thrown by the WebUI (Issue NMS-6632)

  • Having hundreds of scheduled outage hurts the performance of the OpenNMS server (Issue NMS-6748)

  • High CPU usage due to DataCollectionConfigDao.getConfiguredResourceTypes() while Collectd starts (Issue NMS-6757)

  • The rescanExisting flag in Provisiond is not working as expected (Issue NMS-6759)

  • Monitoring Asterisk SIP Clients (Issue NMS-5767)

  • Remove link to Surveillance Category Editor from nodepage for requisitioned nodes (Issue NMS-6372)

  • Asset page should not be in edit mode for requisitioned nodes (Issue NMS-6373)

  • If the HostResourceSwRunMonitor fails because of a timeout, the reason does not reflect it. (Issue NMS-6626)

Release 1.12.8

Release 1.12.8 is the 9th in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains an important fix for a security issue that can expose files outside of the OpenNMS directory through the web interface. See What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12 for a general list of changes in the 1.12 series.

The codename for 1.12.8 is John Petrucci

  • Security: downloadReport allow download and view any file in filesystem (Issue NMS-6580)

Release 1.12.7

Release 1.12.7 is the eighth in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains a number of important fixes including a XSS vulnerability, and also introduces a potentially incompatible change to the way the web UI is configured. For details on the web UI changes, see Changes to the Web UI Startup on the What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12 page.

The codename for 1.12.7 is Bob Marley

  • Form too large error on /opennms/admin/getNodes page (Issue NMS-2846)

  • exception when unmanaging interfaces via Admin → Manage and unmanage (Issue NMS-3998)

  • Resource Graph Resources - limited to 55 Resources or less (Issue NMS-4675)

  • Long query size for Resource Graphs generates 413 error - increase HeaderBufferSize (Issue NMS-4760)

  • Add config option to use persistent session with Jetty (Issue NMS-5527)

  • Really large provisioning groups crash Web UI (Issue NMS-6364)

  • Syslog Northbounder runs in a NullPointerException (Issue NMS-6383)

  • The notification WebUI is unusable when there are notifications associated with events that doesn’t exist on the DB. (Issue NMS-6447)

  • Embedded Jetty blocking HTTP requests due to "Max threads" settings (Issue NMS-6519)

  • WebStart remote poller needs Permissions: manifest attribute to run under Java 7u45 (Issue NMS-6522)

  • Using the Sftp3gppXmlCollectionHandler affecting the XSLT pre processing. Both are not working together. (Issue NMS-6533)

  • ResourceDao.findTopLevelResources() is returning duplicated data because of storeByForeignSource (Issue NMS-6545)

  • Some provisioning adapters do not send reload success / failure events (Issue NMS-6548)

  • Eventd does not honor reloadDaemonConfig event (Issue NMS-6549)

  • Vacuumd does not honor reloadDaemonConfig event (Issue NMS-6552)

  • Notifications are truncated at 4000 chars in database (Issue NMS-6562)

  • The SFTP Connection are not closed when an exception is thrown using 3GPP XML Collector (Issue NMS-6564)

  • Two XSS vulnerabilities in webapp (Issue NMS-6571)

  • there appears to be no way to restrict access to the ajp port (Issue NMS-3499)

  • Debian packages need updating to support postgresql-9.2 and postgresql-9.3 (Issue NMS-6517)

Release 1.12.6

Release 1.12.6 is the seventh in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains a number of important fixes including a potential security leak in the ReST interface. See What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12.

The codename for 1.12.6 is Sascha Konietzko

  • REST API - Access to list of all user with non admin rights (Issue NMS-5391)

  • Exception during statsd runs: "Value of line 1 of output from RRD is not a valid floating point number: '2,670374e+03'" Problem of locale? (Issue NMS-5592)

  • JdbcEventUtil should not set distPoller to "undefined" (Issue NMS-5750)

  • thresholding ignores persistselectorstrategy resulting in threshold events on items that should be ignored (Issue NMS-6274)

  • Can’t delete an escalation from the WebUI (Issue NMS-6338)

  • Provisiond detectors sometimes fail to detect (Issue NMS-6412)

  • The Upgrade Tools are throwing a NPE when a JMX service is not configured properly on collectd-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-6463)

  • Resource path parser incorrect on Windows when storeByForeignSource enabled (Issue NMS-6465)

  • microsoft.cpuPercentBusy is not working with RRDtool (Issue NMS-6468)

  • The Valere devices with broken SNMP agents are hanging Provisiond. (Issue NMS-6484)

  • Upgrade Tools issue: the snmpStorageFlag from datacollection-config.xml is not being considered while running SnmpInterfaceRrdMigratorOnline (Issue NMS-6489)

  • RPM and DEB maintainer scripts remove OPENNMS_HOME/data tree (Issue NMS-6495)

  • Correct Manage/Unmanage Behavior in WebUI (Issue NMS-5515)

  • Create an Asset Editor Role (Issue NMS-6414)

  • Create Provisiond detector for VMwareCim-HostSystem (Issue NMS-6434)

  • Expose poller thread pool stats via JMX (Issue NMS-6466)

  • Provide a user configuration file for (Issue NMS-6467)

Release 1.12.5

Release 1.12.5 is the sixth in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains a fix for upgrades when using storeByForeignSource, plus a few other small changes. See What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12.

The codename for 1.12.5 is John Lee Hooker

  • Can’t import a requisition when OpenNMS is installed in "C:\Program Files\OpenNMS" (Issue NMS-6361)

  • sftp.3gpp: empty resource label when the PM Group filter doesn’t match a given measObjLdn (Issue NMS-6365)

  • The ILR reports wrong data when there are several packages with different collection rates on collectd-configuration.xml for the same service (Issue NMS-6386)

  • Security Information disclosed in Service detail screen (Issue NMS-6403)

  • NPE on SnmpAssetProvisioningAdapter.fetchSnmpAssetString() (Issue NMS-6405)

  • Upgrade 1.12.4 breaks StoreByForeignSource (Issue NMS-6409)

  • Exception on node.jsp with storeByForeignSource enabled and no data collection for the node. (Issue NMS-6424)

  • Remove the reset button on the login prompt. (Issue NMS-5738)

  • Surveillance-Category-Names can be longer then 64 chars (Issue NMS-6406)

Release 1.12.4

Release 1.12.4 is the fifth in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains more upgrade tool bugfixes, as well as a number of small bug fixes and enhancements. See What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12.

The codename for 1.12.4 is Iggy Pop

  • OpenNMS+jrobin does not obey font selection (Issue NMS-2691)

  • JRobin Ignores --font directive (Issue NMS-3477)

  • Notices for events with a regex UEI have a bad label (Issue NMS-5093)

  • Uncaught exception in HostResourceSwRunMonitor when handling empty strings (Issue NMS-5852)

  • DiskUsageMonitor startswith parameter doesn’t evaluate all mount points (Issue NMS-6095)

  • UI for editing foreign source policies needs larger window for "value" field (Issue NMS-6161)

  • IPv6 IPLIKE expressions incorrectly rejected in notification wizard (Issue NMS-6313)

  • Requisition editor should trim whitespace from critical fields (Issue NMS-6314)

  • VMWare Importer is adding an asset called "memory" and should be "ram" (Issue NMS-6353)

  • Can’t execute standalone vmwarereqtool when RRDtool is enabled (Issue NMS-6354)

  • mib2 storage usage graph does not work with RRDtool (Issue NMS-6356)

  • In store-by-FS mode, nodes with only generic-resource RRD data treated as if they have no RRD data at all (Issue NMS-6359)

  • SnmpInterfaceRrdMigratorOnline fails with: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "UNKN" (Issue NMS-6369)

  • vmwarereqtool is initializing the DB Pool (Issue NMS-6389)

  • New event file for Konica Traps (Issue NMS-5699)

  • Remove the reset button on the login prompt. (Issue NMS-5738)

  • Datacollection Konica Printers (Issue NMS-5781)

  • New BackupExec event file (Issue NMS-5789)

  • New mib/event file for TrendMicro AV (Issue NMS-5829)

  • Add BGP datacollection support for Foundry BigIron 4000/8000/RX (Issue NMS-6308)

  • Add Configuration for Poseidon Sensor data collection. (Issue NMS-6315)

  • Monitor the health of a NetScaler’s group of servers. (Issue NMS-6377)

  • Include remote user and host in parameters of notificationsTurnedOff and ~On events (Issue NMS-6384)

  • Enhance DnsMonitor to evaluate size of answer section (Issue NMS-6398)

Release 1.12.3

Release 1.12.3 is the fourth in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains a critical bugfix to the upgrade tools added in 1.12.2, as well as a few small config updates. See What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12.

The codename for 1.12.3 is Charles Mingus

  • Add 64-bit SNMP ifXTable packet counters for unicast, multicast, broadcast (Issue NMS-6305)

Release 1.12.2

Release 1.12.2 is the third in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains quite a few bug fixes and enhancements since the 1.12.1 release. For a high-level overview of what has changed since OpenNMS 1.10, see What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12.

The codename for 1.12.2 is Liberace

  • Bean name with slashes must be escaped on jrb creation (Issue NMS-3485)

  • JMX Collector not stripping path separators from mbean object names when using store-by-group persisting (Issue NMS-4592)

  • JMX jrb filenames can contain spaces (Issue NMS-4612)

  • Some JMX metrics defined in the default jmx-datacollection-config.xml are not compatible with RRDtool (Issue NMS-5247)

  • Default ONMS JMX graphs broken with storeByGroup enabled (Issue NMS-5279)

  • Collectd org.apache.commons.jexl2.JexlEngine warnings in tomcat-internal.log (Issue NMS-5286)

  • Some monitored devices display errors when selecting to see details (Issue NMS-5553)

  • Make possible to set the interface status on the requisition through REsT and WebUI (Issue NMS-5773)

  • JMX collector mismatch and rrd disk files (Issue NMS-5824)

  • Negative filter for services in alarm list shows null (Issue NMS-6005)

  • Bits In/Out graph is not working in NRTG graph (Issue NMS-6023)

  • Geo Maps don’t support web proxying. (Issue NMS-6046)

  • SNMP Data Collection Interfaces Directory Structure (Issue NMS-6056)

  • changing node name doesn’t work (Issue NMS-6084)

  • Socket error running on Solaris 11 (Issue NMS-6088)

  • Unable to start openNMS 1.12 on HP-UX because of lack of JNA native libs (Issue NMS-6096)

  • NRTG is not working if storeByForeignSource is enabled (Issue NMS-6119)

  • The VMWare Integration doesn’t work if an ESX Server is not accessible due to access restrictions (Issue NMS-6121)

  • VMWare Importer: If the vmwareTopologyInfo is too big, some PostgreSQL exceptions are thrown while running the importer (Issue NMS-6124)

  • Alarm Details for an not existing alarm shows empty page. (Issue NMS-6125)

  • Google Maps API rate-limit leads to persistent (-Inf,-Inf) coordinates in DB (Issue NMS-6129)

  • VMWare Collector: There is no way to specify the timeout (Issue NMS-6130)

  • The Provisioning Rest API is not managing update-dates in requisitions properly (Issue NMS-6133)

  • XSS vector in admin/error.jsp (Issue NMS-6147)

  • LdapMonitor can leak poller threads (Issue NMS-6148)

  • SSLCertMonitor fails to initialise (Issue NMS-6149)

  • VMWare Importer - NPE while building vmwareTopologyInfo on ESX Hosts (Issue NMS-6150)

  • Provide backward compatibility methods for JRobinDirectoryUtils when storeByForeignSource is not required (Issue NMS-6152)

  • VMWare Importer - Port Groups associated with ESX Hosts are confusing the VMWare Topology (Issue NMS-6162)

  • Exceptions exposed on provisiond.log when the MAC address is empty (Issue NMS-6164)

  • Possible thread contention on Collectd due to the checking on datacollection-config changes. (Issue NMS-6165)

  • is not working (Issue NMS-6168)

  • NPE on output.log due to null ifSpeed when calling PhysicalInterfaceRow.getSpeed (Issue NMS-6169)

  • Startup fails due to being in invalid file format (Issue NMS-6170)

  • Date issues in "Response time by node" JR report (Issue NMS-6182)

  • Web MIB compiler should stub imports of OBJECT-TYPE macro from RFC-1212 (Issue NMS-6183)

  • No way to set Google Maps geocoder API key for node geo map (Issue NMS-6184)

  • NullPointerException in collectd.log (Issue NMS-6186)

  • It is possible to override a compiled MIBs without asking (Issue NMS-6189)

  • The SnmpMonitor is not returning the status with the responseTime value (Issue NMS-6192)

  • ThresholdingSet isn’t catching the exceptions thrown by the threshold evaluators (Issue NMS-6193)

  • Can’t see changes on the resource graph page after adding/modifying a Resource Type manually or through the WebUI (Issue NMS-6198)

  • RTCManager does multiple Posts if URL is not reachable (Issue NMS-6199)

  • Provisioning Silently Clobbers Geolocation Asset Data (Issue NMS-6221)

  • There is no link to "Resource Graphs" on any page of the WebUI when storeByForeignSource is enabled (Issue NMS-6225)

  • Can’t update asset records using (Issue NMS-6229)

  • The Resource Graphs GWT Widget at the front page is not working with storeByForeignSource (Issue NMS-6231)

  • The Resource Graphs link from the Topology Map is not working with storeByForeignSource (Issue NMS-6232)

  • There is no way to know how the Thread Pool in Pollerd is behaving (Issue NMS-6252)

  • Jasper reports that requires accessing RRD files directly when RRDtool is enabled are not working (Issue NMS-6263)

  • Reserved name used as function name in opennms-webapp/src/main/webapp/admin/nodemanagement/setPathOutage.jsp (Issue NMS-6266)

  • Provisioner creates transient OnmsSnmpInterface on interfaces with null ifIndex (Issue NMS-6271)

  • thresholdFilter is ignored if value is null, despite AND condition (Issue NMS-6275)

  • Threshold filters based on numeric values are not working when they are not part of the expression or ds-name (Issue NMS-6278)

  • is mentioning nothing about parent-foreign-source (Issue NMS-6288)

  • GeneralPurpose detector doesn’t work with banner match (Issue NMS-6294)

  • OSPF-TRAP-MIB events need updating (Issue NMS-6295)

  • F5 trap clear-events should have severity Normal (Issue NMS-6298)

  • JMX Configs For Database Polling (Issue NMS-1539)

  • Ability to add parent relationships (path outages) in provisioning WebUI (Issue NMS-3611)

  • Ability to define the namespace for WMI operations (Issue NMS-6094)

  • VMWare Importer: add a flag to ignore IPv4 or IPv6 Interfaces (Issue NMS-6138)

  • VMWare Importer: Merge existing services on interfaces (Issue NMS-6139)

  • In 1.12 the default log level is INFO instead of WARN like 1.10 (Issue NMS-6141)

  • VMWare Importer - Provide a way to generate the requisition from the command line for testing purposes (Issue NMS-6151)

  • Queries in old class are O(n^2) or worse (Issue NMS-6163)

  • The threshold processor doesn’t work well with complex JEXL Expressions (Issue NMS-6194)

  • Display the Resource ID on the threshold events (Issue NMS-6195)

  • Accept either "foreignSource:foreignId" or "nodeId" as a parameter on element/node.jsp (Issue NMS-6234)

  • Add alarm-data to some APC and Powerware trap events (Issue NMS-6247)

  • CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB trap event definitions (Issue NMS-6296)

Release 1.12.1

Release 1.12.1 is the second in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains a number of bug fixes and small enhancements since the 1.12.0 release. For a high-level overview of what has changed since OpenNMS 1.10, see What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12.

The codename for 1.12.1 is Patrick Murphy

  • Debian init.d script wrong postgres dependency (Issue NMS-5879)

  • threshold filters not processed properly (Issue NMS-5880)

  • Prefab graph ignores properties for width and height (Issue NMS-5918)

  • Disable Threshd by default in service-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-6024)

  • Database connections leak until the system cannot obtain any more connections (Issue NMS-6051)

  • No login screen after update (Issue NMS-6058)

  • The VMWare collector doesn’t work properly when storeByForeignSource is enabled (Issue NMS-6060)

  • Distributed map offered when no monitoring locations defined (Issue NMS-6063)

  • Mail Transport Monitor exception in 1.12.0 (Issue NMS-6067)

  • Make the VMWare Provisioner more useful (Issue NMS-6070)

  • is not handling properly the 302 and 303 HTTP Responses. (Issue NMS-6072)

  • OpenNMS web UI has encountered an error (Issue NMS-6073)

  • The JAR where the GpDetector is defined doesn’t appear on the RPM or DEB files (Issue NMS-6074)

  • The jasper report templates doesn’t work after enabling storeByForeignSource (Issue NMS-6075)

  • JNA code does not work if tmpdir is mounted noexec (Issue NMS-6076)

  • config-tester exception in clean 1.12 installation (Issue NMS-6077)

  • Remove sample-report, trivial-report and parameter-test from database-reports.xml (Issue NMS-6080)

  • VmwareConfigBuilder is not generating a valid graph templates file. (Issue NMS-6081)

  • VmwareConfigBuilder creates too long aliases for vSphere 5.1 (Issue NMS-6082)

  • parent-foreign-source is not working anymore (Issue NMS-6083)

  • Syslog Northbounder is not translating the node labels (Issue NMS-6092)

  • Requisition ReST Caching Does Not Flush On Shutdown (Issue NMS-6093)

  • Can’t use SNMPv3 with NoAuth-NoPriv (Issue NMS-6108)

  • Cron-triggered reports in Reportd do not work (Issue NMS-6113)

  • alarmidnotfound.jsp went missing (Issue NMS-6114)

  • Changing RRD graph size with URL parameter width and height (Issue NMS-5919)

  • Ability to disable rescanning of updated nodes during import (Issue NMS-6040)

  • PostgreSQL / JDBC data collection config (Issue NMS-6062)

  • SNMP support for Clavister security devices (Issue NMS-6107)

Release 1.12.0

Release 1.12.0 is the first in the stable 1.12 series of OpenNMS. It contains a number of bug fixes since the 1.11.94 release. For a high-level overview of what has changed since OpenNMS 1.10, see]What’s New in OpenNMS 1.12].

The codename for 1.12.0 is Barry Privett

  • ERROR: insert or update on table "notifications" violates foreign key constraint "fk_eventid3" (Issue NMS-1668)

  • Provisiond never generates nodeCategoryMembershipChanged events (Issue NMS-4951)

  • Provisiond Error : org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query (Issue NMS-5348)

  • SNMPV3 context not working in provisiond (Issue NMS-5556)

  • "No Data for this Entry" in Serial Interface Utilization Summary report (Issue NMS-5617)

  • OpenNMS 1.11.91 requres a JDK to be installed for Jetty to display the login page (Issue NMS-5835)

  • Duplicated parameter in notification.xml (Issue NMS-5948)

  • OpenNMS Menu is sometimes left justified (Issue NMS-5988)

  • Node availability report wrong calculation of percentage (Issue NMS-5990)

  • Node selection dumps to exception error (Issue NMS-6002)

  • Topology and Geographical Maps Fail to Load (Issue NMS-6003)

  • Alarm Inserts failing with PostgreSQL Exception (Issue NMS-6011)

  • Poll Outages "day of week" configuration not working (Issue NMS-6013)

  • GWT Errors on Asset Page (Issue NMS-6015)

  • Missing HTTP content-type in response of the data export API (Issue NMS-6016)

  • Windows CPU graph doesn’t work with JRobin (Issue NMS-6017)

  • Concurrent modification exception in NRTG (Issue NMS-6019)

  • Can’t add more than one item to any table while editing Events or Data Collection elements through the UI (Issue NMS-6020)

  • NRTG Realtime link does not show up for Storage (MIB-2 Host Resources) (Issue NMS-6021)

  • Statistic Reports shows an empty page (Issue NMS-6028)

  • Can’t log in after creating a new user (Issue NMS-6030)

Release 1.11


Release 1.11.94

Release 1.11.94 is the third release candidate for the OpenNMS 1.12 series. It contains more bugfixes and cleanups.

The codename for 1.11.94 is Dave Grohl

  • Bluecat / Adonis graph definition fixes and enhancements (Issue NMS-4767)

  • It is possible to define an OnmsServiceType twice and that can hurt some features. (Issue NMS-5914)

  • Alarm list and alarm details is not showing in the WebUI (Issue NMS-5947)

  • .meta files are re-written on every poll (Issue NMS-5967)

  • JDBC jasperreports not working with JniRrdStrategy configured (Issue NMS-5975)

  • The report SerialInterfaceUtilizationSummary is showing duplicated data. (Issue NMS-5978)

  • NCS configuration file found in 1.12 branch (Issue NMS-5982)

  • Changed unmarshalling integration test to use parametrized unit tests and a separate coverage test (Issue NMS-5966)

Release 1.11.93

Release 1.11.93 is the third release candidate for the OpenNMS 1.12 series. It contains more bugfixes, and makes Provisiond the default for answering node newSuspect events, rather than Capsd. To revert to the old behavior, set org.opennms.provisiond.enableDiscovery=false in

The codename for 1.11.93 is Alan Doyle

  • Java compiler warnings (Issue NMS-2340)

  • Ensure that each newly created thread has an uncaught exception handler (Issue NMS-2636)

  • Foundry switches do not get identified as having multiple VLANs (Issue NMS-3303)

  • Javamail file type overrides Database Report file type for CSV files (Issue NMS-5020)

  • no 404 handler found (Issue NMS-5374)

  • Searching for interface that returns exactly 1 match does not work (Issue NMS-5388)

  • reclassify a collectd.log entry severity (Issue NMS-5454)

  • Need to change log level for provisiond node scan completion (Issue NMS-5629)

  • liebert.sitenet.bypass43* reports reference column names over rrd datasource name limit (Issue NMS-5651)

  • Duty schedule editor defaults to identical start and end time (Issue NMS-5741)

  • Karaf deadlock during features:uninstall, features:install (Issue NMS-5786)

  • too terse log message in JDBCMonitor (Issue NMS-5825)

  • The SnmpPoller is sending the interfaceOperDown events every time a requisition is synched or a single node is rescanned. (Issue NMS-5841)

  • incorrect null tests in (Issue NMS-5897)

  • Primary interface is not used for VMware CIM service polling and data collection (Issue NMS-5938)

  • Several plugins not being built as RPMS (Issue NMS-5939)

  • AsteriskGateway daemon should not start by default (Issue NMS-5940)

  • maclike search fails for non-ip interfaces (Issue NMS-5949)

  • Provsioning does not synchronize to database (Issue NMS-5965)

  • SNMP GET HEX Values from SAN switch (Issue NMS-5423)

  • implement a json collector (Issue NMS-5435)

  • XmlCollector enhancements (Issue NMS-5466)

  • Detection for VMware CIM service only if the communication is possible (Issue NMS-5941)

  • Fix non-well formatted HTML in order to process it with the XML Collector (Issue NMS-5962)

  • Apply a XSLT transformation to source XML/HTML/TEXT page before processing it with the XML Collector (Issue NMS-5963)

Release 1.11.92

Release 1.11.92 is the third release candidate for the OpenNMS 1.12 series. It is identical to 1.11.91 except for a fix for reading eventconf.xml files that don’t have an XML namespace attribute.

The codename for 1.11.92 is Steve Vai

  • Regression: New EventConfDao won’t unmarshal eventconf.xml files without an XML namespace (Issue NMS-5935)

Release 1.11.91

Release 1.11.91 is the second release candidate for the OpenNMS 1.12 series.

The codename for 1.11.91 is Joe Satriani

  • Release notes says Gentoo is not maintained (Issue NMS-4338)

  • incorrectly translated trap contents (Issue NMS-5281)

  • Password Encryption Method Needs Improvement (Issue NMS-5313)

  • Linkd should persist the discovery strategy (Issue NMS-5550)

  • Serial Interface Report has Incorrect Title (Issue NMS-5616)

  • Invalid Delete Group Menu Option Wacks the Topology App (Issue NMS-5671)

  • Bits of event-acknowledgement UI still showing (Issue NMS-5733)

  • Updates on are not propagated when using the WebUI on a different server (Issue NMS-5806)

  • Change "Last Capsd Poll" to "Last Capabilities Scan" in topology map node browser (Issue NMS-5811)

  • Deprecated provision requisition attributes carried over to 1.11+ will cause requisitions to show empty (Issue NMS-5814)

  • Startup fails when pending foreign-source exists with no pending requisition (Issue NMS-5818)

  • Current event definitions for Aruba Controllers are wrong (Issue NMS-5830)

  • Get details from a specific alarmId is redirecting to the wrong page. (Issue NMS-5838)

  • VMware integration not gathering statistics on VM host hardware collections such as vmware4Disk or vmware4Cpu (Issue NMS-5845)

  • Uncaught exception in HostResourceSwRunMonitor when handling empty strings (Issue NMS-5852)

  • Stylesheet Broken for Normal Alarms (Issue NMS-5865)

  • 30 second outages caused by ArrayOutOfBoundException in JNI-Ping implementation (Issue NMS-5874)

  • Distributed map popup "unknown map implementation:" on new install (Issue NMS-5886)

  • System report not working with RPMs (ClassNotFoundException on ServiceRegistry) (Issue NMS-5889)

  • Outages appears to be not sorted on service.jsp (and probably interface.jsp) (Issue NMS-5892)

  • LLDP Failure for non ifIndex references (Issue NMS-5904)

  • Topology Map showing non-existent links/missing valid links (Issue NMS-5906)

  • Remove deprecated per-instance SNMP-Informant graph definitions (Issue NMS-5924)

  • Uncaught exception in webapp when viewing non-existent alarm: "Missing alarm request attribute" (Issue NMS-5930)

  • SSH button on node information screen (Issue NMS-699)

  • favicon in webui? (Issue NMS-3369)

  • Add nodeID to title field on element/node.jsp (Issue NMS-3398)

  • add a new capsd plugin and poller plugin to monitor the SSL Certification Expiration (Issue NMS-4142)

  • Add HWg-STE SNMP Temperature Probe Info to OpenNMS (Issue NMS-5859)

  • Display the Package Name and Service Parameters on the Service Page (Issue NMS-5876)

  • Make optional the addition of default ports to HTTP Host Header on the PSM. (Issue NMS-5884)

  • How can I know which poller packages are actively being used for the services on a given interface? (Issue NMS-5893)

  • Rename MIBs after successfully compile them to minimize error with dependencies (Issue NMS-5933)

  • Persist Ipv6 routing table in Linkd (Issue NMS-5579)

Release 1.11.90

Release 1.11.90 is the first release candidate for the OpenNMS 1.12 series.

The codename for 1.11.90 is John Roderick

  • HRULE not working in JRobin graphs (Issue NMS-2793)

  • two groovy versions installed in $OPENNMS_HOME/lib (Issue NMS-5196)

  • snmp4j implementation of opennms not usable inside OSGI-Container (Issue NMS-5462)

  • XmlCollector data collection failures (Issue NMS-5464)

  • Remove jaxb-dependencies module since we now require jdk 1.6 (Issue NMS-5482)

  • Deleting many nodes at one time through REST API cause error (Issue NMS-5524)

  • OpenNMS start-up error - javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.state.DNSStateTask (Issue NMS-5535)

  • No decode for nodelabel in nodeUp/nodeDown event (Issue NMS-5548)

  • SnmpMonitor is not able to manage "OCTET STRING" (Issue NMS-5563)

  • WebMonitor Broken (Issue NMS-5567)

  • verbose messages about old import formats should be removed (Issue NMS-5571)

  • Linkd identifies SRT bridges as valid bridge (Issue NMS-5573)

  • After provisioning a node getting error after scan. (Issue NMS-5584)

  • Modify requisition’s policies/detectors is not working (Issue NMS-5596)

  • Latency thresholding fails for StrafePing, perhaps others when nulls exist in PollStatus properties (Issue NMS-5600)

  • ReST service redirects on PUT and POST are broken (Issue NMS-5608)

  • Ability to disable the scheduling for rescan existing nodes when Provisiond starts (Issue NMS-5622)

  • Can’t hide a single widget from dashboard.jsp (Issue NMS-5638)

  • JRobinRrdStrategy in master has bogus import of antlr.StringUtils (Issue NMS-5646)

  • JavaSendMailer throws NPE when no e-mail address configured for report (Issue NMS-5665)

  • The search page is not displaying the services correctly if Capsd is disabled (Issue NMS-5669)

  • NPE in StrafePing (Issue NMS-5670)

  • The MIB Compiler UI is not catching the exceptions thrown by the jsmiparser library. (Issue NMS-5674)

  • The NTP Detector is broken (Issue NMS-5677)

  • dependencies/liquibase/pom.xml contains repository configuration (Issue NMS-5678)

  • The remote poller is not working when using HTTP, but it works with RMI (Issue NMS-5681)

  • Add a way to use the IP address when building criteria selections for the SNMP interfaces on the SNMP Poller’s configuration file. (Issue NMS-5683)

  • The JRobin Converter doesn’t work when the RRD Step is different than 5 minutes (Issue NMS-5685)

  • The hover icon of the delete button from the Surveillance Categories Page is wrong. (Issue NMS-5693)

  • Categories with spaces or non alphanumeric characters breaks the delete operation on the WebUI. (Issue NMS-5694)

  • Default poller-configuration.xml specifies timeout, retry, port for SNMP-based services (Issue NMS-5703)

  • NullPointerException in auto-action code path (Issue NMS-5708)

  • Wrong redirect after clicking on any ticket related button from the alarm details page (Issue NMS-5713)

  • AssetRecordDao.findByNodeId is not working (Issue NMS-5714)

  • Service Registration Strategy Runs up CPU on Mac OS 10.8 (Issue NMS-5730)

  • Monitoring big file system using hrStorageTable with Net-SNMP breaks Collectd (Issue NMS-5747)

  • JdbcEventUtil should not set distPoller to "undefined" (Issue NMS-5750)

  • promoteQueueData should not be stored on the events table. (Issue NMS-5752)

  • Allow ILR to output durations in milliseconds (Issue NMS-5755)

  • Live threshold merging fails if threshold with new ds-type added to existing group (Issue NMS-5764)

  • Page Sequence Monitor fails with Unsupported Operation Exception (Issue NMS-5801)

  • Geo-coding for new node-maps requires unnecessary assets (Issue NMS-5804)

  • split (Issue NMS-850)

  • [PATCH] - Microsoft IIS report definitions (Issue NMS-1305)

  • reportd persistant-reports aren’t listed. (Issue NMS-4056)

  • Need ability to hand-edit service and category names in requisition web editor (Issue NMS-4858)

  • refactored into it’s component files (Issue NMS-5495)

  • web ui send-event (Issue NMS-5516)

  • New Access Monitor Daemon (Issue NMS-5601)

  • New Ticket Notification Strategy (Issue NMS-5612)

  • Order of threshold groups (Issue NMS-5647)

  • Dividing snmp graph report configuration for Microsoft SNMP informant (Issue NMS-5653)

  • Dividing snmp graph report configuration for f5 Big-IP devices (Issue NMS-5654)

  • Add ability to specify certificate alias for Jetty SSL (Issue NMS-5680)

  • Improve the ticketer API in order to access more information about the ticket’s originator. (Issue NMS-5705)

  • Nodes with "Most Recent Outages" list (Issue NMS-5754)

  • Add support to Syslog Northbound Interface for parameters and first alarm occurrence only (Issue NMS-5798)

  • Use Path Outage with Schedule Outage (Issue NMS-5119)

  • Remedy ITSM Trouble Ticket Integration (Issue NMS-5545)

  • Add the ack user in alarm list (Issue NMS-5546)

  • Enabler Filter for LDAP (Issue NMS-5547)

  • Syslog Implementation of Northbound Interface (Issue NMS-5796)

  • Merge features/TN branch to master (Issue NMS-5723)

Release 1.11.3

Release 1.11.3 is the latest in the unstable series of OpenNMS. It contains what will eventually be a part of the OpenNMS 1.12.x stable releases.

The codename for 1.11.3 is Jonathan Coulton

  • garbage collection vacuumd automation entries can be safely removed (Issue NMS-5411)

  • notification text message is not treated as plain text in UI (Issue NMS-5477)

  • sched-outage page needs boundary limits for cell content heights. (Issue NMS-5497)

  • Thresholding on HTTP collections is broken (Issue NMS-5504)

  • Added support for dynamic responses to the Mock SNMP Agent (Issue NMS-5412)

  • Linkd use obsolete ip route table to get ip route data (Issue NMS-5429)

  • Dns Reverse provisioning Adapter (Issue NMS-5514)

  • add nodeid and foreign source to node list page (Issue NMS-5523)

  • add date format translation mapping for prefab graph command (Issue NMS-5533)

Release 1.11.2

Release 1.11.2 is the latest in the unstable series of OpenNMS. It contains what will eventually be a part of the OpenNMS 1.12.x stable releases.

The codename for 1.11.2 is Damian Hess

  • Get release artifact for com.atlassian.jira.rpc.soap.client:jira-ws-client (Issue NMS-2181)

  • Memcached graph definitions left out of default configuration (Issue NMS-4208)

  • System Report tool should ignore .git/index and other binary files (Issue NMS-4441)

  • linkd needs to "upsert" entries in the ipRouteInterface, atinterface, vlan tables (Issue NMS-5029)

  • Null Pointer Exception after session timeout and then editing a path target (Issue NMS-5269)

  • Duplicate Links (Issue NMS-5270)

  • Extremely intermittent failure to detect services with TcpDetector in unit tests (Issue NMS-5311)

  • opening web map fails with java.lang.NumberFormatException (Issue NMS-5327)

  • Problems using "offset" parameter on events REST Service (Issue NMS-5381)

  • Exception in Linkd (Issue NMS-5440)

  • build modifies versioned file in src (Issue NMS-5460)

  • Problem creating notifications for syslogd events (Issue NMS-5475)

  • Linkd Refactoring (Issue NMS-4524)

  • Alphabetize group names in the Users/Groups list (Issue NMS-4776)

  • Default netsnmp group ns-dskPercentNode high threshold raises alerts for devices that are not real physical devices that always report 100% inode utilization (Issue NMS-5116)

  • Datacollection Config for Isilon Storage Arrays (Issue NMS-5330)

  • varbind based notification filtering doesn’t support regular expression (Issue NMS-5399)

  • Greater flexibility in RelativeTime for Statistics Reports (Issue NMS-5422)

  • OSPF nbr discovery (Issue NMS-5503)

Release 1.11.1

Release 1.11.1 is the latest in the unstable series of OpenNMS. It contains what will eventually be a part of the OpenNMS 1.12.x stable releases.

The codename for 1.11.1 is Mike Doughty

  • Passwords Cannot Contain non-ASCII Characters (Issue NMS-5312)

  • IpAddressTableEntry: Unable to determine IP address type (4) (Issue NMS-5414)

  • MockSnmpAgent does not parse properly STRING with quotes "" (Issue NMS-5415)

  • Provision service does not persist ifPhysAddress for snmp interfaces without a corresponding ip interface (Issue NMS-5418)

  • The Poll Snmp Interface Policy is overwritten if the interface has a valid ip address (Issue NMS-5425)

  • Snmp Monitor reports Down when the Agent is not responding (Issue NMS-4632)

  • Modify the remote poller to make it friendlier to run multiple instances on the same machine (Issue NMS-5072)

Release 1.11.0

Release 1.11.0 is the first in the latest unstable series of OpenNMS. It contains what will eventually be a part of the OpenNMS 1.12.x stable releases.

The codename for 1.11.0 is MCA

  • threshd,log shows wrong nodeId in certain circumstances (Issue NMS-1121)

  • Collectd collects for deleted node (Issue NMS-1996)

  • More reduction keys for APC events (Issue NMS-2907)

  • Link with parentifindex -1 are not displayed in jsp pages (Issue NMS-3722)

  • translated events are displayed like the original event (Issue NMS-4038)

  • Support relativetime in graph URL (Issue NMS-4114)

  • threshd process wrong counter-type SNMP data after SNMP data collection failed or restored (Issue NMS-4244)

  • Policy Rule using ipAddress with Match Snmp Policy does not work (Issue NMS-4568)

  • ipinterface.jsp and snmpinterface.jsp does not show snmp poller data (Issue NMS-4569)

  • link.jsp does not show interface details for some entries (Issue NMS-4570)

  • race condition in Provisiond IPv6 scanning (Issue NMS-4717)

  • When using the GoogleMaps remote poller interface, unchecked markers are visible on initialization (Issue NMS-4734)

  • Event Analysis report is missing in default configuration (Issue NMS-4753)

  • nodeList page fails to pass the foreignSource when "show interfaces" is selected (Issue NMS-4777)

  • Test Failure using Italian IT_it language (Issue NMS-4810)

  • Null (\0) characters in logmsg field of events causes org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 (Issue NMS-4817)

  • MSExchangeDetectorClient is too verbose on exceptions (Issue NMS-4856)

  • Upgrade bug when Linkd tables contain data (Issue NMS-4873)

  • Resource graphs picker widget disappears when clicked in the wrong place (Issue NMS-4915)

  • update ksc page (Issue NMS-4917)

  • Errors in master pom.xml (Issue NMS-4950)

  • JmxConfigTool fails to generate Jmx configuration file (Issue NMS-5260)

  • small patch to add regex filtering of eventparms (Issue NMS-2052)

  • Enhancement - Assets with clean date input (Issue NMS-2834)

  • Review The SnmpPoller (Issue NMS-4646)

  • Better provisiond debugging (Issue NMS-4694)

  • DbHelper class should use dao’s (Issue NMS-4721)

  • Add new opennms mib events definition (Issue NMS-4722)

  • Event Analysis Report should be usable on postgres older than 8.4 (Issue NMS-4752)

  • Add support for matching syslog messages by process name, severity, facility in ueiMatch (Issue NMS-4772)

  • Convert Linkd to use Hibernate (Issue NMS-4850)

  • Add PostgreSQL 9.1 support (Issue NMS-4923)

  • Make sure we add -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError to default runtime arguments (Issue NMS-4953)

  • Asset-page shows rancid password readable. Change to password fields. (Issue NMS-4961)

  • Asset-page categorie fields validation. (Issue NMS-4963)

  • ICMP Monitor packet-size parameter to set the packet size (Issue NMS-5121)

  • Events file for websense appliance (Issue NMS-5314)

  • Standardize the time zone format reports (Issue NMS-4785)

  • The Snmp Poller send oper Down event the first time it runs if admin status is up (Issue NMS-4781)

  • Let the provisiong system set if an interface should be polled via policy rules (Issue NMS-4782)

  • AvailabilitySummary (Issue NMS-4786)

  • AvailabilitySummary_LastMonth (Issue NMS-4787)

  • AvailabilitySummary_ThisMonth (Issue NMS-4788)

  • AvailabilitySummary_LastYear (Issue NMS-4789)

  • NodeAvailabilityReport_ThisMonth (Issue NMS-4791)

  • NodeAvailabilityReport_ThisYear (Issue NMS-4792)

  • SnmpInterfaceUtilizationSummary (Issue NMS-4793)

  • ResponseTimeSummary_Availability_Offenders_subreport (Issue NMS-4794)

  • ResponseTimeSummary_Availability_subreport (Issue NMS-4795)

  • Top25PercentDown_subreport (Issue NMS-4796)

Release 1.10


Release 1.10.14

Release 1.10.14 is the latest in the stable 1.10 series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a few small bugfixes including an importantsecurity fix.

The codename for 1.10.14 is Chalumeau.

  • XSS vector in admin/error.jsp (Issue NMS-6147)

  • is not working (Issue NMS-6168)

  • NPE on output.log due to null ifSpeed when calling PhysicalInterfaceRow.getSpeed (Issue NMS-6169)

  • Date issues in "Response time by node" JR report (Issue NMS-6182)

  • The SnmpMonitor is not returning the status with the responseTime value (Issue NMS-6192)

  • Collectd throws ConcurrentModificationException when accessing PollOutagesConfigManager (Issue NMS-6277)

  • ConcurrentModificationException inside ThresholdingSet (Issue NMS-6279)

  • IfInfo can throw NullPointerException (Issue NMS-6280)

  • Provisiond detectors sometimes fail to detect (Issue NMS-6412)

  • The Valere devices with broken SNMP agents are hanging Provisiond. (Issue NMS-6484)

  • Security: downloadReport allow download and view any file in filesystem (Issue NMS-6580)

Release 1.10.13

Release 1.10.13 is the latest in the stable 1.10 series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a few small bugfixes.

The codename for 1.10.13 is Sopila.

  • ERROR: insert or update on table "notifications" violates foreign key constraint fk_eventid3 (Issue NMS-1668)

  • Provisiond Error : org.hibernate.exception.SQLGrammarException: could not execute query (Issue NMS-5348)

  • "No Data for this Entry" in Serial Interface Utilization Summary report (Issue NMS-5617)

  • Debian init.d script wrong postgres dependency (Issue NMS-5879)

  • threshold filters not processed properly (Issue NMS-5880)

  • It is possible to define an OnmsServiceType twice and that can hurt some features. (Issue NMS-5914)

  • Duplicated parameter in notification.xml (Issue NMS-5948)

  • Node availability report wrong calculation of percentage (Issue NMS-5990)

  • Database connections leak until the system cannot obtain any more connections (Issue NMS-6051)

  • opennms status should return 3 when unconfigured, not 6 (Issue NMS-6068)

  • The JAR where the GpDetector is defined doesn’t appear on the RPM or DEB files (Issue NMS-6074)

  • parent-foreign-source is not working anymore (Issue NMS-6083)

  • Add new sysOID to linkd (Issue NMS-6034)

  • SNMP support for Clavister security devices (Issue NMS-6107)

Release 1.10.12

Release 1.10.12 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a few bugfixes and enhancements, including a fix for thealarm detail page.

The codename for 1.10.12 is Arghul.

  • Alarm list and alarm details is not showing in the WebUI (Issue NMS-5947)

  • The report SerialInterfaceUtilizationSummary is showing duplicated data. (Issue NMS-5978)

  • Serial Interface Utilization Report is displaying the wrong start date on the report. (Issue NMS-5985)

Release 1.10.11

Release 1.10.11 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a few bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.11 is Nadaswaram.

  • Release notes says Gentoo is not maintained (Issue NMS-4338)

  • Javamail file type overrides Database Report file type for CSV files (Issue NMS-5020)

  • Events shows interface (Issue NMS-5232)

  • Serial Interface Report has Incorrect Title (Issue NMS-5616)

  • Duty schedule editor defaults to identical start and end time (Issue NMS-5741)

  • The SnmpPoller is sending the interfaceOperDown events every time a requisition is synched or a single node is rescanned. (Issue NMS-5841)

  • Provisiond fails with java.lang.NullPointerException (Issue NMS-5922)

  • Uncaught exception in webapp when viewing non-existent alarm: "Missing alarm request attribute" (Issue NMS-5930)

Release 1.10.10

Release 1.10.10 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a number of bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.10 is Tumpong.

  • Bits of event-acknowledgement UI still showing (Issue NMS-5733)

  • Updates on are not propagated when using the WebUI on a different server (Issue NMS-5806)

  • Current event definitions for Aruba Controllers are wrong (Issue NMS-5830)

  • Get details from a specific alarmId is redirecting to the wrong page. (Issue NMS-5838)

  • Uncaught exception in HostResourceSwRunMonitor when handling empty strings (Issue NMS-5852)

  • Outages appears to be not sorted on service.jsp (and probably interface.jsp) (Issue NMS-5892)

  • SmbMonitor no longer effective, needs fixing (Issue NMS-5894)

  • SSH button on node information screen (Issue NMS-699)

  • favicon in webui? (Issue NMS-3369)

  • Add nodeID to title field on element/node.jsp (Issue NMS-3398)

  • Display the Package Name and Service Parameters on the Service Page (Issue NMS-5876)

  • Make optional the addition of default ports to HTTP Host Header on the PSM. (Issue NMS-5884)

  • How can I know which poller packages are actively being used for the services on a given interface? (Issue NMS-5893)

Release 1.10.9

Release 1.10.9 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a number of bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.9 is Nose Flute.

  • HRULE not working in JRobin graphs (Issue NMS-2793)

  • Event acknowledgement button, checkboxes, description should be hidden (Issue NMS-3923)

  • XmlCollector data collection failures (Issue NMS-5464)

  • OpenNMS start-up error - javax.jmdns.impl.tasks.state.DNSStateTask (Issue NMS-5535)

  • Ifspeed displayed is not right (Issue NMS-5536)

  • No decode for nodelabel in nodeUp/nodeDown event (Issue NMS-5548)

  • Error save and restart Discovery (Issue NMS-5606)

  • XmlCollector & thresholding exception (Issue NMS-5642)

  • NullPointerException in auto-action code path (Issue NMS-5708)

  • HostResourceSwRunMonitor doesn’t work well with processes like cron (with many forks) (Issue NMS-5710)

  • Missing isSnmpPrimary in NetworkElementFactory for Interface objects. (Issue NMS-5720)

  • Service Registration Strategy Runs up CPU on Mac OS 10.8 (Issue NMS-5730)

  • Bits of event-acknowledgement UI still showing (Issue NMS-5733)

  • Monitoring big file system using hrStorageTable with Net-SNMP breaks Collectd (Issue NMS-5747)

  • promoteQueueData should not be stored on the events table. (Issue NMS-5752)

  • Allow ILR to output durations in milliseconds (Issue NMS-5755)

  • Live threshold merging fails if threshold with new ds-type added to existing group (Issue NMS-5764)

  • Remote poller dies on startup if LDAP, RADIUS, NSClient present in poller configuration (Issue NMS-5777)

  • Reportd persistant-reports aren’t listed. (Issue NMS-4056)

  • Add the ack user in alarm list (Issue NMS-5546)

  • Enabler Filter for LDAP (Issue NMS-5547)

  • Need ability to hand-edit service and category names in requisition web editor (Issue NMS-4858)

  • varbind based notification filtering doesn’t support regular expression (Issue NMS-5399)

  • Enhance poller with CIFS file and folder monitor (Issue NMS-5725)

  • Nodes with "Most Recent Outages" list (Issue NMS-5754)

  • Add a shell wrapper for the ILR (Issue NMS-5766)

  • "Nodes w/Active Problems" : A new box for the home page based on alarms similar to the Outages Box (Issue NMS-5807)

Release 1.10.8

Release 1.10.8 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a number of bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.8 is Trikiti.

  • NodeAvailabilityReport.jrxml doesn’t work: PSQLException caused by date string in french locale (Issue NMS-5379)

  • subreports/InterfaceAvailabilityReport_subreport1.jrxml doesn’t work on my locale (Issue NMS-5457)

  • SnmpMonitor is not able to manage "OCTET STRING" (Issue NMS-5563)

  • Selecting Surveillance Categories Per Node Broken (Issue NMS-5609)

  • Nodes with the same IP show up in the wrong categories (availability table on the index page) (Issue NMS-5611)

  • JavaSendMailer throws NPE when no e-mail address configured for report (Issue NMS-5665)

  • The search page is not displaying the services correctly if Capsd is disabled (Issue NMS-5669)

  • The NTP Detector is broken (Issue NMS-5677)

  • Add a way to use the IP address when building criteria selections for the SNMP interfaces on the SNMP Poller’s configuration file. (Issue NMS-5683)

  • The JRobin Converter doesn’t work when the RRD Step is different than 5 minutes (Issue NMS-5685)

  • The hover icon of the delete button from the Surveillance Categories Page is wrong. (Issue NMS-5693)

  • Categories with spaces or non alphanumeric characters breaks the delete operation on the WebUI. (Issue NMS-5694)

  • google-collections has been replaced with guava (Issue NMS-5695)

  • HttpCollector doesn’t detect response locale (PATCH INCLUDED) (Issue NMS-5701)

  • Default poller-configuration.xml specifies timeout, retry, port for SNMP-based services (Issue NMS-5703)

  • WMI Capsd plugin mixes up username, domain, and password (Issue NMS-5707)

  • Wrong redirect after clicking on any ticket related button from the alarm details page (Issue NMS-5713)

  • AssetRecordDao.findByNodeId is not working (Issue NMS-5714)

  • Improve the ticketer API in order to access more information about the ticket’s originator. (Issue NMS-5705)

Release 1.10.7

Release 1.10.7 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a number of bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.7 is Buccina

  • Missing IP interfaces in node.jsp list (Issue NMS-5261)

  • datacollection stops after making changes in "Schedules Outages" (Issue NMS-5491)

  • vague provisiond.log DEBUG verbage (and misspelling) (Issue NMS-5518)

  • DnsDetector logs an error message when attempting to detect the DNS service (Issue NMS-5565)

  • verbose messages about old import formats should be removed (Issue NMS-5571)

  • Latency thresholding fails for StrafePing, perhaps others when nulls exist in PollStatus properties (Issue NMS-5600)

  • Ability to disable the scheduling for rescan existing nodes when Provisiond starts (Issue NMS-5622)

  • Can’t hide a single widget from dashboard.jsp (Issue NMS-5638)

  • missing \ in report.mikrotik.temp.command in (Issue NMS-5648)

  • nortel.kerneltasks report uses incorrect column name (Issue NMS-5649)

  • typo in property name for novell report (Issue NMS-5650)

  • Allow user documentation on alarms and a class of alarms (Issue NMS-5632)

  • Order of threshold groups (Issue NMS-5647)

Release 1.10.6

Release 1.10.6 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a number of bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.6 is Cornamuse.

  • 1.10 Removed IP Hostname Field During Provisioning Scans (Issue NMS-5233)

  • changes system hostname on Solaris systems (Issue NMS-5351)

  • The "finished" logging statement is never called for CollectableService:doCollection() (Issue NMS-5441)

  • provisioning problem for simple services (Issue NMS-5469)

  • Thresholding on HTTP collections is broken (Issue NMS-5504)

  • Fedora 17 Packages (Issue NMS-5538)

  • CollectionResourceWrapper cache takes up large amounts of RAM (Issue NMS-5557)

  • Update RRD datasources to have a step field (Issue NMS-5570)

  • Add UEI to the notification configuration UI (Issue NMS-5559)

Release 1.10.5

Release 1.10.5 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a few minor bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.5 is Tromboon.

  • Arithmetic Exception in QueuedStrategy (Issue NMS-4437)

  • Installer fails when using the EnterpriseDB PostgreSQL database. (Issue NMS-5431)

  • WebStart (JNLP) remote poller is missing ConfigurationGui and other Groovy bits (Issue NMS-5447)

  • Include/Exclude range (Issue NMS-5465)

  • Fix ReST count requests, refactor PUT/POST to use Post/Redirect/Get pattern (Issue NMS-5489)

  • Debian package misses postgresql requirement for dependency-based booting (Issue NMS-5490)

  • No packaging for mib2events, mibparser, and Provisioning Adapters (Issue NMS-3183)

  • Greater flexibility in RelativeTime for Statistics Reports (Issue NMS-5422)

Release 1.10.4

Release 1.10.4 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a few minor bugfixes and enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.4 is Archlute.

  • Collectd collects for deleted node (Issue NMS-1996)

  • No working breadcrumb on System Report List Page (Issue NMS-4943)

  • Services not deleted when removed from provisioning requisition (Issue NMS-5198)

  • An exception is thrown if a notification is configured to have a subject with more than 256 characters (Issue NMS-5375)

  • There are some NPE when trying to collect data from nodes managed by Capsd (Issue NMS-5400)

  • IpAddressTableEntry: Unable to determine IP address type (4) (Issue NMS-5414)

  • MockSnmpAgent does not parse properly STRING with quotes "" (Issue NMS-5415)

  • HttpCollector fails to parse numeric values in locales that use different decimal notation (Issue NMS-5426)

  • NullPointerException when printing errors in the JNI6 code (Issue NMS-5428)

  • Add logmsg support to (Issue NMS-5373)

  • Add notification ID to NotificationTask.toString() (Issue NMS-5377)

  • Add SNMP data collection and resource graph definitions for pfSense firewall / router (Issue NMS-5378)

Release 1.10.3

Release 1.10.3 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains a few bugfixes, most notably an important deadlock fix whenusing provisiond.

The codename for 1.10.3 is Fiscorn.

  • Path-Outage: parent-foreign-id is not recognized when defined in another requisition (Issue NMS-4109)

  • JRobinRrdStrategy: JRobin: Unrecognized graph argument: (Issue NMS-4757)

  • Provisiond leaks file handles, eventually causing "Too many open files" crashes (Issue NMS-4846)

  • Scheduled outages applied on latency thresholds are ignored by Pollerd. (Issue NMS-5357)

  • Unable to create reports after upgrade from 1.10.1 to 1.10.2 (Issue NMS-5359)

Release 1.10.2

Release 1.10.2 is the latest in the stable series of OpenNMS releases. It contains bugfixes, including a fix for a filehandle leak regression, Windows installer fixes, and some minor enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.2 is Charango.

  • Path-Outage: parent-foreign-id is not recognized when defined in another requisition (Issue NMS-4109)

  • nodeAdded event create when POSTing to REST api does not include nodeLabel (Issue NMS-4891)

  • POST for node/<nodeId>/ipinterface creates interface does not returns its data (Issue NMS-4892)

  • Unable to add custom poller with capsd disabled. (Issue NMS-4924)

  • Deletion of surveillance categories via WebUI is broken (Issue NMS-4927)

  • handle bad SNMP ranges gracefully (Issue NMS-4947)

  • collectd does not unschedule deleted nodes (Issue NMS-5105)

  • Graphing Fails on Windows (Issue NMS-5139)

  • DO_NOT_PERSIST fails on explicitly defined interface when matching any IP address (Issue NMS-5154)

  • Some XSDs are missing after installing opennms-core (Issue NMS-5220)

  • Show interfaces at search for nodes causes crash (Issue NMS-5230)

  • Correlator lacks its own log appender (Issue NMS-5250)

  • OpenNMS can’t load JICMP and/or JICMP6 (Issue NMS-5253)

  • OpenNMS-remote-poller debian package requires sun-java6-jre (Issue NMS-5295)

  • You cannot start OpenNMS with a configured Selenium-Monitor (Issue NMS-5299)

  • [Main] C3P0ConnectionFactory: C3P0 has no equivalent to setMaxSize. Ignoring. (Issue NMS-5300)

  • Copy of jdhcp-1.1.1.jar Not Included in the opennms-plugin-protocol-dhcp Debian Package (Issue NMS-5305)

  • Exception when installing OpenNMS 1.10.1 on Windows 2008 Server (Issue NMS-5306)

  • Debian package libopennms-java does not depend on libpostgresql-jdbc-java (Issue NMS-5308)

  • clicking on Nodelist throws an error (Issue NMS-5316)

  • Threshold Groups page "Request a reload threshold packages configuration" button produces 404 error on IE9 (Issue NMS-5323)

  • log messages show up in wrong log file (Issue NMS-5331)

  • Automatically created threshold event description missing % at %parm[all]% (Issue NMS-5336)

  • Default netsnmp group memAvailSwap / memTotalSwap threshold raises alerts for devices that have no swap space allocated (Issue NMS-5115)

  • Events file for websense appliance (Issue NMS-5314)

  • Add the ability to apply the SiblingColumnStorageStrategy to resource’s instance (Issue NMS-5339)

Release 1.10.1

Release 1.10.1 is the second in the latest series of stable releases. It contains plenty of bugfixes, as well as a few minor enhancements.

The codename for 1.10.1 is Hurdy Gurdy.

  • ONMS in "fr" and "de" locales: all event times end in hh:mm:00 (no seconds) (Issue NMS-3111)

  • Model importer can silently fail and report importSuccessful when given badly formed XML (Issue NMS-4205)

  • Errors in master pom.xml (Issue NMS-4950)

  • KSC Child Resource List is not in alphabetical order (Issue NMS-4957)

  • Excluded IP ranges are ignored in discovery (Issue NMS-5045)

  • Clicking the search button on the Node Interfaces Gizmo causes strange 128 Interface to appear (Issue NMS-5054)

  • missing interfaces on node page → physical interface list (Issue NMS-5127)

  • Asset CSV import will not import new asset fields. (Issue NMS-5146)

  • Reload KSC Report Configuration - Button fails (Issue NMS-5148)

  • Linkd generates undefined event (Issue NMS-5149)

  • Errors inside the Event Analysis Report related with "Top 25 events by node" (Issue NMS-5161)

  • opennms-core RPM is huge - war files packaged in /opt/opennms/lib (Issue NMS-5166)

  • Exceptions thrown by one provisioning adapter block further adapters from invocation (Issue NMS-5167)

  • etc-pristine in opennms-core contains configuration files from optional packages like the XML Collector (Issue NMS-5168)

  • malformed snmp-config.xml entry could cause config to not be read (Issue NMS-5172)

  • Only 20 interfaces shown (Issue NMS-5176)

  • database report input date wrong (Issue NMS-5177)

  • Unable to manually provision service via GUI without first defining detector (Issue NMS-5178)

  • Any authenticated user can use the snmpConfig ReST service (Issue NMS-5184)

  • Default Provisiond config contains a dns://localhost/localhost URL requisition-def (Issue NMS-5188)

  • Old asset field "maintContractNumber" in legacy requisitions breaks provisioning after uprading to 1.10 (Issue NMS-5191)

  • reparenting of snmp interfaces fails (Issue NMS-5195)

  • Custom initial-delay not preserved in destination path web editor (Issue NMS-5197)

  • Delete an outage through the REST API is not working (Issue NMS-5200)

  • The provisioning GUI in the webapp presents the wrong services to add to an interface when creating requisitions (Issue NMS-5211)

  • Notifications cannot contain non-ASCII characters and will cause NPEs (Issue NMS-5216)

  • TcpHandler in eventd times out too soon (Issue NMS-5224)

  • upgrade from 1.8.11 to 1.10.0 breaks provisioning groups and discovery (Issue NMS-5229)

  • Nodes marked as deleted in the database still appear in the output of REST calls. (Issue NMS-5231)

  • output.log reports error while starting (Issue NMS-5238)

  • syslog date parsing fails in non-English locales (Issue NMS-5242)

  • The Tcp Exporter cannot process a null Rrd value (Issue NMS-5248)

  • A restart is required after changing the resource filter of a threshold (Issue NMS-5258)

  • A restart is required after adding a new threshold package. (Issue NMS-5259)

  • Resource Types are not ordered on Choose Resources Page (Issue NMS-5265)

  • HostResourceSwRunPlugin is not working (Issue NMS-5274)

  • Data Export throws an exception when trying to process a '-nan' value. (Issue NMS-5275)

  • Small cosmetic problem with the feature "Add to KSC Report" (Issue NMS-5287)

  • Provisioning Groups WebUI error (Issue NMS-5290)

  • Mib2opennms : replace the unreadable html entities by CDATA sections (Issue NMS-5142)

  • import update ArsDigita eclipse code formatter xml (Issue NMS-5156)

  • Increase Group Name Size (Issue NMS-5181)

  • Handle numbers with units when configuring the XML Collector (Issue NMS-5185)

  • Use multiples XPath for the resource identifier (resource key). (Issue NMS-5186)

  • Enhance JMXSecureCollector with RMI protocol support (Issue NMS-5205)

  • Split jmx-datacollection-config.xml (Issue NMS-5213)

  • Be able to control the filterOperator attribute from the WebUI (Issue NMS-5239)

  • Add any resource graph to a KSC report (Issue NMS-5268)

Release 1.10.0

Release 1.10.0 is the first in the latest series of stable releases.

The codename for 1.10.0 is Alboka.

  • OpenNMS does not keep track of changes that effect the psk map key (Issue NMS-2384)

  • VMware traps not recognized (Issue NMS-2566)

  • Cisco temperature threshold too low (Issue NMS-3574)

  • Link discovery gets confused by Cisco HSRP Mac Addresses (Issue NMS-3626)

  • Reasons Missing From nodeLostService events (Issue NMS-3848)

  • Opennms silently fails to detect SNMP on Dlink Switches (Issue NMS-3961)

  • Standard OpenNMS Solaris SMF manifest creates an insane multi-user-server dependency (Issue NMS-4543)

  • Linkd can`t collect QBridgeDot1dTpFdbTable from D-link switches (Issue NMS-4930)

  • KSC Overall Report Menu Formatted Strangely (Issue NMS-4956)

  • The opennms startup script doesn’t work in Solaris on a fresh installation (Issue NMS-4971)

  • Resource graph code is forming bad URLs (Issue NMS-4981)

  • Invalid characters on MibObj’s alias prevent their usage on thresholds expressions (Issue NMS-5019)

  • No Reason Code on IPv6 HTTPS outage (Issue NMS-5028)

  • linkd needs to "upsert" entries in the ipRouteInterface, atinterface, vlan tables (Issue NMS-5029)

  • Broken support for net-snmp (Issue NMS-5036)

  • CIDR-notation IP address in linkd causes exception (Issue NMS-5050)

  • dateParser in Rfc5424SyslogParser (Issue NMS-5051)

  • Map appears to show duplicate links (Issue NMS-5052)

  • Terminology around provisioning considered confusing (Issue NMS-5056)

  • Enabling DEBUG for Collectd, breaks SiblingColumnStorageStrategy (Issue NMS-5062)

  • The placeholders added to sample configuration files are not replaced when generating RPMs (Issue NMS-5070)

  • Field reference to script engine appears to cause memory bloat (Issue NMS-5076)

  • Change in hrStorage jrb directory naming usage breaks snmp graphs (Issue NMS-5078)

  • Notification names cannot contain an apostrophe it breaks the Java script (Issue NMS-5090)

  • 1.8-compatible CustomSyslogParser is not actually 1.8-compatible ;) (Issue NMS-5091)

  • SyslogNG parser can’t handle older Syslog messages (Issue NMS-5092)

  • Spike hunter throws an exception that prevents to scan all RRAs. (Issue NMS-5096)

  • If a threshold configuration contains invalid data from evaluators point of view a silent exception is thrown. (Issue NMS-5102)

  • Security Roles seem to be busted (Issue NMS-5108)

  • Batch reports under database reports GUI seems to be broken (Issue NMS-5111)

  • Radius (potentially all) Detector logging incomplete (Issue NMS-5122)

  • XSS vulnerability in OpenNMS web UI (Issue NMS-5128)

  • not working "set" (Issue NMS-5130)

  • Outage ReST Interface outputs invalid XML (multiple <ipAddress/> fields) (Issue NMS-5138)

  • Capsd should exit if org.opennms.provisiond.enableDiscovery is true (Issue NMS-5157)

  • Making logging from linkd more readable (Issue NMS-5081)

  • Change of log level for certain messages from linkd (Issue NMS-5087)

  • Convert OPENNMS-MIB to SMIv2 (Issue NMS-5099)

Release 1.9


Release 1.9.93

Release 1.9.93 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is blessed as the next stable release.

The codename for 1.9.93 is Kora.

  • HttpMonitor marks service down when response-text matches first line of server response (Issue NMS-2702)

  • linkd not working (Issue NMS-4005)

  • events written to DB although dest=suppress (Issue NMS-4006)

  • linkd ignores <specific> in <iproutes> section of config file (Issue NMS-4326)

  • JDBCCollector Appears to Be Broken - stores last value only (Issue NMS-4512)

  • Outages crossing report time boundary counted fully in SNMP Interface Availability Report (Issue NMS-4699)

  • Interface MAC addresses don’t display (and are missing from the DB) on some SNMP-capable nodes (Issue NMS-4902)

  • Configuring SNMP broken for biggish IPv4 ranges (Issue NMS-4972)

  • Bubble-up submap status (not severity) (Issue NMS-4976)

  • rrd.usetcp crashing on startup (Issue NMS-4989)

  • DHCP plugins changed (Java) package, old configs are no longer compatible (Issue NMS-5011)

  • ClassCastException when using complex threshold expressions. (Issue NMS-5014)

  • OnmsAlarm class incorrectly references the alarm_attributes table as alarm_details (Issue NMS-5027)

  • NPE in linkd with two Linux nodes (Issue NMS-5030)

  • interfaceOperDown events are sent every time a node with down interfaces is rescanned. (Issue NMS-5040)

  • Event definition for Juniper Chassis Cluster SNMP trap (Issue NMS-4986)

  • Events definition for Juniper access authentication related SNMP traps (Issue NMS-4987)

  • Separate out RADIUS implementation (Issue NMS-4992)

  • Split Syslogd configuration across multiple files, add useful definitions and matching events (Issue NMS-5024)

  • Missing OID in linkd’s config for VLAN classes (Issue NMS-5031)

Release 1.9.92

Release 1.9.92 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is blessed as the next stable release.

The codename for 1.9.92 is Superbone.

  • Selected more than 56 things in an add hoc resource graph returns no data (Issue NMS-2205)

  • Statsd Database Deadlock (Issue NMS-2390)

  • normalize radius code (Issue NMS-2812)

  • Deleted node appear in KSC report creation (Issue NMS-2977)

  • Provisioning issues with Primary Interface (Issue NMS-3324)

  • Unable provisioned node when SNMP Agent is down (Issue NMS-3470)

  • provisiond does not create nodelabelchanged event (Issue NMS-3594)

  • webUI shows 100% availability although service is not monitored (Issue NMS-3887)

  • WebUI shows "rescan to suspend" for "forced unmanaged" services (Issue NMS-3906)

  • Thresholding - Absolutechange stored as floating-point value (Issue NMS-4028)

  • Poll failure reasons pooched in 1.9.1 Snapshot again (Issue NMS-4073)

  • XMPP Failure on empty XMPP addresses (Issue NMS-4123)

  • No nodeid found for next hop ip/ (Issue NMS-4185)

  • Sending notifications causes exception in javamailer if user is missing smtp adress (Issue NMS-4367)

  • When an IP is configured on an interface, the interface name is no longer visible in Node Link Detailed Info (Issue NMS-4412)

  • Provisiond NodeCategorySettingPolicy. Nodes lose categorization in subsequent Synchronizations (Issue NMS-4423)

  • 404 NOT_FOUND after generating a system report using FTP (Issue NMS-4674)

  • Provisiond allows duplicate nodes (Issue NMS-4695)

  • Service monitored with 100% availability instead of Not Monitored (Issue NMS-4704)

  • Requisition REST Service allows duplicate nodes (Issue NMS-4749)

  • WMI datacollection stops after changes in Schedules Outages (Issue NMS-4830)

  • Remote Poller state changes from Paused to Running (Issue NMS-4834)

  • InterfaceFilter does not normalize IP addresses (Issue NMS-4881)

  • HttpCollector ignores "port" parameter from Collectd config (Issue NMS-4886)

  • base-url not used when viewing resource graphs (Issue NMS-4903)

  • Provisiond NodeScan aborted scanning IP address tables (Issue NMS-4904)

  • wrong implementation of org.opennms.netmgt.correlation.Correlator$EngineAdapter.getName() ? (Issue NMS-4914)

  • Resource Graphs selector - doesn’t indicate stale graph data (Issue NMS-4918)

  • Resource Graphs selector - "Show more" to infinity and beyond! and other quirks (Issue NMS-4919)

  • KSC Reports search box on home page is case sensitive (Issue NMS-4922)

  • Tests against wrong variable. (Issue NMS-4928)

  • Availability Miscalculated in NodeAvailabilityReport.jrxml (and others) (Issue NMS-4931)

  • KSC Reports fails due to Missing Parameter: report (Issue NMS-4934)

  • The Snmp Poller does not follow the maxVarBindPerPDU statement (Issue NMS-4935)

  • Hung threads causing 100% CPU usage (possibly Jetty + HTTPS/SSL related) (Issue NMS-4940)

  • All SNMP Interfaces marked as "no collect" by default on any provisioned node (Issue NMS-4965)

  • ReinitializePrimarySNMPInterface event causes SNMP interfaces manually marked as "Collect" to revert to "No collect" (Issue NMS-4967)

  • Exception with ldapAuthoritiesPopulator with LDAP and / or Radius integration (Issue NMS-4975)

  • Notifications Fail with IPv6 Addresses (Issue NMS-4977)

  • DELL DRAC/CMC power stats collection and graphs (Issue NMS-3299)

  • Default support AKCP SecurityProbe x20 (Issue NMS-4156)

  • New Cisco OIDs for linkd (Issue NMS-4670)

  • Report on Windows Servers disk usage (Issue NMS-4948)

  • Asset-page categorie fields validation. (Issue NMS-4963)

  • HostResourceSwRunMonitor: define the service-name parameter as a regular expression (Issue NMS-4978)

  • Make sure we add -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError to default runtime arguments (Issue NMS-4953)

Release 1.9.91

Release 1.9.91 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is blessed as the next stable release.

The codename for 1.9.91 is Crumhorn.

  • HTTP monitor nits (Issue NMS-1802)

  • When running the database checker rethrow any exceptions with details (e.g.: database URL) (Issue NMS-2374)

  • Make the severity element in event configuration an enumeration and fix our default config files (Issue NMS-2375)

  • Node when deleted remains in performance report list (Issue NMS-2893)

  • GUI error if we remove Switches from Surveillance (Issue NMS-3143)

  • Reporting is truncated by URL length limitation (Issue NMS-3194)

  • Broken paged grid in Select SNMP Interfaces (Issue NMS-3515)

  • WMI/WQL Poller - Wrong text in event (Issue NMS-3606)

  • Create detectors for all protocol plugins (Issue NMS-3651)

  • reload of Threshold configuration does not work - only after restart OpenNMS new threshold are applied (Issue NMS-3905)

  • Alarm Description in Dashboard not formatted (Issue NMS-3912)

  • SNMPPoller is the cause of loss of snmpinterfaces during the re-import / synchronization Provision Groups. (Issue NMS-4040)

  • Can’t provision a node with one IP address and a policy to avoid all IP address (Issue NMS-4049)

  • spring/beanfactory issue Java 1.7.0 - pointcut issues (Issue NMS-4350)

  • Provisiond fails with a Unable to return specified BeanFactory instance exception at startup (Issue NMS-4475)

  • [patch] Show correct values in net-snmp CPU Usage graph (Issue NMS-4502)

  • Remote Poller implodes with lack of WMI classes (Issue NMS-4526)

  • Provisiond HOST-RESOURCES process detector (Issue NMS-4544)

  • Report Issue - Surveillance Category Not Correctly Chosen (Issue NMS-4593)

  • Resource Graph Resources - limited to 55 Resources or less (Issue NMS-4675)

  • Various linkd issues (Issue NMS-4684)

  • LDAP authorization fails - group to role mapping does not work (Issue NMS-4725)

  • Events generated from trapd are not associated with any node (Issue NMS-4799)

  • Node.jsp - double clicking physical interfaces goes to interface.jsp instead of snmpinterface.jsp (Issue NMS-4800)

  • Null (\0) characters in logmsg field of events causes org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: invalid byte sequence for encoding "UTF8": 0x00 (Issue NMS-4817)

  • RrdUtils.createRRD log message is unclear (Issue NMS-4845)

  • Notification not being sent event if status="on", looks like notifd is not using the status in the config file properly (Issue NMS-4851)

  • unit tests on windows creates directories outside of temp directory (Issue NMS-4853)

  • StorageStrategy documentation does not match API in code (Issue NMS-4857)

  • Runaway threads consuming CPU when rendering certain graphs (Issue NMS-4861)

  • With Jetty + HTTPS, certain Web UI actions prompt browser to "Save As" JSP and HTML files (Issue NMS-4871)

  • Show all nodes with asset info not working (Issue NMS-4872)

  • Upgrade bug when Linkd tables contain data (Issue NMS-4873)

  • Typo in datacollection-config.xml (Issue NMS-4877)

  • java.lang.ClassCastException when building an event notification with a category filter (Issue NMS-4880)

  • IP address formatting does not match (Issue NMS-4882)

  • 1.9.90 newer graphics display inconsistency - node.jsp (Issue NMS-4895)

  • notifd DEBUG message "supress" mispelling (Issue NMS-4899)

  • Change StorageStrategy to throw an IllegalArgumentException when the arguments (or parameters) are not properly configured on datacollection-config.xml (Issue NMS-4913)

  • Allow HttpCollector and PageSequenceMonitor to accept all SSL certificates (Issue NMS-3622)

  • Configure scheduling outages via RESTful Web Service (Issue NMS-4232)

  • Make Jetty headerBufferSize property configurable (Issue NMS-4815)

  • notifd.log - Info if message was send (Issue NMS-4831)

  • Poorly used INFO log message (Issue NMS-4833)

  • jmx collector does direct db lookup of nodeid (Issue NMS-4838)

  • Check if a node is currently covered by a scheduled outage using Rest (Issue NMS-4839)

  • Add PostgreSQL 9.1 support (Issue NMS-4923)

Release 1.9.90

Release 1.9.90 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is blessed as the next stable release.

The codename for 1.9.90 is Balafon.

  • threshd,log shows wrong nodeId in certain circumstances (Issue NMS-1121)

  • columnName argument to AssetModel.searchAssets allows SQL injection (Issue NMS-1769)

  • Trapd is not able to process SNMPv3 traps (Issue NMS-2995)

  • XMPPNotificationStrategy (or JavaMailNotificationStrategy) does not utilise the "Numeric Message" field -nm (Issue NMS-3322)

  • reportd missing ability to select mailer from javamail-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-3771)

  • Interface Deleted with SNMP supported and no ipAddrTable (Issue NMS-3982)

  • SNAPSHOT installer scripts are faulty (Issue NMS-4034)

  • translated events are displayed like the original event (Issue NMS-4038)

  • provisioning node with NodeCategorySettingPolicy policy in foreign source does not work if node has no SNMP available (Issue NMS-4039)

  • Win32ServiceDetector fails to detect services (Issue NMS-4047)

  • We need a WmiDetector (Issue NMS-4106)

  • Support relativetime in graph URL (Issue NMS-4114)

  • Thresholdvalue in scientific notation not displayed/stored correctly (Issue NMS-4126)

  • threshd process wrong counter-type SNMP data after SNMP data collection failed or restored (Issue NMS-4244)

  • In-line thresholder ignores scheduled outages (Issue NMS-4261)

  • Update Copyright Notice to include 2011 (Issue NMS-4339)

  • jetty allows directory listings (Issue NMS-4375)

  • Problems adding nodes during discovery (Issue NMS-4376)

  • Provisiond NodeCategorySettingPolicy. Nodes lose categorization in subsequent Synchronizations (Issue NMS-4423)

  • SnmpAsset Adapter has dependency on Trapd (Issue NMS-4463)

  • Services drop down list not alphabatized (Issue NMS-4483)

  • SiblingIndexStorageStrategy does SNMP Queries and makes collection VERY slow (Issue NMS-4494)

  • Collectd’s ServiceCollector class was erroneously changed to take Map<String, String> (Issue NMS-4500)

  • IPAddress class overrides equals but not hashCode (Issue NMS-4530)

  • Provisiond silently fails to import an invalid model importer file but reports importSuccessful anyway. (Issue NMS-4546)

  • [patch] hardware asset fields need more space and one more field (Issue NMS-4585)

  • Node label changes ourside requisition editor on nodes with a foreign-source ID (Issue NMS-4590)

  • Brocade resource-type and fcTable collection could be nicer (Issue NMS-4661)

  • Default JDBC data collection config does not work (Issue NMS-4662)

  • Capsd may reparent duplicate interfaces from requisitioned nodes (Issue NMS-4663)

  • c-ping fails to configure (Issue NMS-4677)

  • Permissions on multiple files/directories are poor (allow world-write, have setuid) (Issue NMS-4682)

  • OpenNMS GoogleMaps geo-enocder no longer functioning and creates a 503 error in UI (Issue NMS-4691)

  • Email Notifications are not properly encoded when the message contains non us-ascii characters. (Issue NMS-4692)

  • Provisiond allows duplicate nodes (Issue NMS-4695)

  • Path not filtered correctly during build, etc/ (Issue NMS-4697)

  • Surveilance part of WEB GUI crashes after all default categories were removed and custom ones were created (Issue NMS-4698)

  • snmpStorageFlag="all" is being ignored by the threshold procesing (Issue NMS-4700)

  • Unable to add IPv6 address for discovery via web UI (Issue NMS-4701)

  • Data Collection Broken for some nodes in testing (Issue NMS-4703)

  • race condition in Provisiond IPv6 scanning (Issue NMS-4717)

  • When using the GoogleMaps remote poller interface, unchecked markers are visible on initialization (Issue NMS-4734)

  • Event Analysis report is missing in default configuration (Issue NMS-4753)

  • nodeList page fails to pass the foreignSource when "show interfaces" is selected (Issue NMS-4777)

  • DNS provisioning expression matching matches hostname but not record data (Issue NMS-4783)

  • DNS provisioning needs to allow foreign ID to be a hash of IP address instead of nodeLabel if administrator so chooses (Issue NMS-4801)

  • Word spelled wrong on log message (Issue NMS-4804)

  • SELECT tag not closed in asset/modify.jsp (Issue NMS-4819)

  • Reportd JavaMailDeliveryService always copies address in sendmail-message "to" attribute or root@localhost (Issue NMS-4820)

  • Trapd node-matching should prefer SNMP primary ifaces (Issue NMS-4822)

  • AttributeGroup and SiblingColumnStorageStrategy are producing a StackOverflowError (Issue NMS-4832)

  • Provisiond leaks file handles, eventually causing "Too many open files" crashes (Issue NMS-4846)

  • MSExchangeDetectorClient is too verbose on exceptions (Issue NMS-4856)

  • Add IPv6 Support to OpenNMS (Issue NMS-1094)

  • Enhancement - Assets with clean date input (Issue NMS-2834)

  • Implement PersistenceSelectorStrategy framework (Issue NMS-3164)

  • allow trapd to bind to specific address (Issue NMS-3956)

  • Enhance default JVM Monitoring configurations (Issue NMS-4363)

  • Create a poller monitor to "proxy" pings via the CISCO-PING-MIB (Issue NMS-4668)

  • Add alarm-data annotation for Powerware upsDischarged trap event (Issue NMS-4679)

  • Better provisiond debugging (Issue NMS-4694)

  • Add time it takes to persist the data to the ILR (Issue NMS-4705)

  • Enable support for filtering the displayed data (Issue NMS-4706)

  • Add ability for HttpMonitor to use node label as virtual host for HTTP polls (Issue NMS-4707)

  • MicroBlog doesn’t support -nm (Issue NMS-4708)

  • Add the possibility to modify eventparms (as text) from Vacuumd (Issue NMS-4712)

  • DbHelper class should use dao’s (Issue NMS-4721)

  • Add new opennms mib events definition (Issue NMS-4722)

  • Sort by Stat (Issue NMS-4728)

  • Add Label to thresholds for display on "Edit Group" page (Issue NMS-4742)

  • Event Analysis Report should be usable on postgres older than 8.4 (Issue NMS-4752)

  • Add support for matching syslog messages by process name, severity, facility in ueiMatch (Issue NMS-4772)

  • Alphabetize group names in the Users/Groups list (Issue NMS-4776)

  • Split syslogd-configuration.xml (Issue NMS-4779)

  • Standardize the time zone format reports (Issue NMS-4785)

  • collectd log entries could be enhanced (Issue NMS-4809)

  • Add a BSF (bean scripting framework) notification strategy (Issue NMS-4837)

  • Convert Linkd to use Hibernate (Issue NMS-4850)

  • Add command option to NRPE in provisiond (Issue NMS-4862)

Release 1.9.8

Release 1.9.8 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

The codename for 1.9.8 is Pulalu.

  • deleted interfaces are included in polling package ip lists (Issue NMS-1158)

  • nsclient-datacollection-config.xml only collects on 1st attribute in wpm group (Issue NMS-2692)

  • DemoUI - Leaving the search field blank causes an "Unexpected Error" (Issue NMS-3500)

  • Cpu Usage graph missing when using rrdtool (Issue NMS-3703)

  • Unexpected error (Issue NMS-3902)

  • still uses the old lib/scripts/* style initialization (Issue NMS-3933)

  • outage editor problems (Issue NMS-4093)

  • prevent automatic start after installation / upgrade (Issue NMS-4110)

  • null pointer exception from Admin ? Instrumentation Log Reader jsp page (Issue NMS-4118)

  • 'some' matchType for WMI Poller matches 2 or more, not 1 or more as docuemented (Issue NMS-4172)

  • Failed to load the required jicmp library (Issue NMS-4211)

  • No services are registered in the database (Issue NMS-4230)

  • Patch for "CPU Usage graph missing when using rrdtool" (Issue NMS-4346)

  • HTTP Collector throwing exception "Host must be set to create a host URL" (Issue NMS-4445)

  • Reports throughin Exception when doing traffic based reports and store-by-group (Issue NMS-4454)

  • System Report: only "full" is working (Issue NMS-4465)

  • UI exception when deleting a service from an interface (Issue NMS-4472)

  • RRD-based JasperReports fail with JRobin exception (Issue NMS-4482)

  • Mail Transport Monitor deletes all mail (Issue NMS-4537)

  • Quoting problems in contrib/ (Issue NMS-4553)

  • Page Sequence Monitor (PSM) doesn’t appear to do retries (Issue NMS-4558)

  • org.opennms.netmgt.snmp.TableTracker writes to stderr. (Issue NMS-4559)

  • Report Issue - Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface (Issue NMS-4565)

  • Filter rules tend to get all IP addresses, even if they are deleted (Issue NMS-4583)

  • Remove ModelImporter stuff from (Issue NMS-4587)

  • service search constraints show up as "null" when used to filter the event list page (Issue NMS-4591)

  • Report Issue - Surveillance Category Not Correctly Chosen (Issue NMS-4593)

  • eventd cannot parse events which are missing an XML namespace (Issue NMS-4595)

  • errors on IPv6 addresses (Issue NMS-4596)

  • Primary keys are not set to not null (Issue NMS-4597)

  • Role provision has no effect (Issue NMS-4598)

  • MailTransportMonitor POP3 javax.mail.AuthenticationFailedException, but without connection to host at all (Issue NMS-4605)

  • Changing the default password in 1.9.7 (Issue NMS-4608)

  • Node Rescan → node.jsp not found (Issue NMS-4610)

  • Problem accessing /opennms/KSC/KSC/customGraphEditDetails.htm. Reason: Not Found - 404 (Issue NMS-4614)

  • Report Issue - Total Bytes Transferred by Interface (Issue NMS-4616)

  • Refactor ICMP Implementations and make sure that main works for JNA (Issue NMS-4617)

  • refactor XSDs to not rely on common XSDs (types.xsd) (Issue NMS-4634)

  • Don’t print out the database administrator password during install. (Issue NMS-4638)

  • KSC reports "add graph" fails with a 404 (Issue NMS-4643)

  • Unable to start OpenNMS "An error occurred while attempting to start the "OpenNMS:Name=Eventd" service" (Issue NMS-4644)

  • Deleted nodes are showing up in available nodes when creating/editing a surveillance category (Issue NMS-4652)

  • Inconsistent use of org.opennms.web.api.Util.calculateUrlBase( request ) (Issue NMS-4660)

  • JNA library fails to work for IPv6 on Solaris (Issue NMS-4664)

  • Thresholds being evaluated on interfaces marked DISABLE_COLLECTION (Issue NMS-4669)

  • FilterDao calls need to return InetAddresses (Issue NMS-4509)

  • EventBuilder setInterface needs to take an InetAddress rather than a String (Issue NMS-4510)

  • Alphabetize the User List in the GUI (Issue NMS-4561)

  • make ICMP implementation configurable (Issue NMS-4603)

  • Add script execution, response times, logging, more to BSFMonitor (Issue NMS-4604)

  • add a No SNMP checkbox to the Node Quick-Add web page (Issue NMS-4615)

  • Maven settings.xml CR & LF format (Issue NMS-4626)

  • Convert snmp-config.xml code to use JAXB instead of Castor (Issue NMS-4636)

  • Add MSCHAPv1 and MSCHAPv2 support to RADIUS clients (Issue NMS-4659)

  • RADIUS MS-CHAPv2 (Issue NMS-4665)

Release 1.9.7

Release 1.9.7 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

The codename for 1.9.7 is Naqara.

  • NullPointerExceptions in node IP route information (Issue NMS-2482)

  • [syslogd] OpenNMS’s syslogd implementation does not handle all syslog facilities (Issue NMS-2640)

  • correlator service unable to start : java.lang.NoSuchMethodError org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult.getProblems() (Issue NMS-2847)

  • statistics report pdf creation does not work (Issue NMS-3855)

  • Provisiond Deleting IpAddr On Nodes After Rescan (Issue NMS-3997)

  • Provisiond - simple TCP detector fails to detect services (Issue NMS-4033)

  • provisioning node with NodeCategorySettingPolicy policy in foreign source does not work if node has no SNMP available (Issue NMS-4039)

  • stored report data in non-unique named files (Issue NMS-4058)

  • Need to be able to acknowledge notifications through the ReST service (Issue NMS-4069)

  • timestamp is not parsed correctly (Issue NMS-4148)

  • Rescans Not Happening for Default Nodes (Issue NMS-4168)

  • Memcached graph definitions left out of default configuration (Issue NMS-4208)

  • Exception when Provisioning an ipv6 address on a node with SNMP Enabled (Issue NMS-4251)

  • Null pointer exception when listing outstanding notifications (Issue NMS-4352)

  • Documentation can’t be build off-line (Issue NMS-4416)

  • interface.jsp gives NPE (Issue NMS-4469)

  • PageSequenceMonitor double-URL-encodes query parameters (Issue NMS-4484)

  • Poller not responding to nodeGainedService events when event interface is an ipv6 address (Issue NMS-4488)

  • jdbc-datacollection-config.xml has hard coded path for rrdRepository (Issue NMS-4491)

  • Don’t require all code to pass the PRESERVE_WHITESPACE constant to CastorUtils (Issue NMS-4495)

  • NSClient data collection only reads the first <nsclient-collection> tag (Issue NMS-4499)

  • Someone left two q’s in the file ./WEB-INF/jsp/graph/chooseresource.jsp (Issue NMS-4527)

  • XSD definitions don’t need to be anchored (Issue NMS-4547)

  • IP validation in web UI doesn’t handle IPv6 (Issue NMS-4555)

  • Report Issue - Average and Peak Traffic rates for Nodes by Interface (Issue NMS-4565)

  • Physical Interface Page Doesn’t load on IE (Issue NMS-4575)

  • Debian init script not LSB compatible (Issue NMS-4578)

  • The attribute "totalCount" for OnmsNodeList is not well calculated (Issue NMS-4580)

  • Debian Startup Script hides important Debian Specific Error Output (Issue NMS-3411)

  • Remove c3p0 dependencies from installer code so we can change the DB connection pooling implementation (Issue NMS-4388)

  • Increase servicename in table service in the core schema to accomodate services with names longer than 32 characters (Issue NMS-4477)

  • All Event creation should use the EventBuilder (Issue NMS-4489)

  • Get rid of PostgreSQL-specific calls in installation/upgrade tools. (Upgrade to Liquibase 2.0) (Issue NMS-4496)

  • OnmsMonitoredService getIpAddress returns a String rather than an InetAddress (Issue NMS-4507)

  • OnmsOutage does not following the same getIpInterface pattern as OnmsIpInterface (Issue NMS-4508)

  • Convert Event XML to JAXB (Issue NMS-4535)

  • New events for traps from Sun/Oracle ILOM cards (Issue NMS-4541)

  • Trap events for Comtech EF Data CDM-625 satellite modems (Issue NMS-4554)

  • provisiond needs to be able to scan the new ipAddress table, in addition to the (deprecated) ipAddr table, and handle IPv6 addresses (Issue NMS-4577)

  • [patch] add new asset fields for hardware configuration data (Issue NMS-4579)

  • OpenNMS needs a way to do in-depth configuration testing without starting the daemon (Issue NMS-4336)

  • create a tool for migrating RRDs (Issue NMS-4450)

Release 1.9.6

Release 1.9.6 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

The codename for 1.9.6 is Barbat.

  • Stop distributing the non-Jetty webapp as part of the base distribution (Issue NMS-2572)

  • error in comment (Issue NMS-3068)

  • Split example poller package into components (Issue NMS-4053)

  • database reports ui enhancement request (Issue NMS-4057)

  • null pointer exception from Admin ? Instrumentation Log Reader jsp page (Issue NMS-4118)

  • Javascript error in IE7 on 1.8.7 (Issue NMS-4368)

  • Configure SNMP Data Collection per Interface generates org.postgresql.util.PSQLException (Issue NMS-4391)

  • Unable to see Telnet/HTTP/OpenManage links in node.jsp (Issue NMS-4398)

  • KSC reports editor broken in IE7 (Issue NMS-4406)

  • OpenNMS not installing on RHEL6 x86_64 (Issue NMS-4409)

  • Node Availability report query incorrect (Issue NMS-4410)

  • opennms-webapp is built and contains all of the jars though they are not needed (Issue NMS-4411)

  • Java Exception opening Node Page → Admin → Configure SNMP Data Collection per Interface (Issue NMS-4413)

  • REST calls for iPhone and iPad App broken (Issue NMS-4414)

  • Deleting Foreign Source policy throws java.lang.NoSuchMethodException (Issue NMS-4415)

  • Interface Availability report query incorrect (Issue NMS-4417)

  • Need to update PostgreSQL JDBC JAR to 9.0 (Issue NMS-4420)

  • Only role.admin users are able to use the iphone app (Issue NMS-4425)

  • Acknowledging alarms results in an error (Issue NMS-4426)

  • Increase default max file descriptors setting (Issue NMS-4428)

  • script gives unclear instructions (Issue NMS-4429)

  • null pointer exception when attempting to enable snmp collection. (Issue NMS-4432)

  • WebUI Broken When Deleting Parameters in Foreign Sources (Issue NMS-4438)

  • OpenNMS 1.9.x needs to depend on PostgreSQL (>= 8.1) and IPLIKE (>= 2.0.0) (Issue NMS-4389)

  • installer should make sure IPLIKE has IPv6 support (Issue NMS-4408)

  • Change event-label name "OpeNMS" for restartPollingInterface event in eventconf.xml (Issue NMS-4421) upgrade to JRobin 1.5.10 (Issue NMS-4431)

JRobin 1.5.10 includes a new backend that can improve performance dramatically. For safety’s sake, it is disabled by default, but users are encouraged on test systems to enable the new MNIO backend in and report issues.

Release 1.9.5

Release 1.9.5 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

The codename for 1.9.5 is Canjo.

  • Installer still has RCS-style $Id$ tag in banner (Issue NMS-3922)

  • OpenNMS unable to connect to opennms database with opennms username (Issue NMS-4392)

  • Clicking the Delete Icon next to a entity (node, interface, service) defined in the Edit provisioning group page causes exception (Issue NMS-4394)

  • yum update from 1.8.7 to 1.8.8 is breaking opennms (Issue NMS-4396)

  • rancid provisioning adapter jar still included in opennms-core RPM (Issue NMS-4397)

Release 1.9.4

Release 1.9.4 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

The codename for 1.9.4 is Guzheng.

  • icmp and http thresholds not working properly (Issue NMS-1657)

  • Liquibase: ERROR: there is no unique constraint matching given keys for referenced table "datalinkinterface" (Issue NMS-3465)

  • webapps won’t deploy with Tomcat in 1.7.7 and 1.7.8-SNAPSHOT (Issue NMS-3469)

  • Can’t proceed in Reports Database Run (Issue NMS-3717)

  • Invoking rest method with orderBy triggers sql error (Issue NMS-3756)

  • Case sensitive inconsistency between capsd and poller for HostResourceSwRunMonitor (Issue NMS-3882)

  • provision group does not validate ip-addr field on input (Issue NMS-4084)

  • JRFontNotFoundException for Early-Morning-Report (Issue NMS-4102)

  • On IE8/Win7 the date in the page banner is shown twice (Issue NMS-4146)

  • "View Node Link Detailed Info" problem (Issue NMS-4243)

  • Provisioning problem due to ipv6 address formatting (Issue NMS-4252)

  • Date offsets incorrectly applied when batch reports (Issue NMS-4253)

  • Upgrade from jetty 6.1.24 to 6.1.26 breaks AJP13-connections from apache 2.2.x (Issue NMS-4275)

  • OpenJDK fails privatevoidcheckJvmName() check (Issue NMS-4277)

  • Missing fonts when running newly commited reporting stuff in 1.8.7 (Issue NMS-4286)

  • NPE when trying to generate reports from JRB datasources (Issue NMS-4287)

  • Build failure - NtpDetector tests fail (Issue NMS-4292)

  • Remove option C from SNMP Primary pick-list in provisioning groups editor (Issue NMS-4293)

  • Node-Availability-Report failing - possibly due to a parameter that should be marked notForPrompting (Issue NMS-4294)

  • JRobin VDEFs sometimes do not work (Issue NMS-4295)

  • Provisiond discovers services on capsd provisioned nodes (Issue NMS-4297)

  • Default categories for CIORPRTS (Issue NMS-4299)

  • linkd UndeclaredThrowableException (Issue NMS-4303)

  • "View Node Ip Route Info" link causes exception (Issue NMS-4305)

  • Topo map error popup: Load Label Map failed (Issue NMS-4306)

  • Provisioning Groups UI throws exception when trying to sync unmodified group (Issue NMS-4308)

  • duplicate jars in packages (Issue NMS-4310)

  • Asset adapter does not store Hex-STRINGs (Issue NMS-4312)

  • Dashboard loading image tag missing (Issue NMS-4314)

  • Serial Interface Utilization Report (Issue NMS-4315)

  • [Build] Some changes needed to get a clean build in Eclipse (Issue NMS-4320)

  • PSQLException - Configure SNMP Data Collection per Interface (Issue NMS-4321)

  • Fonts Very Large on KSC Reports and Admin Surveillance Categories (Issue NMS-4322)

  • Interface Page Broken in 1.8 Testing (Issue NMS-4323)

  • Opennms cannot start up without Internet access (Issue NMS-4341)

  • Typo in (Issue NMS-4347)

  • Make / actually exit with maven exit code (Issue NMS-4349)

  • generic values wrong for certain OIDs in (Issue NMS-4351)

  • Package building fails on Ubuntu due to default shell usage (Issue NMS-4357)

  • Exception raised when trying to view ip route info (Issue NMS-4362)

  • Change the logmsg and description fields for events and alarms to text object. (Issue NMS-4369)

  • OpenNMS will not start if unable to connect to the database as "postgres" (admin) user (Issue NMS-4378)

  • Provisioner always punts on deleteService events when discovery not enabled (Issue NMS-4379)

  • Make sure tests pass on bamboo (Issue NMS-4384)

  • Upgrade JasperReports 3.6.0 to 3.7.4 (Issue NMS-4103)

  • Sort saved database Reports and display more than 10 of them (Issue NMS-4201)

  • dispatcher-servlet.xml should be listed as a config file for debian package install (Issue NMS-4296)

  • reportd-configuration.xml, update quartz URL (Issue NMS-4318)

  • include script output in event reason text for GpPoller notifications (Issue NMS-4325)

  • Customize Subject on Emailed Batch Reports (Issue NMS-4331)

  • Catch NullPointer Exception when running BSFScripts (Issue NMS-4332)

  • Make Node available to the Beanshell (Issue NMS-4358)

  • Add a build script to clean everything (top-level and full assembly) (Issue NMS-4386)

  • make it easier to open support tickets from the web UI (Issue NMS-4307)

Release 1.9.3

Release 1.9.3 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

The codename for 1.9.3 is Recorder.

  • Web users can bypass ACLs by editing params of element/node.jsp URLs (Issue NMS-3184)

  • Going to edit KSC reports generates an uncaught exception (Issue NMS-3414)

  • Yet another uncaught exception, KSC reports (Issue NMS-3455)

  • Home / Admin / Provisioning Groups page generating bad HTML when a provisioning group has an apostrophe in the name (Issue NMS-3601)

  • provisiond logging to output.log (Issue NMS-4023)

  • DNS outage identified on interface X with reason code: IOException while polling address (Issue NMS-4071)

  • Bug in netapp.fsfile report (Issue NMS-4171)

  • deprecated -c installer option does not produce a warning or error (Issue NMS-4174)

  • Net-SNMP agent 5.5 always misreports sysObjectID as .1.3 or .0.1 (Issue NMS-4192)

  • Notifications fail when Notification name is longer than 63 chars (Issue NMS-4194)

  • NPE in "View Node Link Detailed Info" (Issue NMS-4215)

  • deleting old notifications is slow (Issue NMS-4217)

  • SNMP fails while accessing a Dell/Avocent 2161DS KVM Device (Issue NMS-4219)

  • 1.8.5 Solaris package fails to install (Issue NMS-4227)

  • ThresholdingVisitor: create: Can’t create ThresholdingVisitor for <IP ADDRESS> (Issue NMS-4233)

  • JMX datacollection aliases longer than 19 characters (Issue NMS-4236)

  • Two BGP-related SNMP graphs use daily RRAs (Issue NMS-4245)

  • Acknowledgement Service bails when an ack is sent for an invalid ID (Issue NMS-4248)

  • TableTracker failing in some instances (Issue NMS-4250)

  • In-line thresholding should ignore Aliased Resources if they are not enabled (Issue NMS-4255)

  • Fix lower limit in Net-SNMP CPU graphs (Issue NMS-4257)

  • Make SNMPv2c the default in web SNMP config dialog (Issue NMS-4263)

  • build blacklists JDKs other than version 1.5 or 1.6 (Issue NMS-4270)

  • SNMP Asset Provisioning Adapter: suppress output like No such instance (Issue NMS-4173)

  • Add a few more Cisco Catalyst sysObjectIDs to default Linkd config (Issue NMS-4191)

  • Add events for Compuware ServerVantage traps (Issue NMS-4195)

  • Reportd should create events run or delivery failure (Issue NMS-4213)

  • fix locking in configuration file access (Issue NMS-4234)

  • make build system Maven3-compatible (Issue NMS-4235)

  • Add new options for domain/ifalias resource collection (Issue NMS-4239)

  • Improve Liebert power-related SNMP data collection and resource graph definitions (Issue NMS-4241)

  • Create performance resource graphs for MS HTTP stats (Issue NMS-4242)

Release 1.9.2

Release 1.9.2 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

The codename for 1.9.2 is Psaltery.

Changes in OpenNMS 1.9.2

Version 1.9.2 is identical to 1.9.1, except it contains the changes present in OpenNMS 1.8.5.

Release 1.9.1

Release 1.9.1 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

Since 1.9.0, a few new features were added.

The codename for 1.9.1 is Oboe.

  • Some of the groundwork for IPv6 support has been started.

  • Syslogd has been refactored and has a number of new features and parsing options. (Bug #4112)

  • You can now specify whether to be strict or loose when verifying HTTPS connections in the PageSequenceMonitor. (Bug #4113)

Release 1.9.0

Release 1.9.0 is the latest in a series of development releases of OpenNMS. This represents what will eventually become OpenNMS 1.10.0 when it is declared feature-complete and stable.

Since 1.8, a few new features were added.

The codename for 1.9.0 is Timple.

  • You can now have syslogd bind to a specific IP address. (Bug #3192)

  • Threshold expressions have been enhanced and now use JEXL instead of JEP. (Bug #3413)

  • Data collection configuration has now been split out into multiple include files, like events. (Bug #4031)