This document should help you understand how to configure OpenNMS to setup distributed data collection using JMX.
This document is still work in progress and not yet production ready |
In general the configuration is more or less the same than with the original OpenNMS:
Configure a remote package in
Configure the JMX data collection appropriately
Configure a monitor location
Create a node, interface and service in OpenNMS
Let the minion do it’s thing.
1. Configure a remote package in collectd-configuration.xml
You have to define a package with a JMX service.
By default collectd
would automatically trigger a collection for these services.
To avoid this you have to remote enable it. Simply add remote="true"
to the package definition.
This tells collectd
to ignore all nodes in this package.
<package name="jmx-services" remote="true"> (1)
<filter>IPADDR IPLIKE *.*.*.*</filter> (2)
<include-range begin="" end=""/> (3)
<service name="JVM-Example" interval="300000" user-defined="false" status="on"> (4)
<parameter key="port" value="9003"/>
<parameter key="retry" value="2"/>
<parameter key="timeout" value="3000"/>
<parameter key="protocol" value="rmi"/>
<parameter key="urlPath" value="/jmxrmi"/>
<parameter key="ds-name" value="jmx"/>
<parameter key="friendly-name" value="jvm-example"/>
<!-- This must match the collection name in the jmx-datacollection.xml that defines the set of mbeans you want -->
<parameter key="collection" value="jsr160"/> (5)
1 | The package with a name and remote="true" to tell collectd to ignore all interfaces in this package. |
2 | A filter to match all ip addresses |
3 | Only include interfaces with IP in range to |
4 | The JMX Collector definition. It is enabled (status="on" ) and is executed every 5 minutes (300000 ms ) |
5 | The name of the collection. The value must exist as a jmx-collection in the jmx-datacollection.xml . |
2. Configure the JMX data collection in jmx-datacollection.xml
In the jmx-datacollection.xml
we define the MBeans, Attributes and Composites which should be collected.
A jmx-collection
with the same name as in the collectd-configuration.xml
must exist, otherwise no data is collected.
<jmx-datacollection-config rrdRepository="..."> (1)
<jmx-collection name="jsr160"> (2)
<rrd step = "300">
<mbeans> (3)
<mbean name="JVM Memory" objectname="java.lang:type=OperatingSystem">
<attrib name="FreePhysicalMemorySize" alias="FreeMemory" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="TotalPhysicalMemorySize" alias="TotalMemory" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="FreeSwapSpaceSize" alias="FreeSwapSpace" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="TotalSwapSpaceSize" alias="TotalSwapSpace" type="gauge"/>
<mbean name="JVM Threading" objectname="java.lang:type=Threading">
<attrib name="ThreadCount" alias="ThreadCount" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="PeakThreadCount" alias="PeakThreadCount" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="DaemonThreadCount" alias="DaemonThreadCount" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="CurrentThreadCpuTime" alias="CurThreadCpuTime" type="gauge"/>
<mbean name="JVM ClassLoading" objectname="java.lang:type=ClassLoading">
<attrib name="TotalLoadedClassCount" alias="TotLoadedClasses" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="LoadedClassCount" alias="LoadedClasses" type="gauge"/>
<attrib name="UnloadedClassCount" alias="UnloadedClass" type="gauge"/>
1 | The root element of the configuration file. The rrdRepository attribute points to the location where the data will be stored, but is ignored by the minion. |
2 | The definiotion of the jmx-collection. The name must match the collection entry in collectd-configuration.xml . |
3 | Example mbean definitions. |
3. Configure a monitor location
The monitor location associates a given collector configuration with a remote location.
This allows multiple remote locations to use the same collector configuration.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
xsi:schemaLocation=" ">
<location-def location-name="OpenNMS-HQ" (1)
monitoring-area="raleigh" (2)
collection-package-name="jmx-services" (3)
geolocation="The OpenNMS Group, Pittsboro, NC" (4)
coordinates="35.7174,-79.1619" priority="50"> (5)
1 | The name of the location. The mininon should have the same location name defined. |
2 | Used to group multiple locations together. |
3 | The package in collectd-configuration.xml that the monitor will use. |
4 | The geographical location of the monitor. This should be a street address or similar. If none is specified or Google can’t resolve the address to a latitude and longitude, the marker will be placed on the map at OpenNMS World HQ in Pittsboro, NC. |
5 | The geographical location of the monitor in the format "latitude,longitude". |
For more details have a look at
4. Limitations
The limitations are:
NRTG is not supported, because the meta files are not written accordingly
By default the minion stores the collectd jmx data to
and this is at this point not configurable.